
Comfy feels edition

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>*seamlessly transitions into new thread*

Nice one bhenchod lad!

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Happy I have beta blockers now

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>inb4 some sad autist tries to carry on the arguments from the last thread

Girls smell wonderful.

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1st for Heartgold

1st for space wolves

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>Beta blockers
>Trannies can still post
whats the fucking point then?

im bored bloxbloxfuckoffblox

almost lad, almost.

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Leman Russ did everything wrong.

It'll send you straight back to being omega.

except create a cool fucking army of manlets

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So glad I'm not a junkie trying to get off a drug. Must be hell.

Also smokers are idiots

Not hormone blockers, you mong.

Why do you sadcunts feel the need to constantly have your own threads?

Fuck does a beta blocker do then?

Do you really want us sadcunts in your threads?

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Because we're a distinct community that is nothing to do with the rest of r9k

Wherever England goes, we must conquer

Only the best for us British boys.

Stops symptoms of anxiety by blocking adrenaline or something

You can't really be a robot if you're a brit, even the lowest froms of betas/shut ins have an above average ability to make banter and/or snarky comments.

Sorry lad been wrestling with flat pack furniture so never got around to checking for replies. Very courteous of you, thanks for the natter. Was good fun, I'll mull over what you said. The pleasure is mine, have a good'un

Britain has a unique culture which isn't reflected by the wider Jow Forums community. We're also more closely related to the Jow Forums of old than the current state the board is in.

Twenty-fifth for remove mould.

Ah okay, my mistake. I apologies.

It's okay fren, thank you for apologising.

What does it feel like when you're on them? What changes?

Like I imagine if I took something that made my anxiety go away I'd have a complete personality shift and would be going out to clubs, in the gym, talking to strangers etc.

would beta blockers allow me to use the toilet when other people are in the house?

>Britain has a unique culture
And it's dying out duo to the muzzies, the indy pakis and more muzzies.

When you go to london you'll see god damn saudi ninjas for fucks shakes!

good post this lad

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I've not taken any yet, but from what I understand it only stops symptoms. It's one less thing to worry about, but mentally you'll still be pretty taxed.

No but it will give you the courage to drink your piss bottles in an emergency

Do you judge people who travel alone?

I was in London the other week. Couldn't believe it. There were more Somali pirates on the street than English men. Actual Somali pirates.

I judge them as being cool to be honest.

>not having a car and travelling in peace

That you Alan lad

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went to Paris by coach, lovely city. will be going to Bruges next

Used them for years for the same thing as you. They stop the physical symptoms of anxiety somewhat, so if you feel it coming on you can take them and not have to worry about being jittery. I think it has something to do with how it stops some hormones acting on your circulatory system. It's good for what it does but you should only take them as and when you need, and don't expect it to cure you. It makes it easier to deal with for sure but the mental stuff will persist.

I thought paris was london tier?

London is a fantastic city too, you Jow Forums brainwashed idiot.

be honest lads would you shag this bird?

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>London is a fantastic city


I actually live in London, after visiting Paris I can confirm London is shit

Paris is really (really) lovely

Spotted Falcon 9 and his bird (ha) earlier

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anyone got the lowdown on user ib?
it seems really poorly laid out, i'd like to just search the archive or something but i cant see how

Set up in 2007 after project chanology but quickly became a hangout for paedophiles.

You guys up for a britfeel grand national event this saturday?

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oh damn really?
i just heard it was used to upload nudes of local girls

>London is a fantastic city too
London is a fucking dreadful city, it has nothing to do with Jow Forums memes

my flatmates tampon applicator smells like fish

>It has nothing to do with Jow Forums memes

Tell me what is wrong with it without saying something racist.

Only 29 pictures left lol

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>has never set foot in London

Its around the corner from me. i cba with it. if i want to get the train it will be an absolute nightmare.

I lived there for a decade. How long did you live there?

Nth for this service station is full of slags
No slavs mr autocorrect
Though that is also true

Paris is a very classy place. On a class basis, it pisses all over 'LANDAN'. London stinks of raw, nasty, smegmated piss, brown people and niggers.

is that fawley power station? Though i guess it could be any.



if you havent wanked in the past 24 hours you're not a real robot

25 years originally commenting

Top 10 World Cities

>New York
>Hong Kong

Hey brits

Remember to vote for Jow Forums roster in the 4ch*n cup
Your guy britfeel is in the roster for now, but he need your votes to don't get replaced

Support our team if you want football to coming home

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Overcrowded, expensive, terrible air quality, smog, pollution, vast rich / poor divide, and generally very unwelcoming. Unfortunately I go there with work quite often, I hate it.

Fuck irl stuff just mean and few lids placing bets and bants about sexy horse racing slags

>our team
>can't even express himself in English properly
seems legit

Parents are autists sometimes
They always stare REALLY obviously at people and don't think it's weird or rude

That said I've always found it fascinating how you can basically always tell what a person is like just from looking at them (Chad and betas are a more easily explained distinction, but even smart and dumb is usually easy)

Do chavs and betas and other groups all go back to one family over time surely?

You would be correct, these shots were along the river hamble. Think they filmed part of that new solo film there

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If they look this goblinesque now what did they look like before all the nipponification surgery?

>tfw no trap fuck buddy
there must be a way

Everyone hates the place where they grew up.
Other than the air quality (which you tried to draw out into 3 separate points when really it's just one thing), all of those problems are just you being poor. It's not the city's fault you can't afford it.

does anyone know any good revenge porn websites? or have they all been shut down?

it's not illegal to look at revenge porn is it?

Might throw a cheeky 5 quid bet on a horse. i will tell you if i see any irl happening with the slags. i wont be gonig to the actual thing but i see enough of them walking around the streets

>the place where they grew up.
I never said that

You must have been only a few miles away from me lad :^)

I got messages by a 19 year old FTM about wanting to smash, now thats an unexpected trap FB right there lol.

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For crime yeah?

is a person with incurable amnesia the same person as before?
it's a completely new consciousnesses after all

No, for the experience of living there.

Bought can of Guinness from a discount store - 8 cans for 7.99. Tastes like the nastiest Guinness I've ever put in my mouth. It's so ACRID and harsh; difficult to swallow almost. This is simply placebo right? The ale's in date,, how can it be any different from the stuff I buy in Tesco?

Is that you jun? I'm not good with recognizing the anime girls

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Post pic of britfeel player

>It's not the city's fault you can't afford it.
I travel with work, everything is paid for by them. There is no reason for eating out in London to be more than double what it is anywhere else in the UK. Not to mention the property prices, it is insanity.

Hong Kong has virtually no crime

So why are you complaining about the prices?

i live in London and that's wrong

are there really so few cities worth living in that london makes the top 10?

>I got messages by a 19 year old FTM about wanting to smash, now thats an unexpected trap FB right there lol.

Ok, what is so great about London? Edinburgh or Glasgow are better in every way

can't commit crime if everything is legal

New York is pretty bad

I finish fifth book of the year!

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yeh lad, Fareham area for me, often walk down hill head area and lee.
still going to try it desu.

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Noice lid, take some creep shots

The thing is London is so massive it's both great and a hellhole at the same time.

I just ate so much, sad thing is I'll be hungry again in 45 minutes

listen here, mayor Khan, the city is garbage no matter how much you try to spin it otherwise

HEEEY you've got to hide your feels away

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what would be the best way to find a trap/trans to shag? Asking for a friend

>still going to try it desu.
Sure lod bet he's stunner aswell

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