Final exams in a few weeks, these ones determine whether i get into uni or not

>final exams in a few weeks, these ones determine whether i get into uni or not
>teachers predicted me to fail all my subjects
>doing very little studying or revision
>literally nothing motivates me
>parents stressing me out about how i'm going to fuck up my life forever
>too tired and lazy to work

how can i convince my self to grind for good grades brobots? don't hit me with that cringe "it's all meaningless anyway" bullshit. I want real motivation from like minded losers.

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You are fucking lucky dude, so many people wish they could go back in time and actually give a shit about final exams. Don't waste this opportunity to actually become successful just so you sit around jerking off and browsing Jow Forums for a few weeks

I give a shit about them but every time i go to work my mind drifts or i get pissed off bc i'm a brainlet or i get tired of working way too quickly to actually achieve anything

Put on some music and just rewrite your notes. Organize them. Make them into little squares. Just looking over the material helps. Maybe eat a corn dog every 12 minutes and eventually you'll keep studying so you won't have to eat the corndogs

Unironically to destroy yourself. Drink a fuck ton of coffee and do nothing but studying. Get rid of all the bullshit and fuck your brain up with 15 hours of studying per day.

Bullshit. The only way to get gud is to do tests over and over. Reading the same theories wont ever make it stick

this genuinely sounds like it would help me more than the other things, i'll give it a shot

Don't go to uni, if you're already struggling to motivate yourself with some kind of structure in place uni will be that times 10.

i already do this but my problem isn't what to study, it's how to keep working well/consistently for longer

Parents won't give me a choice

Same problem here. Haven't even seriously begun studying since I see no purpose, and now there's most likely not enough time to handle both studying and getting positive grades in those last tests of the year to be able to take the finals. My plan as of present is to pass those last tests and tactically flunk one of the finals, so I realistically have enough time to learn for the other finals' subjects and get one month extra to study before retaking the assessment for the flunked subject. Atleast that's what I have in mind, who knows if I'll drop out between now and a few weeks, sure is tempting

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Understanding the theories allos you to apply them to the tests. This is the difference between people who are smart and people who are good at school.

Just start rewriting notes. Listen to a podcast or something. Take itermittent breaks. Nobody is going to force you to study, you just have to start doing it.

Once you go to uni, boost it up to all nighters. Study all night and sleep in class. At least that what i do here, normalfags are so fucking loud and some teachers are just incompetent losers who cant discipline some dumb apes. There is no reason to study consistently hard through the whole course unless you are really "passionate" about it. At least half of the shit you learn will be useless as soon as you finish the test so try to improve your short term memory to cram as much info as possible in a short time.

If i can do it, you can friend

Understand it in just the theory way is one thing but to implement it in test (which is something actually matters) is a totally different thing. Just skim through the note book and practice tests over and over.

Okay well replace everything I said about notes with tests. Typically this works for STEM stuff but I feel like this guy ain't no engineer. Just go over old material, especially stuff you did poorly on and work on it! Good luck user

First of all, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Get plenty of sleep and exercise. remove saturated fats and simple carbs from your diet. Study for every exam for at least 2 hours a day. Without a schedule you won't function. If you have a concept that you can't rap your head around, don't be afraid to ask someone else for help. Visualize your own success. Envision yourself grinding for grades every day. Remember why you want to get into college in the first place.

I like this one, thank u

the worst part about this all is that i'm studying to get into a video game design course at uni, which i know is the most toxic and competitive industries to get involved in but i promised 13 year old me i would

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appreciate the help friend!

>sleep enough
>study consistently so you dont have to study autistically hard in the last mins
>have a reason to go to college other than making money and fucking off from parents as much as possible
>ask people

Sure I /could/ do it, but there's no real reward for it at the end of the chain, is there? It wouldn't differ if I dropped out or started wageslaving tomorrow or if I went to university, at the end of the day I'd still be rotting in front of a pc until sleep.

you either live a good life with money and bitches, nice house, new PC etc. or you can live off of microwaved tendies alone till you keel over.

Self improvment takes time and a lot of energy, mentally and physically! But if it was easy everyone would do it.

You wanna know why you want to do well user? picrelated is why.
Get your shit together, or you'll be here every day talking about how much you fucked up your life, and you wont be able to fix it because the window for moving on in life passed you by. Youll think about how much your 13 year old self has been let down and you will hate yourself.
Buckle down and study. You can do it you fucking twat.
Here's motivational music
Best of luck faggot

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If I have learned anything from dropping out of Uni multiple times due to depression and lack of motivation, it's this: do not go if you can't think of a good reason to go other than "mad parents will be mad at me ;_;". If you don't have the internal motivation, you will not be successful. And you will feel like shit for trying to force yourself to do something that isn't right for you.

The whole "You need a bach degree to get a job" thing is a fucking meme. Work around a little until you have a better idea of what you want, and then go. Do NOT force it. You'll just feel like a fucking failure when everything goes tits up.

Seems like you're another one of those naive paupers who got sold on the self-improvement meme. While a ton of people here are /soc/ rejects who could very well and very readily integrate into society if they just properly took care of themselves, I'm not one of those. More than that your idea of a "good" life sounds disgusting, I only want some tranquility.

assuming you don't kill yourself, eventually you'll get to the point where reality sets in and you can't afford to be a manchild, and then if you haven't actually put in the work to move forward in life then you'll curse your past self. Just do it so you don't later regret fucking up.


Not what you want to hear user, but learning isn't a process that can be effectively crammed - especially for finals which test cumulative knowledge. One more year will not make or break your life. Accept the pain, swallow it, and let it become part of you. Feel that pain before every test, every study session. I wish I had heard this advice years ago.

>Understanding the theories allows you to apply them to the test

THIS. I was able to pass high school physics and algebra with flying colors w/o hardly ever studying because I understood the theory behind it and could work it out the day of as I took the test