Sister has mild autism

>sister has mild autism
>always bullied by stacies at school
>finished high school last year and didn't make a single friend while there
>loves to play dota2, but she just gets bullied and called names every game because of her high pitched voice
>the only people who ever add her are weeb betas and I unfortunately redpilled her enough that she recognizes soyboys and incels
>can't play dota2 with her because we have a shared pc and I don't have >$2k for another one and I'm also awful at video games
>she's shut in and generally pretty sad and lethargic as a result
>today take her out to get some dessert
>tells me she's gonna play some dota2 after we get home
>seems to be in a good mood today
>goes in the pc room to play after we get home
>after about 20 minutes go and ask her if she's seen my headphones
>see tears running down her face and that she isn't even in a game yet
>ask what's wrong
>says she just logged on and saw that her only friend was in a game and realized she never has anyone to play with and doesn't know how to make friends, and that the only reason I'm nice to her is because I have to be because she's my sister

What do anons? I don't have friends either, but I don't really long for them and Jow Forums fulfills my needs for human interaction. I've had a lot of wholesome and funny convos on here, but she only ever gets flamed or autistically hit on in dota2 and she can't handle bantz either. How does a 19 year old girl with literally zero friends and no "people skills" make geniune connections?
I'm not gonna give you her steam so don't ask for it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Give me her steam id and I'll play with her! :)

Blame your parents that they raise two autists. TWO MOTHER FUCKING AUTUSTS. Also kill her, its the only way. Also show her this comment, she will laugh

Mom just up and left when I was 8 and dad works 80 hours a week. It would be nice if he could have spent more time with us but not everyone can afford to work a 9 to 5. Pretty much his entire family leeches off of him and the only reason he even has decent clothes and eats anything other than microwaved ramen trash is that I recently got two part time jobs and forcibly buy him shit.
Also she wouldn't laugh because she's not a juvenile retard

There's really nothing you can do man. Maybe try to get her interested in something more solitary.

I'm an aspie femanon willing to talk to her. Still have no irl friends to this day at 24 years old but have managed to learn how to talk online and im willing to reinstall dota2 just for your sis if she has a discord or skype.

Tell her to browse Jow Forums frequently and become the next generic whore. Im not even kidding, shes gonna love it

Give her to me. I wanna pet and take care of her. :/

I wanted to say unironically introduce her to r9k since there still are some similar socially isolated people here and it fills your need for social interaction so why not hers too, but then I've met loads of repugnant gutter trash that you wouldn't even encounter on /lgbt/ or /soc/ on here too so that's probably a bad idea. Maybe try one of those women-only chans, like crystal cafe? Iunno, women genuine autists are like unicorns and women in general are rather uncreative so not a lot of open spaces for them exist

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I'll be your friend if I get to be your sisters boyfriend.

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post original pics of her

No hope gl hf

Have you ever put peanut butter all over your body?

school is a war zone, games are too
she needs to be outside. going outside & being connected to that world is critical for human development. she doesn't have to immediately go start making dozens of new acquaintances but she needs to be not in her room all day
you're doing excellently, being a part of her life & going on outings with you is great for her. don't overthink it. just continue being her brother. but make sure she knows it's NOT JUST BECAUSE SHE'S YOUR SISTER
have an honest conversation with her explaining that you love her as a person, not just family. repeat it until it sinks in.
you might want to take her to more places where she can test the social waters without being forced into it. go hang out in coffee shops & at bookstores. she can sit & observe & soak up more than vidya & online abuse
19 is a terrible fucking age. it will get better. i only had one real friend gr9wing up, my old man, & even when i learned to be normalfag i still feel like he's by far a higher caliber than the others
she doesn't need a lot of friends. she will make them eventually. just keep giving her support & gently push her into new experiences.

This. Raising a male autist is one thing, but being such bad parents as to raise a Stacey to be in such a state is almost incomprehensible.

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You pretty much failed your sister in every way because you were the only person there for her and you couldn't teach her basic fucking social skills because you're too much of a fucking degenerate.

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you never really explained what she's like so she speaks high pitched is awkward and is probably not the prettiest person but it sounds like she may just not know how to introduce herself to people properly

As one friendless sucker to another, I'd tell her to just become stoic and stop caring about friends. Most of your friendships don't even last after high school. Another thing - introduce her to some sort of creative hobby. Also, tell her not to fall for internet meme friendships.
Worked for me.
T. Been friendless since I was 9.

This is how incest happens.

Give her a hug and tell her you love her every day

>thinks he needs a 2000$ pc to run ass faggots
I would feel sorry for your sister, but she plays ass faggots too

No. B-but it probably feels nice.
This kind of comes automatic over the years. Eventually I just accepted that I will never have the friendships and relationships the rest of world exeriences and in a way it benefitted me. I focused on learning code and using Adobe and 3d softwares instead of learning to make friends. Online games give more pleasure than socializing anyway, so even if she were to outside, she'd soon wish she was back inside playing dota instead.

Sounds like you need to build up some confidence in her. Try taking her out to the land of the normies (Outside) and i'm sure a few chads will surely hit on her!

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Op, i get made fun of alot in dota 2, but Jow Forums and Jow Forums taught me some good bantz. All she has to do is bant back

Have sex with her and create the next generation of robots


tl;dr I agree about her wishing she was at home when she's outside, but I still try to take her out, and I'll try bookstores and try to weave her into a convo/smalltalk with some girl there. I'm not scared of interacting with normies anymore because I just stopped caring after a while, but she's really spergy irl.
Also to everyone who's saying to introduce her to chads fuck off, she's too good for chad.
She can't handle bantz due to being bullied from year 1 to 12, which is extra unfortunate because we live in the land of bantmasters and shitposters.
what region are you in?

Is she interested in any other genres? DOTA community is cancer.

ESO is actually pretty good as far as community goes.

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I'm in NA but I'm still willing to chat with her regardless and help a fellow aspie.

She's not really good at situations like that, when I hug her or tell her I love her she just gets all red as if I said something really embarrassing.
>implying you don't need to dish out $1k for a second hand 3 year old mid range video card thanks to cryptotards
They worked 100+ hours a week when we were kids. Can't really blame them as they were immigrants who barely spoke english and the only job they could get was below minimum wage farm shit.
I tried to get her into skyrim and oblivion but she said she doesn't like "questing games"

Email me her steam ID at [email protected] (throwaway email, so that my last name doesnt go out) is Love to play with her.

dont listen to these faggots op women are social creatures they cant just accept solitude. Not being popular affects them more as well. help her find some aspie friends

post steam
are you trying to trick me, chad?

Bring her to Jow Forums. Makes me feel better..... somewhat..... not at all. Just helps me know that there are others like me

Honestly just a 1050ti will play most games on ultra at 1080p. Add it to a cheap used/dated craigslist PC and you could still have something decent for a few hundred bucks.

Ive thought about this, but Jow Forums will just mess her up

Get her into Magic the Gathering and start going with her to tournaments and events. I'm sure she'll meet other people there.

Im not trying trick you. People dont add me for the same reason, and she sounds kind.

>Just go outside bro
>Go outside
>Walk aimlessly around
>Nothing happens
>Return home
>Still alone

The go outside is the just b urself of 2018, right?

Tell her to post on r/needafriend. Plently of loney faggots there

I've only made friends with people by being forced into close proximity with them for weeks so if she's done with school, try a job. Doesn't need to be something hard, she can work at a grocery store

get her into mmos
or take outside so Chads can hit on her

post tiddies of little sis, pls op. this is very iimportant

Do net let your sister be corrupted by a trap.
Also the last thing she needs is an even bigger autist to look up to

sent an email, but you better not be chad in disguise
apparently our mom found her a shitty part time job at a restuarant but idk if she'll take it yet

>can't play dota2 with her because we have a shared pc and I don't have >$2k for another one
Made me laugh.
2000 dollars for a shitty F2P game.
Just fuck your sister bro.

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she should go to college

Wow. Sounds like a girl with actual (male) autism. That's rare.

do you make money? hope this isn't a dumb question

And swallow all of the chad dicks.

but college is a meme user

I met all my friends who stayed for life in college or HS

Im not memeing here, go to reddit and ask actual functioning humans about this problem. They will actually help you.

Be grateful you have a family member who loves you.

Even if you don't end up fucking her (it's a foregone conclusion) be glad .

That said keep her the fuck away from discords they are Facebook/chatrooms toxicity x10

Jow Forums never really messed me up (27m incel) but discord did some weird fuckers on there (traps larping as grills)

i would play with her and be her friend. Everyone needs friends user. I have a gf so im not interested in fucking her but she sounds nice.

Leggit give us her steam ID, I would download dota 2 just so I can have someone to play with, helb blease :DDDD

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Fuck that's some massive feelsbadman. I don't even like Dota but I'd probably play it with a friend, even still that girl needs some actual friendly conversations with people. Don't let r9k go turbo beta and make it worse for her yeah? Help her find some nicer people online, Dota is full of toxic people.

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They'll just get banned for not meeting the friend quota

Shit man, ill be her friend. Everybody needs one.

only girls allowed anons. also I showed her this thread and she said guys with gfs are even more likely to hit on her
Yeah dota is cancer af, I don't know why she keeps doing this to herself. I guess she just doesn't know better

Hol up, isnt tomoko like 15? Why is she so lewd?

I'm a dude with asperger's syndrome, and I know the feel of no friends. I have no clue how to make friends, let alone form relationships. At least she gets attention from guys. Some of them must be from creepy weirdos, sure, but I'm sure there's at least handful of genuinely nice fellas too. How to recognize the good ones? I guess that knowledge will be gained as she gets older and learns more about people and about herself.

I can't get keep girls interested in me, I keep getting ghosted after they realize I'm not some cool edgelord normie just ironically calling myself autist, or some Chad with nerd hobbies, but a literal spergy nerd. I'm sure her cards will be better when she gets older.

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girls mature faster than boys.

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Get her on a snowflake Discord that will take measures to interact with her. The whole beta orbit thing is bound to happen, but there are quasi-normies that will do what they can to help. You can do quality control for yourself to find one without NSFW and a good community. Don't go to /soc/ for one, they generally have pretty degenerate Discord servers.
Wishing you and your sister the best.
>t. Quasi-normie on a wholesome Discord.

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I'm a femanon so I'm posting an email instead to avoid unwanted adds.

[email protected]

Contact me and I'll send info from there!

Ugh, lecherous to that amount? But yeah, I know some games with pretty good communities, and DESU I can probably supply some amount of comfort and conversation. No promises that I'm not busy sometimes however, or playing Dota

Nigga your sister is probably fat and dumpy looking. Im mot going to hit on her I just wanted to brighten up a lonely autists day, fuck

im a femanon and also have mild autism, maybe try because the girls there are generally pretty nice.
its so hard to make friends and even now i have a boyfriend who is understanding i still have none of the social skills to actually have a successful relationship with him. im like a child in my head because im so dependant on him and my parents.

discord seems to be pretty degenerate in general, but I'll check it if you can post a link to that wholesome channel
she's just wary of males on the internet in general mate

all she has to do is literally respond with emojis to guys on tinder and she can get a bf that will pay for her to be alive

that sounds like a miserable existence though. are you so jaded and apathetic that you'd enjoy a life like that more than just being alone?

Now you are just fucking with me, there is no way thats part of the manga

Women are mentally incapable of being stoic, though.

I'm doing contract work currently for the listed skills I picked up on, but I still haven't landed anything cooperate yet. I'm tired of freelancing but I'm so fucking awkward an shy during interviews I believe that's what prevents me finding anything stable currently.

Maybe you should read the manga then, user.

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Just tell her to learn techies on decent lvl. It will make up for all the flames and scrubs.

Make a discord for her, say its a general one, have some of us join and send her an invitation. You can screen us all individually

Im a girl ill be her friend. I dont play dota 2 though, is that a requirement?

I didnt have friends in highschool so i know how much it sucks to be excluded. Im pretty normo now but maybe thats beneficial for her
Ya know, if shes real

Oh you bet im going to read the manga, and tomoko better be choking on dick by the third volume, or else im coming back for you, you slippery fuck

she's thirsty but she's a neet who can't get some

Does she actually have autism or just super awkward

Sorry but tomoko can't get the dick.

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>the only people who ever add her are weeb betas and I unfortunately redpilled her enough that she recognizes soyboys and incels

so... she's getting added by people but then cries about how nobody wants to be her friend?

why not add a few soyboys?

Good, knowing there is a female going through something like this even though she has it no where near as bad as a robot puts a smile on my face. I hope it just gets worse and worse for her

It will work for a girl, they literally just need to show up and life is handed to them.

try to teach her or to make friends and shit
are you her older brother how can you let her end up like this.
It's one thing to end up being autist because of your parents but it's another thing to let your younger siblings end up autistic like you.
Take care of your fucking sister.

i make 70k a year and am muscular tall and a decent guy, can i be her bf

"To you see how the things trully are" but in Brasilian/monkey linguage

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Your sister is possibly among the most useless and wasteful members of the human race. As a girl life cannot possibly be easier, yet someone this stupid cunt found a way to be a complete failure while things are all in her favor. She must be a truly horrible person for this to happen.

You can make a cheap pc that can run dota 2
Please look at stuff like pcpartpicker and guides online.
Maybe play a boardgame or rpg with your sister

hit me up with her steam ID id love to Play with her

Just have her make a tinder account so she can suck a thousand dix

you know the answer cuck. fug in da bussy!!

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At least you are a good brother OP

I have a 22 year old sister (I am 25) and she is disabled (she has no arms)

I am always mean to her because I find her very scary. for example at least once a week I empty all of my handsoap in the bathroom over the floor then yell at her for 'headbutting the soap pump again'. She nearly cries every time basically.

Luckily she has friends so she isn't suicidal

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I'll be your sisters friend OP! I'm a 22 year old girl with quite some time and patience. I'm not really comfy with giving out info tho. If you can post a throwaway or a discord I can add you and you can verify I'm a girl before I even talk to your sis.
Regardless best of luck with the whole situation.

Why don't you tell her that you have trouble making friends too? She's obviously concerned about how different she is than everyone else. You don't have autism, so drive it to her that her that even "normal" people sometimes can't make it in society.

these are some heavy feels man, hope you can work through it and make your sister feel better

Get her off the fucking competitive multiplayer games, that's no place for an emotional person that can't handle bantz. I think the most you can do as a fellow autist is introduce her to more games or hobbies

Buy her:
Stardew Valley
Slime Rancher
A Hat in Time
One Hour One Life (this is an MMO that encourages friendship and teamwork)

Yea they're not manly games but I guarantee you she will like one or more of them if she's the least bit female. If it's friends she wants then she's going to have a tough time doing it online, maybe get her into playing magic (you face the same numale orbiter issue though)

you actually have to chat up people you fucking retard. No one owes anything to you so just learn to be interesting in a way that people will want to listen to you.

I hope you didn't give her steam to any of these r9k losers. There are some fucked up people in this shithole board