How long have you been on here?

How long have you been on here?

>Not lying because it's anonymous anyway you faggot edition

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Jow Forums? Over a year
Jow Forums around 6 months
>Inb4 normalfag
>inb4 go back to plebbit
fuck off I'm answering the man's question

3days. Used /b/ for years until it went full shit, took a break from Jow Forums. Started visiting Jow Forums and i feel more home than ever.

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In this shitty thread? Well, like only the time I take to respond you dumb question, fucking faggot.

A little over 10 years with a 3 year gap around 2013-2016.

A week. Came for the greentext memes, stayed for the autistic faggots who make me feel better about myself bc im pathetic. Go normalfags

>here meaning Jow Forums
On and off but I first was here in 2008, on /b/. Stopped going until 2015 but then I found it again. The "you're here forever" meme is true.
>Jow Forums
Did a board tour in 2015, something kept me stuck here. I think my hate for the normies.

Since the summer of 2012. Found this place because of reddit.

about 5-6 years, can't remember honestly

like a year-ish. sorta hate that i'm stuck here for life, sorta love it.

i dont know, i come to this place from time to time when the Jow Forums autismo start boring me

4 years r9k, 6 years Jow Forums

Summer 2006, didn't really look at Jow Forums until it had already degenerated into a gangbang of whining.

Twelve fucking years.

Ask me what I get for it. Nothing.

Since like 2008 on and off. I started with /b/ but moved here after about a year or two have fedora tier conversations about atheism.

Like a week ago, I saw Pediepie's funny greentext video and came to find some to screenshot and upload on Reddit for karma. So far I haven't found any...

8 long years on Jow Forums
about the same for Jow Forums cant really remember

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Did pewdiepie bring you here too?

Jow Forums - about 2-3 years now
r9k - approacing 2 years come may

Jow Forums ever since 2012, came for mlp and soon grew out of it
i went to r9k a few weeks later after hearing about if from b or v

>Jow Forums
2 and a half years posting after a year of lurking (3 and a half total)
7 months

5 months, 1 month /b/, 1 month break, 2 months biz for crypto
then 2 months r9k will probably not leave for a while

around two years on Jow Forums
almost a decade on Jow Forums

First visited the site in 2006 I think, started frequenting in 2010

Since 2008 for Jow Forums, and close to two years on r9k

I want off this ride help

I first came to Jow Forums and r9k in 2007. It just looked like a slower /b/ at the time and I liked it because there was less gore. /b/ was actually alright at the time, too, but /x/ was the reason I found this site at all.

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/r9k? like ten seconds. is it true that they have long removed the repost filter?

been browsing /b/ like twice a month since about... 2012?

Jow Forums? Actively almost 6.75 years.
Jow Forums? Actively almost 6.5 years.

probably a year

Jow Forums in general: 2006
r9k in particular: 2008
amazingly enough this board was not purely for incels back in the day

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how did the crypto work out bud

Since about 2007 but only been on r9k for about 5 years.

Jow Forums: 2005
r9k: Around 3 years

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>started browsing /b/ in 2007
>Jow Forums in 2010
got fucking fed up with merican politics before the last election so was a 1 year pause
>came back to the chan and discovered Jow Forums. would be a good board, but it's a bit slow for me. few posters...

Same. This board was like a slower and better moderated /b/.

>amazingly enough this board was not purely for incels back in the day
i fucking hate this board nowadays. you can't just talk about anything you want, "normie" is the jew of r9k.

Jow Forums: since 2015 (mostly /co/, /x/, and /v/)
Jow Forums:7 months

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