What would you do in this specific situation?

What would you do in this specific situation?

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Protect my virginity and go back to jacking off to lolis

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Try to remember this dream when I woke up

I'm way less of an interesting person than you might think please don't do this to yourself goodbye

Do a original 360 and walk away

"No, thanks. I know you just lost some bet or whatever"

Yes I do mind. I hate coffee. Good day thot!

>i dont drink coffee sorry
then i leave quickly to post here about how i almost got a gf

"you can do better than me" "later"

I find it kinda weird that she would ask me out to coffee before she even told me her name.

Depends. Will you make fun of me for ordering a hot chocolate?

"nah sorry busy"

rush out of there without buying what I wanted

then spend the rest of the night feeling sorry for myself and browsing 4ch

come back when you grow your hair out

nobody will ever say this to you, sorry

''Uuuuh, sure. I'm (insert name) by the way.''

assam saleikum sister it is great you enjoy the qur'an but where is your head scarf?

Yes, and we can discuss the idea of family as it is presented in J R by William Gaddis since you say it is your all-time favorite book. You know, it's not often that you find a women interested in pomo doorstoppers, let alone one who knows Gaddis.

basically this. anyone who would sperg out to an extreme length is just LARPing.

"Hah, okey sure."

But then later ofc it all goes to hell and me being a full on schizoid makes it so i cant actually connect with anyone.
All I have is my imagination, so I cant express myself in the 3d physical world properly.

blow my whistle and shout BEGONE THOT

Has this ever actually happened to anyone in the history of ever?

oof. I know this one all too well.

I was visiting a friend yesterday and he has a Russian female housemate. She made me tea and give me biscuits and sandwiches and sweets. She seemed kinda dorky, shes studying software development. She has a boyfriend but he seems like a nerd. Would it be wrong to try stealing her for myself?

a girl gave me her favorite book 2 weeks ago
don't know if that count
we barely know each other

No it wouldn't be wrong. The weak should fear the strong.

Yes. How would you feel if someone tried to steal your girlfriend?

This is what that girl looks like now.

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What book? I want to see if she's a pleb or not.

of course, i'd love to
but care to explain to me what i'm doing in a library? it's been almost 10 years since i read a book

Sorry, I'm...um...busy.

I gave it back to her today and told her I did not like it.
She said she knew I was not going to like it

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She has a child with this man.

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Run because mommy said I can't date white girls.

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she wants your peanus weanus inside her

"You know jokes like that aren't funny"

Ah I see you are a man of culture as well


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>Cute girl tells me her favorite book is Hymns On Paradise by St. Ephram the Syrian
"Thots begone! You have no power here."

Go along with it. She'll get bored and leave pretty quick.

short hair is for fags

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The fact that you even ask that question means you are not chad enough. Chad doesnt care if he cucks soneone or steals their gf. And everyone knows girls want chad.

If it wasnt for the hair or the nosering I would date her desu

say i was just reading it for the sex scenes and then shove it back on the shelf and walk away

>Implying a Russian girl won't drop pantsu for anyone flashing a wad of cash.

>Browsing favorite section
How the hell did I end up in a bookstore of all places?

>All time favorite book
I am not even holding a book. Confirmed, woman is insane. Must be careful, she might have a knife.

>Cup of coffee
She now wants me to pay for her coffee? A cup? Where the fuck does she drink coffee and why is she making me pay? Does she accost random people who walk into libraries in order to buy coffee?

I realize that this woman before me is obviously a deranged bandit. Not wanting to deal with such horrific people, I reload my save. At least I try to. She deleted my saves.

The books! I grab a book and throw it at her as a distraction. I start using them as ammo and start pelting books at her. She will have to leap through my amazing book throwing skills to stab me now. For I have the arsenal and she, she was the fool who picked a fight with a random dude who can throw books.

"oh that book is for my gf. reading is for faggots"

Remember this dream, spend the morning fantasizing where we would go from there, then come here and pretend it happened irl

Throw up from nerves

>Her favorite book of all time is also Gargantua and Pantagruel
who sent you?

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>not wanting to mommyifaction a tomboy

>reading books

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"Wow, you're buying Lolita just for the sex scenes too?"

Even better.
But I would probably say no out of fear.

That's one bad bootleg of Connor Mcgregor

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she's ugly numale lookin lol

What if it was the situation described in the OP, but with this girl instead?

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tomboys don't have to have short hair

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try not to wake up

"Oh yeah? If you like this book so much, what's the third word in the eight sentence on page 110??

looks to me like it's in a ponytail?

Piss myself and run away

Oooooh, sorry I have a girlfriend

Sling her over my shoulder and walk out.

Is that a nose ring?
Hard pass if it is

"Women don't enjoy cyberpunk lit, go away."

I'd accept the invitation and make it clear during the coffee that I'm only interested in the platonic sense.

Nah, imma fap to Anne's ashes

>I don't really read to bee honest
>do you like atelier video games?

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Based Speedwagon

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Damn lolis are ruining my life I tell you

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Its sad when you know you would respond with utter shock and disbelief that anyone gave you the time of day.

"Haha did ya lose a bet or something? B-but...sure,why not? Tell me about this book,it looks interesting. So why is it your favourite book?"

Trying to be as socially acceptable as possible

I think even the average normie male would be pretty surprised if a total stranger asked them out

Dubs and cunnycum of truth

Neck yourselves, pedos.

No thank you
never return to store

>not being a pedophile
Literally LMAO'ing at your life

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Do whatever you please, that's what everybody does, there's no guilty

orignal posting

Cunny dubs checked again

>even if robots get a nice femanon gf she'll be stolen by Chads in seconds flat


>he's white

You know I'm not even angery

Accurate rendition of what would happen

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Hand her my phone and ask her to put her number in it, then gauge her reaction when she sees there are no contacts in there.

" I think its time for you to leave."


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You mean 180 right?

Its a meme you fucking mongoloid

is that nose ring or i'm mistaken?

i never understood why everyone on this board is so needlessly hostile

>"Ah, you enjoy reading Mein Kampf as well? It is so rare to see a woman read one of the greatest books ever written?"

Kill yourself normalfag.
Who the fuck are you asking?

>i never understood why everyone on this board is so needlessly hostile

Had the comment not included the word 'Dumbass', I would have just politely corrected it.

>It's a pretty popular book I guess

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Mumble "sure" while avoiding eye contact. Get/give number then ghost.

"Yeah sure, why not, I must say though, I might have to leave soon to visit my boyfriend, haha yeah! that's right, I have a boyfriend - That doesn't bother you right anonette? wink"

>tfw often attend a local bookshop in my area
>one of the cashiers is a very qt girl in her mid to late 20s
>I am often buying books, have gone through a spell of purchasing African history
>buying a book about the Rwandan Genocide
>she smiles and asks me about my interest in Rwanda and what I am trying to learn
>seems to actually be interested
>for some reason stutter ''I--i want to l-earn how to k-ill TUTSI because th-ey are cattle herders you are a cattle haha''
>she gets offended it seems and rushes my purchase
>tfw too scared to go back

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hi, you must be new around here

You really should end it all, m8.

the sad truth is that this will never ever happen to the majority of us

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It can't happen if you either don't go to the library or only read Jow Forums tier books at the library.

Obviously lure her out to your car and kidnap her with cholorform. It's like you're new at this or something.