Why don't you grow out a mustache?

Why don't you grow out a mustache?

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Wish I could but don't have the genetics for it.

because i rocked that style until i was 24. then i just shaved it and look better

>the gay ass bug gets more pussy than we ever will

Its not fair

he looks better than us, it makes sense. But still, he shouldn't have such a great looking gf

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I did, problem is its blonde. So when it was grown out fully it looked weird
Got described to me as a creepy 80's porn stache.
So after a few months I shaved it off and just go with no facial hair

Moustache only rarely ever looks good. That guy looks like a fag.

>implying that i haven't already

tried it for a while, looked dumb so i shaved it

I was planning on growing my hair and beard to the point I've bought a hairdryer for that in addition to creams and shit, few weeks later I discovered I've started balding on my scalp and hair thinning everywhere.
Fuck me

I have strong facial hair, I'm sure I could grow a great mustache. It takes a certain type of personality to pull it off though. Like, confident, ultra-macho, fit, tall etc. Basically lip jewelry for Chad. I'll either keep the full beard or a clean shave.

>that guy looks like a fag
say that to my face not online.

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How's this mustache? I know it's low tier but what to do

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>It takes a certain type of personality to pull it off though.
This isn't the 80s anymore dude.

How long does it take to grow a mustache such as this?

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Depends on the person desu.
Somewhere around half a year.
Maybe a little less than that.

The dad stache, you gotta have kids for this one and have at least 1 grill

It makes my face look fat. Every time I shave my beard off I always get asked if I lost serious weight. Im not even remotely heavy to top it off

20y old here with pretty good facial hair and moustache feelsgood man. Can't wait for the real shit. I think in couple years i will be able to grow huge ass moustache. It's funny how my friends can barely some shitty single facial hairs
which looks fucking discusting.
In addition, your head needs to be really manly to pull it off. If you have egg shapedhead then just give up.

I did for a bit.
Just shaved it.

I already look like an obese child molester without it. I don't need any more help.

I've got a mustache.
Specifically to turn off normalfags and because it makes me smile when I look at my face.

I think it took me about four months to get about that long, but I don't have the same hair implementation so it can't look like that.

>tfw i have the most oval head in the history of heads
Should I just quit now? I just want an ironic mustache.

Mustaches are fucking gross.

It's gross. Shave it off.

Staches are great because they are a perfect balance of virility and refinement. You can grow a beard out of laziness, but for most adult men, a mustache alone must be cultivated, carefully shaved around and neatly groomed if it's worn with intent.

Many great figures in European history also wore mustaches, like Charles Martel, Charlemagne and Jan III Sobieski.

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>grow out a mustache
>girl at work says it looks really good
>said i should have kept it when i shaved it
i'm 60% sure she's not making fun of me so see you later virgins

ironic moustache can work. But maybe try a whole beard so your face won't look so oval.

Go eat dust adam

Moustaches aren't gross. Moustaches which aren't groomed or combed are moustache gross.

>this Jewish bug has been slaying pussy his whole life while I have to pay tranny hookers just so I can eat ass

i already have one (1) though

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Why haven't you become a fitness autist?

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>college sophomore year
>Black grill I'm friends with sees my newly grown stache
>"you've finally become a man, user"

do the cum town boys really get as much pussy as they say they do?

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My facial hair comes pretty fast and thick, so I'll try doing it. I usually shave once a week out of laziness, near the end of the week is when my stubble starts becoming completely not scratchy.

I have exactly none of those things.

this makes me laugh really hard for some reason. probably because nick is a manlet.

I forget Nick got fit, also for some reason I always think he's in his 30's

also, is that a solaris poster in the back? is nick a pseud or amber's poster

I've been letting my NEET face pubes grow out since late December. Should I shave it off or let it get longer? I do brush it and stuff.

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i have never shaved and im 20 years old

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Your chin looks very uneven. I'd shave or trim.

stop shitposting stefan and go work on the new album

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I've actually have been considering trimming it.

you look like an ayyrab

comb it then trim the strands that get too long (touch your lip). Atleast thats what i do and i get compliments from my friends saying i got a really thick moustache. Dont give 2 shits about what people tell you about something harmless you like doing.

bump for adam

Adam plz go

I didn't realize anyone else listened to it, do any of you listen to YKWD and LOS as well?

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Never listened to Skanks and I don't know what the first acronym is. I listen to the Pipecast though