>Unironically and sincerely telling a short man that he's better off committing suicide
>Reaching out to the unwanted in society and giving them a platform to speak so that they can show their humanity
This is why girls only date Chads. They are better people..
>implying Chad isn't doing it to virtue signal
At the same time I can't help but laud him
>>Reaching out to the unwanted in society and giving them a platform to speak so that they can show their humanity
If this weren't all about him, he wouldn't be putting himself in every single video. He's using these people.
he's using those things for money and social status.
He's only in the video some of the time and if he weren't they'd feel intimidated.
In this he's in there for like 2 minutes out of 10.
>Spends every work day educating special needs children
>Went to college for it and got a master's for it
>Does the video series 2-3 times a week and has for 3 years
He could be doing literally anything else, he's already wealthy, in good enough social standing to get a degree and a job centered around children and attractive but he chose this and sticks to it.
Robots are looking for any excuse to not be good people or let good people exist. You're like crabs in a bucket.
>Is wet
He's such a sweetheart!
He literally just has to tell girls he's a SpEd teacher and their panties will be soaked.
Telling the abject dregs of humanity comforting lies to virtue signal to moronic normalfags does not make you a good person.
>He could be doing literally anything else, he's already wealthy, in good enough social standing to get a degree and a job centered around children and attractive but he chose this and sticks to it.
Committed virtue signalling is still virtue signalling. Go take your meme morality somewhere else. Nearly every other site will buy your bullshit.
At least Chad comitted to something.
Commitment in and of itself is not something to be envious of. Most commitment is pointless.
>Most commitment is pointless.
Apathy is death.
How would you be able to tell if he's genuine then?
Seems like the fact that he's doing anything good at all is what's bothering you.
>Apathy is death.
Now you're getting it
Then kill yourself, user. The world should be for people who care.
>How would you be able to tell if he's genuine then?
You never can. That's the bleak reality of human interaction. Trust no one.
>Seems like the fact that he's doing anything good at all is what's bothering you.
I don't consider what he's doing to be good. Lying to these disgusting mutants doesn't help them. If they have any ability to comprehend their situation they know it to be false. They need a merciful pistol to the back of the neck.
>Then kill yourself, user.
Soon. I'll livestream it for my fellow robots.
Chad would never help a robot show his humanity or whatever, because chad is a complete psychopath and is doing this as a stunt to increase his social standing only.
Moreover, in the first place, the only reason chad can do that is because he has been given constant reinforcement throughout his life, which itself is a consequence of his being born a chad.
Yes, that's why girls only date chads... and get pump'n'dumped (then proceed to blame every man except the chads for this).
If he really cared about the less fortunate, he would care about the mentally deformed like us. Instead he laughs at us and treats us like shit.
I work with down's syndrome children and foster home children teaching them martial arts.
I do question if what i do is genuine, but when i am with them i just enjoy the moment and their company.
You people put yourselves here, you have every opportunity to throw away your fatalism and you choose not to because you're afraid of what happens when you place value on anything
the people this guy helps, they lead a genuinely tragic existence and people like him probably make their lives a little bit easier.
Virtue signalling or not, he's a good person and you're a fag
>Lying to these disgusting mutants doesn't help them
I watched and he didn't lie or tell the guy how to think. He only asked questions and let the man answer them.
>If they have any ability to comprehend their situation they know it to be false. They need a merciful pistol to the back of the neck.
The guy in that video(pic related) seemed above average intelligence and well aware of his deformity. Family, friends, hobbies and his outlook on life seem to keep him going, I wouldn't take that away from him.
Though, I honestly would've wanted to die as well if I were him before watching the video but hearing what he had to say made me appreciate mankind's ability to tolerate total suffering and our ability to still find something to make us want to keep going in spite of it.
Step right up sterp right up! Come see the show of the century folks! Freaks from every corner of the globe!
Just because he pretends to be nice about it doesn't make it any different.
You're right about some robots and some chads but not all of them are like you're trying to portrait here.
>he didn't lie or tell the guy how to think.
"Helping" them at all conveys the message that they should be helped, and that message is a lie.
>Family, friends, hobbies and his outlook on life seem to keep him going, I wouldn't take that away from him.
Burdens, liars, tedium and spooks.
Taking it all away would ultimately benefit him.
>hearing what he had to say made me appreciate mankind's ability to tolerate total suffering and our ability to still find something to make us want to keep going in spite of it.
Ah, yes. Mental gymnastics. One of the the most important tools in continuing this sham of an existance despite us being sentiment animals.
Chris is above chadness, he is the ultimate goal to be reached. Cant even think of one defect
>"Helping" them at all conveys the message that they should be helped, and that message is a lie.
>Taking it all away would ultimately benefit him.
He disagrees, his opinion on his own life matters more than yours because it's his life. If he wanted to die then yes he should be able to but the same goes if he wants to live.
>Mental gymnastics
>Calling the philosophies of stoicism and absurdism "mental gymnastics"
>you have every opportunity to throw away your fatalism
You can never throw away the truth.
>you choose not to because you're afraid of what happens when you place value on anything
That fear is justified. We've been punished for doing so at least one two many times.
>the people this guy helps, they lead a genuinely tragic existence and people like him probably make their lives a little bit easier.
There is no helping them. Just like us their continued existence is meaningless pain.
>he would care about the mentally deformed like us
>Living with severe depression
>Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder
>Life with Schizophrenia
>A soldier with PTSD
Chad has you covered, user.
Wait, I want to do this. How do I sign up?
He's a bad person
A good person would euthanize them
Because his life is meaningless suffering, and there is no such thing as helping that.
>He disagrees, his opinion on his own life matters more than yours because it's his life.
My opinion is the only one that matters because it is objectively true.
>If he wanted to die then yes he should be able to but the same goes if he wants to live.
He doesn't know what he wants. A bullet would teach him.
>Calling the philosophies of stoicism and absurdism "mental gymnastics"
There is only one philosophy that isn't mental gymnastics, and that's nihilism.
You could get a degree in teaching with a specialty in teaching those with special needs or you could look for volunteer opportunities in your area. Children's hospitals would be a good place to start.
I like how you acknowledge that manletism is just as serious of a condition as these people the Chads are showing off.
We all know Chad will never have the red pill balls to feature a manlet on one of his episodes. But we all know it, manlets are fucked.
>Because his life is meaningless suffering
Every life is meaningless suffering but there's sometimes good as well and that's what we live for.
>My opinion is the only one that matters because it is objectively true.
Objective truth tells us that a rose is red, subjective truth tells us that we can keep going, it raises cities and inspires the greatest works of art.
>He doesn't know what he wants
What he has that he cherishes is identical to what he thinks he wants. To say that he doesn't know what he wants is going farther than necessary.
>There is only one philosophy that isn't mental gymnastics, and that's nihilism.
What you're touting is nothing more than Rick and Morty meme nihilism. Nietzche didn't buy this horseshit.
He has like 4 videos on dwarfism though.
the world is better off without apathetic crabsinabucket mentality people
genuine retards and autists are more valuable and loveable than you
Your love is of no consequence to me, normalscum. You're free to join me when you get some sense.
Dwarfism and manletism are not the same though. Dwarfism is a real condition, whereas manletism is just limbo.
at least he's doing something (anything) with his life
>Every life is meaningless suffering but there's sometimes good as well and that's what we live for.
Not I. I refuse to submit to brief stints of happiness.
>Objective truth tells us that a rose is red, subjective truth tells us that we can keep going, it raises cities and inspires the greatest works of art.
Regardless of what value your feeble mind places on those pittances, they are all meaningless.
>What he has that he cherishes is identical to what he thinks he wants.
No it is not. He doesn't know what he wants.
>To say that he doesn't know what he wants is going farther than necessary.
The only thing that is necessary is to end his suffering.
>What you're touting is nothing more than Rick and Morty meme nihilism. Nietzche didn't buy this horseshit.
Nietzche was a filthy hack. I'm not referring to his philosophy of nihlism.
Say what you want about Rick and Morty but they're right philosophy-wise.
>showing off a bunch of freaks to get status points is something that worth mentioning
Yeah, no fuck off.
>inb4 but he's really nice and sincere, he's doing more than u loser, fuck robots amirite
I'm helping those people by NOT giving them attention for clicks and just treating them as normal.
>Chad parades the deformed around like circus animals and encourages them to prolong their needless suffering
>robots encourage others to find true peace from issue outside of your control
Get this Chad propaganda out of here
>No it is not.
Read the statement again, I never said that he did know, it doesn't matter.
Meaninglessness is irrelevant to subjective truth and subjective truth is one of the most important parts of human existence, otherwise it would be impossible to convince us that rectangular pieces of paper held great importance in our day-to-day lives.
>Nietzsche is a hack
>rick and morty is right
user I...
>just treating them as normal.
>telling them to kill themselves because parts of society wants them to not exist
>Objective truth tells us that a rose is red, subjective truth tells us that we can keep going, it raises cities and inspires the greatest works of art.
Phrasing it better would be
>Objective truth tells us that a rose is red, subjective truth tells us that a rose is beautiful and that we should grow more roses.
Who mentioned anything about telling anyone to kill themselves? If you're taking the anons seriously who told the 4 foot 10 guy to kill himself, you're fucking dumb as shit.
We encourage suicide because we know how horrible living is. We wncourage ourselves to suicide as well, we are following the golden rule.
This isn't satire or banter.
>manletism is just as serious of a condition as these people the Chads are showing off
This, ladies and gentlemen, is your brain on Jow Forums
>Nietzsche is a hack
>Rick and Morty are right
So? The only reason people tell each other to kill themselves in this place is because of our depression and some manlets feel like their happiness is synchronous with their height. This guy is probably (maybe) suicidally depressed himself so he's projecting that anguish onto that other user.
I don't get why you think this is proof Chad is "nicer" than us. The only thing you' re proving is that people will say anything when they're not held accountable to the things they say. If you want to kill yourself solely because some guy on Jow Forums told you to, you're fucking dumb as shit and you'd probably kill yourself because you couldn't handle a doorknob.
>Rick and Morty
>There is no meaning to life, everything is pointless and we're all doomed.
If I could find a better word than nihlism for the only logical philosophy I would. "Blackpill," is a close contender but there's a lot of retards who use the term while only applying it to certain conceps, much like Nietzsche.
>I never said that he did know, it doesn't matter.
No shit. I said that, because he doesn't know.
>Meaninglessness is irrelevant to subjective truth
Then subjective truth is meaningless.
>subjective truth is one of the most important parts of human existence,
Human existence is objectively not important.
>otherwise it would be impossible to convince us that rectangular pieces of paper held great importance in our day-to-day lives.
>The human mind can comprehend abstract concepts, therefore life isn't meaningless
Abstract concepts are subjective truths.
"Well, thanks Mr Elephant Man it was great talking to you"
"W-will you come back next week and talk to me? I'm so lonely here"
"*pfft* Err, sorry bro, got a date on that day, but follow me on twitter and facebook and I'll see about it"
"O-ok, it's just that looking like this, I have no friends and no job"
"Yeah, well we all have problems man, just be yourself you know? You're a *consults notes* beautiful individual who's disability has given you great courage, OK?"
"Alright, peace, going to go upload this now and get some pussy"
>appeal to authority
Ayy dios mio
Las luz extinguidos
Abstract concepts are a series of chemical reactions in the human brain.
Is that the man who gets mad at women in superhero movies? Why does he care if everything is meaningless?
Because he's not blackpilled like I am. I just used that picture for meme value
Holy shit OP. I just looked into some of this guys stuff and its incredible what he's doing. Hes able to make these special needs people be shown as real humans, something that society usually doesnt do when it somes to special needs persons.
His videos are well made and well centered around the people he interviews, not making himself the star of the show in any way. Props to this guy and I wish the best for him.
>the one who should put a bullet in their head is probably you user. A lot of these people are lovely in their own way and I wish I could be like special needs Chad and do some good for others. You selfish pricks
Yet Chad reaps all the rewards, the money, the pussy. They get nothing and are just sideshow attractions to him. Of course he's not in the videos much, people are there to gawk and laugh at the deformed, while Chad pops in occasionally to remind the women watching how caring and nice he is.
>the one who should put a bullet in their head
I will, after I'm done teaching others. Forcefully.
>A lot of these people are lovely in their own way
They're objectively freaks. There is nothing lovely about that.
>I wish I could be like special needs Chad and do some good for others.
End their suffering. That'll do them good.
>You selfish pricks
Do it for them.
If that's the case, why not do what "chad" does but better?
Yeah, an user posted this guy's channel a year back. He really is a good dude. If I were a woman, I'd go for him. Robots think girls want arseholes. But most would pick a nice Chad over a douche Chad. And I see plenty of really pretty girls with average or even slightly ugly guys. If a girl fancies you, you are a Chad to her.
I'm not handsome or charasmatic enough to pull in the chicks.
>>implying Chad isn't doing it to virtue signal
Why would chad need to virtue signal?
I volunteer and help people, a lot of my money and time goes towards it. I don't post about it online and at no point has it ever made a woman be more attracted to me. Looks > Social Skills > Money > Character in that order.
Because there's always a bigger Chad to compete with.
>appeal to rick and morty
>still being on this board
>implying I appealed to anything
>implying I'll ever leave
This is this dude's job. Helping the retarded and ugly. And his youtube sidegig allows them to become famous. If you were a retard, wouldn't you want to be famous? And you obviously only help people because you think it makes you better. If you really cared, you wouldn't be angry at the dude.
I'm not angry at the dude, it is funny how you seem to completely believe he does it for good reason and I'm obviously evil and only do it to make myself look good. I just wanted to point out that doing good isn't really a factor in mate selection.
>Abstract concepts are a series of chemical reactions in the human brain.
Yes, and?
They're not subjective truths.
this thread is fucking toxic
There is no such thing as a "subjective" truth. If it is not objective it is not true.
>this thread is fucking toxic
Get out of this thread and get off my board before you succum to it.
I've heard of really sophisticated posions, but I'm not aware of one that literally injects toxins into you via words on the Internet
Agoraphobia is not something I put myself through. I've had it since I was a fucking toddler. Fuck off
There are plenty of hot guys. A girl won't settle with a dick, unless she's an idiot. And I honestly don't know why you volunteer. If it were me, I'd only help kids and animals.
Subjective perceptions exist objectively in our minds, they are as true to the individual as gravitation or matter.
If you perceive you're a purple dinosaur, that doesn't make you a purple dinosaur. You're retarded.
Source on the name of thus movie, I forgot.
Yeah, that's a mis-aligned subjective truth.
So it's true that I'm a purple dinosaur if I perceive myself as one.
no if you perceive your self are such you are that thing... to you, but not other people
I prefer drinking coffee over drinking tea. This is a subjective truth. It is not objective, but its still true.
I think if you find that your baby has a severe
condition like this abortion is best for the baby so it doesn't have to suffer.
Penolope you fokin noob
Havn't seen npcs like this this before, how common are these guys?
Often it's something that happens very late in the pregnancy, at birth or after birth. With the top left guy his condition is actually a bunch of tumors that grew after birth, he came out a normal baby.
They're not NPCs, they're players who the devs pranked by giving them joke skins.
This contradicts your first post then women will NOT settle it's the truth. Yeah helping people makes me feel good inside, i don't know why.
He makes money from this you know
And gets lots of pussy too
It's a non-profit but he obviously profits in other ways, doesn't mean he isn't trying to help people or that money is his main goal.
I have down syndrome, AMA