ITT: Post your catchphrase

ITT: Post your catchphrase
>Haha, y-yeah....

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what a nightmare

Today's the day [I'm going to go flying over the edge, I'm going to fucking kill myself, I'm going to burn this bitch to the ground, etc]!

I never do

>"bazinga bazoom your dick is now a loom"

Back atcha slick

Why you scared?

Remember, no talking no smiling.

"Well damn" is the one I use the most.

>It'll all be good in a few years, I just have to be patient
"a thousand years later"
>J-Just a few years, y'know?

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>Don't blame me if it will be wrong.
>I am not sure, but i think its like that.
Mostly in uni when ppl ask questions because that only place where i meet ppl. The autistic part is that iam 95% of time correct, but still afraid that i somehow messed up and add those phrases.

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People keep berating me for saying this when they talk to me. "You heard me", "Why do you say that when you know what I said?".

Fuck off this is why I never speak to people

as you do/cas(ual)

How goes /how you doing (not in a joey way)

>'Guess it didn't really matter, though
>Guess it was useless, anyways


>I'm gonna have an aneurysm
Anger is my vice. That and getting high and beating off.

I got a lot of em.
Diddly darn doodle*
*I don't always say doodle
9.1% ooga booga

>*sighs* that's what they tell me

no u


it's like my reply to anything i don't want to talk about

>post your catchphrase
I'm not autistic enough to have one of those. See you later losers.

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>bazinga or other meme variations
Just my shitty ironic catchphrase

>I shouldn't have done that

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"Whad'ya hear, whad'ya say?"

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I accidentally left some autistic name from when I was messing with someone. Why Jow Forums saves names is beyond me.

"Soon I'll have the balls to drive off that cliff."

Some insincere hearty laugh

>Howdy folks

I started saying it as a joke before I moved to the Midwest because I thought everyone would talk like that l. No one talks like that but me and I'm a fucking coasty.

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I knew it had to be you.
Stop it.

Top tier. The essential robot catchphrase.
Edgy, whiny and cliche.
Funny shitpost.
Also funny.
Can't think of too many scenarios that would warrant this, nor enough scenarios to make it a catchphrase.
Same here, but I like "Damn it!" a little more. Good catchphrase nonetheless.
Too long to be a catchphrase imo.
Edgy, delusional weeb.
Relatable as fuck.
That's a new one.
Casual. Pretty meh tier. Not good, but not bad either.
Edgy, whiny, whatever.
I like this one quite a lot.
No (You) for the namefag.
Hmmm. Drawing a blank on this one.
Simple, yet effective.
I used to say this one frequently when I was a teenager.
Pretty funny, even if it's ironic humor.
Good catchphrase.
This one is cool and stylistically retro.
Edgy, whiny, etc.
Same here.
Disgusting. I hope you lose your voice or something.

>Heresy is paid with fire
When people say something that I do not agree with.

>[finger guns]

Change it to "AYYYYY" and people will think you're charismatic

God dammit it's not my fault, I didn't even mean to have a name there. I was messing with someone on another thread and I forgot to remove it. If I could delete and resend, I would.

"Good good" is mine

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>let's see what happens
basically a calm "geronimo" before doing things i have no idea how they will turn out, which at least used to be common

I used to say "ayyyy" and my classmates looked at me weirdly... You can never win if you're that quiet kid.

>I'm 14 years old and everything is edgy

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You didn't have to admit that.

>that quiet kid
no need to euphemize, youre just ugly m8

>You've got to DESTROY HER user... Sexually! Oh my goddddddddd stick it in there and just fuckin UNF UNF UNF UNF DE LA UNF UNF DE LA UNF! I'm high as FUCK right holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack! off you ninni muggins! I'm high as a balloon!

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>I'm telling you

> coo
> theres your problem
> welp that's/he's/she's fucked
> It works


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no jodas weon

>what the fuck

i say "x is for the week" a lot, i guess that'd be the closest thing i have to a catchphrase.

>"Alright Iooks like we got a situation"

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I hate your kind fucking piss of shit

I've got a spot on impression of Eddy Wally and you know damn well I'm gonna use it

we have the same catchphrase

I say "cheers" a lot and I live in Georgia. People like it because i pull it off.

I also say "das it mane"

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Basically Yare yare daze in my language.
I'm such an autist I say it whenever I'm alone with somebody i don't know too well and the conversation comes to a stop.
I know it's pretty rude and shitty, but I just can't help it.

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>tfw ywn have a cool gun dad catchphrase as "You be the judge"

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jebany v rot

>"Oi fuck me cunt oof"

I'm not even aussie

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>"ha ha, yeah...."



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Kirra Queen Daisan no Bakudan. Bite Za Dusto.

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(Halfway through a sentence)
>Ah, fuck it

"bloody/bleddy hell"
"dearie me"

Haha you Jojo guys have the best humor.

>"Fuckin' A"

I normally use this when things go my way.

>l want to fucking kill myself.

> "shut up imbecile"
I overuse that shit with my friends


>"yeah I'm sure it'll be fine/it'll work out"
>"Yeah don't think about it too much"

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Unterpleb/unterpleb I use these to differentiate between well off vs not well off people who are working the same corporate job

"It don't matter, none of this matters"

Originally origami

My catchphrases are more like jokes which set you up to believe that I'm some sick asshole, but I'll say "Just joking", then add that I'm actually worse.

For example:
>I shouldn't have drank rum this morning.... Just joking, it was vodka.
>Im sorry I accidentally sent my dick pic to your sister. Nah im just messing with ya, it was your mother.
>I stole the handicapped parking the other day because I was in a rush.. Well, 2 handicapped parkings; I was really in a rush and didn't have time to park normal.
>I was in a hospital all loopy from the surgery and medication, and I was in a gown. They placed me in a kid area, and some kid with cancer saw my junk. It's awkward that he probably remembers having cancer and seeing a dick.. Just kidding he's dead.

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"way to go champ"

how is this not original

>thank you
if online


"Oh no!" seems to work well for most things that happen to me

>I'm gonna gut you alive and play around with your blood you sexy little whore hahahahaahahaha

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>having a catchphrase
I'm too autismo for such chad stuff

>Shit gets fucked up
Oooooof course

>A hole's a hole
Something my daddy always told me

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When something bad happens:
" Ayyyyyyyyy

>chad stuff

please, this is brad at best

>I don't know

>Aw, shucks
>Son of a gun
It's what I said as a kid, and they were just sorta never replaced by shit, bitch, and hellfire.

>*mumbles something under my breath*

>mumbles something
>"What did you say, user? I couldn't hear you?"

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I started doing it when I was 16 mimicking Funny Valentine from Jojo

>"y-you too, thanks"
original post

even the bot thinks it's unoriginal

Let's get Schwifty XD

oof me too.
also "nice nice"

fuck me in the ass
oh, wow.
that's nice

>I will become the king of destruction

I mutter this one under my breath when I remember something painful, haha.

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>"Not much"
how i respond to everyone.

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"y-you too"
(still not orginal)

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>oh boy..

All day

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Whenever I answer anyone ever in the affirmative, I say "hell yeah," kind of like how Charls says it in this video:

This thread gives me the idea of saying "based" all the time, so that I can shitpost on /tv/ in real life too

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>What did he mean by this?

I say this all the time to everyone

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Uh, sorry

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>Good morning
It's never morning when I say it


apparnetly not original
