Can't get a gf because addicted to porn

>Can't get a gf because addicted to porn
>Addicted to porn because can't get a gf
>Low test no confidence beta "male"
>literally watch blacked porn

How do I escape this hell

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I am in the same boat except for the watching BLACKED porn part. I do not understand the appeal.

It's not low test. If you really want you can go to a clinic and start taking test injections. Then you'll realize it's not test. It's just your personality. If you want to be different, go outside your comfort zone. Do new things.

You stop looking at porn and take at least a week long break from fapping. The longer you dont look at it, the less degenerate the thought/image needs to be for you to yank it.
Seriously you just have to stop. When youre about to do it put on motivational music instead and workout

>can't get a gf because no self control

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It takes more than a week. I'm at over 3 months no porn. You change, but it's slow. A week without porn isn't gonna offset a decade of deviant perversions.

Why does it have to be so difficult? Would fapping away from porn/computer make it easier than stopping cold turkey? I seriously cant keep doing this shit

I was just saying from personal experience but then I stuck to pretty regular stuff, has made me appreciate normal dressed women more

Makes you more attravie to women your body pumps up the T trying to attract a mate to milk that shit.

In two- 3 day of not fapping you will notice a difference.
You may have to step down slowly (first one day, then two ect..)

Working out boots T too.

This is for guys that jerk it like 5 times a day right? I jerk every few days or so, sometimes i binge and go for a 5-6 time day but i went bout two weeks no fap and there was literally no difference. I wouldnt ever do it just to do it, I was on the road and had no time for it but yeah, no difference at all.

lmao who cares dude. Women are a trophy, optimally given after achieving economical and emotional stability. What are you doing actively searching for one? Fucking americans. Your behaviour is influencing my country too for fucks sake. Relax with this desperate virginity shit. Stop putting women on pedestals. Go find something fun to do instead.

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>Stuff makes you feel uncomfortable
>Solution is to do stuff
>Stuff just makes you more uncomfortable

What's next, gonna tell me I did stuff wrong?

IF your neeting you might not notice, get out user (go for a walk ect), eat healthy. Listen to your body. (drink alot of water.) If you are malnourished your body wont be able to make many hormones.

I beat a bout of depression end of last year, and believe me it all snowballs. (Either way)

Could everyone stop with the testosterone meme? I've repeated multiple times on here, I inject T in my ass. I'm over 700, and still a loser spergbot. T is not the solution to your problem. If it was this board could be gone overnight.

Watching porn unironically makes you more beta, cycle masturbating by doing it once a week on a certain day, it boosts test and makes you more confident.

it's T combined with getting out of your comfort zone.

you just do it as long till it becomes no big deal anymore

Been closer to two years, it's getting worse


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>OP Mentioned low T was an issue
Injecting T is only going to lower your body's ability to produce it naturally.

Doesn't matter. The point is that whatever your level, natural or synthetic, it doesn't make you confident or horny or sexy or cool. It makes you slightly insane and raises your risk for heart attack.

Same here
>watch porn cuz no gf
>can't get girl cuz porn
>low test
Don't watch that blacked shit though.

I dont put women on a pedestal, they've been put there by (((society))). I just want to be a normal person.
I never even cared or thought about cuck porn until it started getting posted all over the place here.

>i just want to be a normal person
There is your problem. You dont fit the normal mould. therefore you will only lead a miserable life trying to fit in. "Be yourself" is what ill tell you to do cause thats what ive decided to do and it feels better than faking being normal, in my opinion. Being myself involves not chasing women, but finding out what i wanna do in life without having to be forced to do something i dont enjoy just cause everyone else does it. That however does not mean i can go against my instincts of having a partner. I have dreams of having a girlfriends but rational thinking gets me back on track.

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instincts of wanting to have a partner* is what i meant to write.