Tfw no Jow Forumstard bf

>tfw no Jow Forumstard bf

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>tfw no Jow Forumsack bf
>tfw no one calls them Jow Forumsacks anymore

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their new name fits them a lot better and gives them exactly the level of respect they deserve

because they have fundamentally changed past that point
they're on the same level as a /b/tard now

You can be my nigger fuckslave no homo

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>tfw no one posts that /polgbt/ comic where all the men have moved to Mars and left women on Earth which has regressed to pre-Stone Age.

that's such a cute pic

remember when they were called Jow Forumsiticians?

I remember /new/smen

how does shit manage to get worse every year

remember how old /n/ were anti-russian autists? now everyone calls Jow Forums russian shills. it's funny how things change.
>how does shit manage to get worse every year
guess it's just a mixture of newfags and being nostalgic

because pol has gotten worse every year
used to browse the place, now theres just way too many retarded newfags

I've met Jow Forumstards in real life and they're all fucking unbearable to be around. They're all mentally unstable and not in the fun way.

Seeing them recently in their invasions makes me believe this. They were genuinely angry and hostile in their delusion that everything that's not normal is a personal attack against them.

pls stop using our board as a battleground for your trans vs pol bullshit. we don't care.

>Jow Forumstard
Reminder that only 1 person on this board uses the term "Jow Forumstard".

>tfw far-right moral nihilist that's attracted to traps
I own an apartment in downtown Toronto and have the income to support you, send me your application OP.

I've met Jow Forumsacks irl and they were fine, but they also went on a bunch of other boards as well.

I don't use it because the term unfairly denigrates actual retarded people.

You know, you have a point there
I always liked Jow Forumstroons

> unbearable to be around
for degenerates maybe. neck yourself already

>claims to be far right
>is a degenerate
you are everything what's wrong with the world

>the woman in the back ground lmao I love it

>Not wanting to rail an angelic aryan trap while your slaves work the plantation
The Ancients did nothing wrong

>moral nihilist
>attracted to traps
This is the current state of Jow Forumsyps. If I was as much of a pathetic meme as you I'd have killed myself years ago.

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Yoooooo Im a Jow Forumsack and lonely as fuck. Where you at faggot?

they are not selfhating whites like you guys

>le everything is about race
t. americlap
Also, not white, faggoo :^)

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>this entire flippin post
You type Jow Forums into the OP and immediately you attract the reddit new trash, who would have guessed?

>natural desire to protect your own people
>le epic does nothing else matter amerigan?? (^:

>XD I feel my huwhite ancestors blood running through my veins
burgers have yet to understand the concept of nationstates and nationality, race is a meme only amerimutts fall for

how the fuck have you met Jow Forumsacks in real life, I've been browsing Jow Forums for years and never met somebody else from there irl.

>you share genetic similarity with people
>you care about these people more than others

why is this so hard to understand?

race is a spook, brainlet

spooks are a spook, retard

glorious rebuttal, famalam

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>be nigger who cannot be proud of his race
>mock whites for saying they're white
>mock them for trying to protect fellow whites
Ooga booga my fine cottonpicker

reminder that this faggot literally reads instructions on what he has to say

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>be french
>be at agnicourt
>prepare myself to kill some disgusting english peasants
>wait a second
>they are white
>sue for peace
>northern/western europe becomes a single ethnostate (slavs aren't white and niether are italians and iberians)
>WHITE PEOPLE perfect space travel
>we are in space
>niggers are dead or some shit

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>people don't agree on le based redpilled XD race realism
>it's a conspiracy
Imagine being unironically this fucking deluded. It's truly astonishing, tbqh.

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>ignoring race
>muh nationstates muh 100% civic nationalism

Populations of people differ from one another. The only reason euros had the luxury of ignoring race in the past is because there was no other race in Europe for the majority of its history.

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what are you talking about? I'm agreeing with you. I was saying the Jow Forumstard is most likely gonna use emotional arguments he read on Jow Forumsstormfront.

>le europeans are all white, there is no difference between them
You burgers literally can't grasp the concept of culture, now can you? Why do you think there have been so many wars between european countries? Following your logic, there shouldnt be any fucking conflict whatsoever because they are all the same people. Let me guess, all these brother wars were instigates by the joooooos.

>You burgers literally can't grasp the concept of culture, now can you?

I'm not a burger

Close genetic clusters can still have different cultures, nobody is arguing that. What a weak rebuttal of the reality of race. Are we going to have to go through a social constructivist version of race too or are we going to stay grounded here?

>Why do you think there have been so many wars between european countries?

They divided themselves by geographic range because you couldn't reasonably hold and maintain too much land under one flag back in the day. It's not like it's not a legitimate thing to do, to divide yourself into countries and fight wars. It's just that white Europeans are far more genetically similar with similar characteristics (including personality and intelligence) compared to outside populations.

>Following your logic, there shouldnt be any fucking conflict whatsoever because they are all the same people.

A true Ironman of my position, great work.

>Let me guess, all these brother wars were instigates by the joooooos.


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>40 minutes later
>retarded civnat eternally btfo
>I went and did productive shit while he is probably still doing paid shareblue shitposts

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Futa, any fetish that's not normal and masculine, I've seen you people, starting these past couple of days, spew your garbage about psyops. It's all a big conspiracy to turn everyone gay instead of going out and dating women like we should be doing. Even if that little group is genuine and forcing entertainment and drama has nothing to do with it, you guys forcing yourselves into corners of a board that isn't for you, to shriek about conspiracy theories gives robots every reason to hate you. Stick to one or two threads actually about the drama to discuss your conspiracy theories, let robots discuss anime girlfriend fetishes in peace.

>reading autistic redditshit
>imgur filename

I see more posts complaining about Jow Forums than I see Jow Forums posts
I'm sick of all the le Jow Forums boogeyman shit

It's almost like people don't want their entire board culture being reduced to porn posting