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>tfw to fat to be drafted
have fun dying for your country normies
I still had a few months. I refuse to go.
No it's not. It's never gonna happen because there's too much at stake.
No it isn't, faggot. Stop getting your news from Jow Forums. Trump has been doing this for the past year. Talks big, then softens almost immediately. Right after his tweet that Russia better be ready, he immediately went on to suggest an end to the Arms Race and how Russia should be our ally.
>tfw theyre gonna select younger guys first
lmao, sorry teenies
Hahaha take that skinny normies
Not going to happen trump is just making stupid statements again nothing new
the war will last as long as it takes for everyone's missiles to impact
What did the retard say this time?
Missiles coming bla bla bla
>tfw too ugly
Finally. The waiting was awful
When exactly? So I can rape qts with impunity
But i haven't gotten to play far cry 5 yet
If WW3 is going to happen, how do you think it would start? How would we al know? The news headlines are gonna say: WW3 has begun?
All sides will pussy out because nukes.
Won't be a draft, because nukes.
It's shit anyway
Origami onigiri onii-chan
ww3 started, and thats a good thing
War is declared, news reports on it, public safety broadcasts, bombs fall, over in a week.
I don't understand what you're talking about, OP.
im 18 and 5'10 160lbs
am i gonna die?
We're all going to die one day, user.
yep, you're prime bullet sponge material.
yes. maybe the fallout will mutate us into moeblobs
WW3 will never happen, another large scale war between two nation states is an idea that died along with the cold war. Stop being a faggot
time to get started in the bunker sales business
I can sleep tightly knowing that it'll all be over soon.
It won't happen, but I still hope it somehow does anyways
>tfw not an amerimut
>going to die KHHV
get comfy while the world goes up in flames
>mfw 5'9 149lbs 18 years of age
lel I'm prime draftin material lads!
murica would do crazy stuff for israel
Same. Just turn the right age to fight the zog wars. A-atleast we'll die warriors right?
if i got drafted id just team kill as soon as i got a gun until someone eventually killed me, fuck your war israel
Or well get shot by a sniper taking a shit, or killed instantly as soon as we enter battle by random pieces of artillery shrapnel ripping through our lungs or something.
although it'd be pretty fuckin cool to come back and say I was a ww3 vet
>just turned 18
no draft for me fagits
come back to the Islamic communist caliphate that won the war, and kiss your new signed trans-wife covered in a black bed sheet head to toe.
Ah, I think then it would be better to die in the war thinking about it, at least then I'd be seen as a hero.
>tfw not even an amerilard
good luck in the war bots
Yes it is. It's a good excuse to depopulate.
>for your country
Nice joke amerigolem
Have fun dying for the Jews in our country eurocuck
I really hope that the marine reserves allow me to switch my MOS to active duty machine gunner 0331
Don't worry israelis will always remember you when they laugh of the silly goyim.
Its not tho
for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original
then play your shit game while you get nuked
there is not a single robot in this thread, most threads on Jow Forums right now are just Jow Forumsfugees. fuck the state of this board
>being a faggot who role plays on the internet
>making fun of someone for playing video games instead of spending his time as autistically as you do
>Normies aren't fat
Imagine being this delusional.
then fuck you too sweetie
It's garbage, don't worry
Fuck off nigger, Stop getting my hopes up.
why can't you idiots just stay on your fucking board? nobody gives a shit about the stupid HABBENNINGS XD XD or any of the retarded shit you care about.
>"muh Jow Forums muh Jow Forums muh Jow Forums"
Like a screeching record playing out of nowhere.
>t. reiko apologist
Thank god. Most like they are just trying to manipulate him into another war for the Jews as usual and Trump is doing his best to avoid it without getting fucked in the process.
hahahaha you read trumps tweets and Jow Forums
if you honestly think its going to happen then you are stupid
you're so adorable when you get mad
squeal again please, pretty please
i love it when you get mad
it makes my dick go diamonds
To be fair I am indeed stopping over from Jow Forums
How's it going NEET's?
Who else here warmonger?
I'm still here. We have 3 months left.
I hope you don't end it before then.
I thought they drafted the 20 year olds first, then came for the teenagers?
that's a pretty shitty song, not at all my taste
still listened to over half of it though
Buzzfeed: 10 Reasons Why You Must Enlist for World War 3
>A lottery based on birthdays determines the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during the calendar year the induction takes place, followed, if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 19 and 18 year olds (in that order).
>All men from ages 18-25 must register for the Selective Service in case they need to be drafted.
>mfw 29
Becoming an old fuck has it's perks my dudes. Enjoy dying for the sake of boomer bloodlust.
>the fate of your life is determined by a lottery
fuck that. They should draft the 60+ year old guys. Their best years are behind them, and they get up so early in the morning the enemy won't know what hit them.
What happens if you refuse to be drafted?
*Nationalism intensifies*
And Israeli do not want to drink filtered urine and eat moss for the rest of their days.
ALL men? including the ones with serious mental and physical disorders?
what about trans/ftm men?
you go to prison
>what's that you don't want to fight for this piece of dirt full of faggots, whores, diseases, and blood thirsty elite
>go to prison
All neets will be drafted and either die or be turned into chads
>trans/ftm men
So men?
They go to the front lines.
> country has draft
> was drafted, declared unfit for service
> normies are about to start dying so that CEOs and senators would be able to buy another yacht or Rolls-Royce
Feels good, man.
Put them in the front lines, nothing will be lost.
>you go to prison
so instead of sending you to die in some sandnigger country you get put in what is essentially a guarded safehouse with free food and bed?
I bet you're also the same type of person to argue that mtfs belong in mens bathrooms because you don't want your daughter in a bathroom with a filthy demented man who thinks they're a woman
Actual cripples and mental people? They stay. Trannies and overdiagnosed ADHDs? They take the gun.
You gotta yell "I am TRANSGINGER" first tho...
so, a normal rational human being?
transexuals are fucked in the head
whew I get to stay
well which is it? ftms are real men and get to fight front line as well as mtfs get to use the womens restroom or ftm are women and mtf are men both playing dress up?
Of course, I think exactly that. I don't want crossdresser fetish fucktards creeping on little kids. If you want to do gay fetish shit and dress in drag then go to a gay bar.
being gay is/used to be a way of legally avoiding draft. Whether that comes under trans, or if it even applies today at all, I don't know
It is never happening you cuckdittor
> mtfs
Like, men who think that a skirt and some ribbons and frills make them women? They are men, of course, and therefore should go to the male toilet.
Do Americans bath in toilets, by the way?
so, with that same logic, ftms shouldn't be drafted nor put on front line because they are fragile women who can't fight properly
They're men who put on dresses, put them on the front line in their own unit as a distraction, kills two birds with one stone - serves as a distraction to waste enemy ammo, and we get rid of the freaks. Win-win.
>really want to join military
>don't want to fight for the US or Israel
What do I do? Fighting so that sluts and Chads can keep fucking, and nigs can keep getting free money is completely wrong to me. I hate modern America.
no, we show our genitals to the toilet and for some reason, people who are more rightwing think that that equates to molesting a child
Jow Forumsfugees need to fucking leave my board, I would prefer it if both Jow Forums and trannies left but I will do whatever I can just so you FUCKING POLITICAL FAGS GO BACK TO YOUR CONTAINMENT BOARD REEEEEEEEEEE
Obviously they can't, they're females. No one expects females to be able to fight with the same standards as males.
This is common sense jack off.
oh thats fucking easy, user.
send ftm to fight the war because they want to be men
ban mtf from using female bathrooms because they're fucking deranged
send mtf to war as well, because mentally ill make for good canon fodder.
>tfw too ugly to be drafted
thanks Geneva Conventions