Soyboy recover thread

>soyboy recover thread

I think we should make a thread for those of you who are soyboys and want to regain your masculinity. We can talk about steps we will take to achieve this and encourage each other to improve.

I've just decided I don't want to be a soyboy anymore. On my first day I deleted every movie, show and album on my computer that soyboys like (David Lynch and capeshit films, Stranger Things, any rap and indie music). I had trouble seeing them get deleted but I need to stop being a soyboy.

I've also made the obvious step of throwing out anything in my fridge that has soy in it. My mom is mad I threw out all the soy sauce (she's Asian so she smothers everything in that shit), but after I explained I did it to stop being a soyboy, she started crying saying she understands what I'm going through.

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Start taking zinc and go to the gym

Soyboys go to gyms. I'm trying to save up to buy my own set of weights.

Stop masturbating to porn. You are allowed 1 imagination wank per week. 1 a day if you are currently wanking more than 3 times per day.

Eat clean instead of eating junk food that lowers testosterone. Lift weights. Stop playing video games all the time and watching shit cartoons it makes your mind more childlike.

Every real man has a dog that he has personally trained. I would recommend this to you OP but your Mother will eat it.

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You realize soy in anything resembling sensible amounts does not cause a rise in estrogen levels? "Soyboy" as a term is used to describe a guy who rejects masculinity as toxic in a mocking manner. Literal soy consumption has nothing to do with it but you're autistic and are taking the memes literally.

Or maybe I'm autistic and OP is roleplaying and I'm not picking it up. Anyway I hope nobody ITT thinks that removing soy from their diet and lifting weights will save you from being a soyboy. Embrace a masculine way of life.

What is a masculine way of life? What are the masculine values we are missing?

Dont listen to him op
Hes a soy marketing guy

>needing internet validation on what constitutes as soy or manly

you already failed user, real men don't need validation if they are a man or not. but stop jacking it to porn though that shits fuckin your brain up, and lift because it's fun

>mfw day 3 of nofap

god I wanna ravage those piss flaps so hard user

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Yeah op you dont need toxic masculinity
You should wear man skirts
Theyre daring and edgy

nah thats faggy, come to think of it capeshits also faggy, so is vidya

actually OP stop all of this degenerate shite

aye but what about dwarf fortress and arma lad

wait, what? what constitutes as manly music?
metal? cannibal corpse?


Men with high test don't like classical music

Modern processed meat contains more estrogen than soy. I agree with your sentiment, but it's not the way to go.


sage, report

Are medieval ballads valid for manliness?

Not him but anything that challenges your imagination and provokes thought is good. Almost all the time this is music without lyrics or lyrics in a language you do not understand.

Do you have to stop watching anime to become masculine again?

If you must ask, you already know the answer.

If you feel that your own masculinity is in question then you need to change many aspects of your life.
Be introspective. Is the anime a form of escapism? What are you trying to escape from. If ditching anime gets you higher on this ladder, then do it.

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How do you feel you've "lost it"? I mean by all means get in touch with your masculine side if you feel it's been suppressed by some means weather external or internal. Just don't be that guy who tries too hard because he's insecure about it, that does you no favors