any former neets here who cares to share their success stories?
i just want to believe that there's still hope and it's possible to get out of this wretched lifestyle
Any former neets here who cares to share their success stories?
just go out and do something faggot
a long time ago (around 2008?) a drawfag from /i/ who had been a NEET for years started some trade school course at around his mid twenties and became a train machinist or train engine specialist or whatever the fuck, it seemed like a pretty good outcome
he was really good at drawing too
I think most success cases just don't ever end up coming back to this kind of cesspool
Why dont you want to be neet?
do what exactly retard
I'm the reverse, went from high-paying job to independent NEET.
>parents disappointed in you
>no income
>live in a country with no neetbux
>miserable, pathetic and depressed
>no friends
i can go on
independent and neet cannot be on the same sentence
Sure it can. I now live off of my investments
go take a walk. go to the park. Get a bike and ride around. stop being a lazy faggot if you dont want to be a NEET. Go get a job somewhere it's not hard. food places are hiring right now
met an aspie girl on plenty of fish, became friends on and off for two years, got along very well together. she asked me out and one year later we're still together. we live together and have sex so often it's become boring (which is coincidentally why only a fucking idiot is going to get a relationship just for sex. a whore is cheaper than a gf, don't date for sex).
step one is to stop asking anything of this crab bucket
step two is to kick the shit out of the crab bucket mentality who seeks to pull you down into the bucket.
step three is to realize your own self worth is in fact greater than those below you
step four is to make your appearance the same as those who dine on the crabs in the bucket
step five is to consume crab feasts with those who now look like you
step six is to forgo the shallow society of the normies and fish the seas for new crab to add to the bucket
step seven is to own a fishing boat
step eight is to stop fishing and begin shipping
step nine is to end shipping and begin packaging and producing
step ten is to own the assets that build a restaurant entirely and to build multiple crab feast establishments
step eleven is to use your economic power to change the laws of this land to your benefit
step twelve is to rule this land as an elected leader
step thirteen is to die remembered as either a successful leader or a complete autistic retard which is something you will never change a birth right to you to be good or bad.
there's no hope
there's only sheer willpower and determination
I used to be NEET. Now I'm employed.
wow great success user
Was neet for many years.
Mom had serious health problem, almost died and I thought "gotta get my shit together, the demiurge can fuck me up suddenly for real anytime".
Took a national exam to enroll a prestigious university, managed to pass after studying the exam structure but little of the subjects and now I'm a student.
No job or money yet, but hey, better than going to dead end jobs and condemning my future like my family was already pushing me to do.
Try to learn something about Web-Development, easy money once you get into it, and you can even do it from home
2006 to 2011
>worked shitty dead end jobs half the jobs
>quit jobs and didnt work the other half of that time, so NEETdom
>was extraordinarily despondent and only had 2 real gfs during
>finally went back to college
>got EMT cert
2011 to now
>work several EMT jobs
>been at this one for 5 years
>bought a newer Tahoe and retired my 17 year old pickup truck
>bout to buy s house and move out of moms house
>own more guns than any sane person should
>gf just moved back to Pennsylvania unfortunately
NEETdom was cool for a little bit but I would rather not be confined to a bedroom with nothing but Memes and porn to keep me company.
I honestly have never heard a success story from a highschool dropout NEET. Only NEETs who were "depressed" for a couple months
More like seven years here.