Sean Evans here with First We Feast, and welcome to Hot Ones: where the wings are hot but the questions are hotter. Today our guest is user! So user, you've seen the show, you know how this works. We'll get started with Sriracha -- that's no big deal. And now for our first question...
>How old were you when you lost your virginity?
>Come on, the wings aren't THAT spicy and you're already sweating.
Hey user!
17, average age to lose it in my country.
We'll I'm what you call a wizard. Instead of releasing my chi into some roast beef, I am harnessing my wizard powers. Hence why I am living in superior NEETdom, while you wageslave away eating spicy wings every week. At least you make the dungeon Jews at Complex happy
17 huh? H-heh, yeah me too. That's when I did the sex. Anyway, moving on. Our next sauce is Tapatio. Little bit hotter, little spicier. And so is our next question:
>Have you ever thought about other men sexually?
Wizard eh? When uh, when did you decide that this was the way to go? Should I be offering you tendies instead of wings?
Yes. Especially League of Legends pros
Wow. Not me. I never have. Are there any guys in particular? I can't relate or anything, but just to see what you're talking about...
Sneaky is my favourite LCS trap. He is quite "sneaky" don't you think Sean?
Wait, now hold on. T-that's not actually a guy is it?
9/10 shitposting.
I love it.
No Sean, it isnt, despite what others may say.
Sean seems like a nice guy but probably didn't get laid until college and even then it was by accident
He tries too hard to ask "deep" questions and seem "relatable" to the person he's interviewing. I prefer Larry King.
Ah. Phew. A-alright then, had me worried there for a second. I was starting to get hot and it wasn't just the wings! Alright, our next sauce on the list is el yuca teco. It's a habanero based sauce, and it has a little bit of a kick to it.
>So, what do you do for a living user?
im a neet so i live off welfare and my parents money. i spend most of my time shitposting here
Wait a minute? You just live off your parents? Doesn't it make you feel awkward imposing like that?
no because im alpha, unlike you, you fucking bald cuck. now pour me a glass of milk. next question
Alright, easy killer. I didn't mean anything by it. So, how does you girlfriend feel about you living at home with your parents?
>taking offense to a simple question.
Nice insecurities user.
Got a feeling this one is going to turn in to the next DJ Khaled interview!
I love this,
u-uh she's u-uh. My g-girlfri- boy these wings are spicy? what flavor are they?
These ones here? This is our special Hot Ones sauce. Tasteful amount of smoke, good heat. It can creep up on you a little bit. So, it's this part of the show when we usually look through social media and ask you to explain a photo. >Care to explain this one? What is this? Some kind of uh... like what, a wolf girl?
Ha! What? Did this guy think this was the first time I've had hot sauce in my face? In this line of business when the heat turns up, you've got to keep your cool.
Yeah its acutally a wolf girl( guy). you know me, if you come to r9k often you can see that we are very sick and deranged people. but dont you find it kinda hot sean, kinda hot like these wings right?
This is great.
I might actually watch him now