Why can't guys get this into their thick skulls?
Why can't guys get this into their thick skulls?
shes gonna regret it when her kids are humanoid freaks
I'm guessing that woman wouldn't go out with ugly guys.
I've literally never heard someone say that girls are vain for getting implants unless it was breast implants
If it's a minor change. It's fine. But if it's a extreme makeover making you look like someone else. Fuck that. Also boob and ass jobs are ugly and shitty.
I'm a surgerycel too and it improved my life 100000000x
This is a strange situation for me. I think it is very disrespectful to yourself to do something like this.
Yet I've had times where I wanted to change my physical appearance. Oh well.
The only opinions that matter come from yourself and the people you are close to.
Yet women judge incels very harshly despite never being in their circumstance hmmmmmmm
A nosejob and chin implant can make a chick look like a differrnt pereon
How is it disrespectful? I imagine only someone born beautiful would think that.
this, breast implants are usually disgusting. I don't think most people would judge someone that is legitimately hideous trying to improve their appearance.
I had a nose job when I was 17. Nobody in high school gave a shit, my friends didn't even bust my balls about it like I'd expected. I look objectively better but I'm still a 22 year old KHV.
No shit. But if there is remnants of the person I'm okay with it. But if they are doing a complete change like it's some sort of character creator. I will set their face on fire and watch the plastic melt
The stigma around plastic surgery is basically non existant and shes just posting this for validation.
Im a 25yo khv and am getting a nose job when I can afford to. Why not?
Yes, lots of men have been willing to fuck you even though you had plastic surgery. None of them would breed with you though.
>you can't judge anyone for making a choice when you know nothing about their situation and never been in it
Why do women reject the concept of knowledge? Is nothing real unless it is experienced firsthand?
>can't afford a nose job and a chin implant
>both surgeries would take me from a 2/10 to a 8/10
>my life would be immeasurably better with almost no drawbacks
Why wouldn't anyone who was ugly do this?
Feelz over reelz
I am not beautiful.
To me this is just saying "I am not good enough"
I would not expect anyone regrets it, outside of botched surgeries and other cases where it actually harms appearance. I am sure they are treated better and will do better as a result. However, I would be reluctant to marry a person who has undergone plastic surgery because my children would likely suffer from the same radical ugliness.
I share this same feeling and think I may be able to put a reason behind it. I think it is important to understand our weaknesses and strive to improve on them. I lift because I want to become stronger. At the same time, I refuse to take steroids, even though they would greatly advance this goal. Steroids and plastic surgery are alike in that they are an artificial improvement. Rather than improving yourself by your own merit, you are "cheating" your way to the end goal. People that do so will likely be quite happy with the decision, but I would rather get as far as I can on my own.
Where did you get yours done? What kind of procedure? How much was the cost?
>To me this is just saying "I am not good enough"
Other people say they're not good enough by calling them ugly. Idiot.
But you get plastic surgery to change things that are impossible for you to change on your own
Wew lad. It doesn't matter.
It only matters if you think you aren't good enough. At that point you're proving they were right.
Implants are awful, and the reason some men criticize women who get them is because many times the woman looked fine without them. But this delusional woman felt it so important to adhere to the dated, bimbo-loving standards of the stupidest lowborn trash, that she spends what could've been down payment on a car or house on getting ridiculous balloon tits. And it is just so crazy to us to hear a woman justify it, a woman telling a man what is most attractive to men, while sporting something that was once attractive now deliberately ruined that she calls an improvement.
t. a guy who recently dated a girl who got implants
I agree. There is no real way to naturally fix awful looks, so standard self improvement is not possible. What I was trying to convey was that the "disrespectful to yourself" bit is resigning oneself to the reality one must "cheat" to be able to compete at all.
>implying that if there was a surgery to fix your small dicks, midget height and greasy faces all of you wouldn't jump on it
>implying I would ever have the funds or motivation for that.
If you would take those surgeries you're not a robot.
>want to know how many boyfriends?
good shit nigger kys vain hoe