I still sleep in the same bed as my mom and I'm 20 years old, anyone else still do this?

I still sleep in the same bed as my mom and I'm 20 years old, anyone else still do this?

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Is it because you're poor or retarded or both?

Not poor, I don't think I'm retarded either.

I slept in the same bed as my mom until i was about 15 or so. I'm also 20 btw

Well I did up until I was 12. Then I slept with my sister for a year or two until we got in a argument one night. Said fuck that and slept in my own since

Why did you stop?

sleeping with your sister sounds comfy

>I don't think I'm retarded either.

You definitely have some kind of mental deficiency.

I slept till I was 12
I loved sleeping on my mommy's breasts

t. Jow Forums psychologist

Just grew out of it, I guess.

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why the fuck aren't you sleeping on the couch yet

I'm sure a doctor will tell you it's fucking weird to sleep in the same bed as your mom when you're 20.

>finfag detected

I have my own bed, I just like sleeping with another person.

nah cant relate

i sleep with my dad tho

>toilet paper roll with fabric softener sheets stuffed in

underage normalfag stoner spotted

newfag detected origokml

If you have your own house you're not a robot, you're a retarded, low depth normalfag. The fact you can't do grade school algebra to figure out my age says a lot.

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so because it's weird it means I have a mental deficiency?

My mom didn't stop bathing me, wiping my bottom and brushing my teeth up until my freshman year in high school.

Do you have a girlfriend? And how do you feel bringing her home?

I don't, nobody knows my secret that I still sleep with my mom.

Are you dependent in your everyday life too?

Yep, I just sleep with mom at night.

I still shower with my mom. Among other things.

question is if you two ever had sex?

its great to have sex with mature and experienced woman