Yeah, it's another one of those threads.
Post the girl that you'll never have, user
Yeah, it's another one of those threads
Other urls found in this thread:
Cone gf is best gf
>Tfw no cone gf
>implying I have a facebook account or any social media
Give me a Hoppean gf who cares about privacy and who doesn't want children (because that's disgusting)
>and who doesn't want children (because that's disgusting)
Good, die out you worthless piece of shit. I don't want you or your shitty kids clogging up the Earth and getting in my way.
This world is trash, the earth is gay, and god is a fucking cuck.
Does anybody have the ideal gf template? I might make a few
>tfw no gfd gf
I will never get used to this feel.
~Blue mooon, you caught me standing alone~
I need a girl like this to go to cons with
Its not fair goddamnit. It just isnt fair.
Here's one. What a qt!
Are you a qt boy? If so, give discord?
I'm not cute desu sorry to dissapoint.
M-I-A#5318 if you really want to test your luck
i-is there one like this for dwarves
Any girl like this want a cute boy?
No but I have a cow one if thats close enough
>paying Kikerosoft for what should be free
Found this ugly shit because someone told me reddit is full of roastie whores
This is a >tfw no ideal gf thread
Fuck off back to whatever thread you came from
Steve Jobs did far more for this world by creating Apple than he did by having kids.
Same with Tesla, or Turing.
Is there a redhead tomboy exhibitionist one
listenan to Under the Sign right now
Discordfags begone for all infinity.
>wanting to have no friends
>From r9k
Ohoho that is a slap on the knee
Best things in life are hardest to find.
dishwasher wagie here
this is the fucking dream
my other coworkers are douchebag criminals.
I never knew how bad I wanted this until now
does someone have the booger gf image? I saw it posted here in one of these threads and I had a giggle but I didn't save it
>obvious shadow spawn ripoff
>"dude beyond your comprehension lmao" excuse for lazy writing, aka SCP wiki technique
>character design is just squiggles
even for Microsoft Paint memes there are standards, user
>Should we tell them Milton Friedman supported Pinochet or is it funnier if they don't know?
this hit wayy too close to home
that was just one that i downloaded from one of these threads
They all hit too close to home. It never stops hurting
>tfw no original mommy gf
why even live ;_;
This is the only right one
You're none of those people.
Also fuck Steve Jobs.
stop user, my heart can only get so broken
i should have never visited this thread, i found out i will never find true love
If I have to hurt like this so do you, its the only fair way.
I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this one.
Judge away, nothing I ask for is illegal
>mfw VLC gf
Make it end swiftly desu, my heart will kill me soon
I just want someone competitive enough to keep pushing me to improve and vice versa
Why are girls so passive and lazy, lads? I get enough of that from me
Someone post the anti-suicide gf.
Somebody post ALL THE GFS
>Obelisk the tormentor
Retarded rival you have there.
she appreciates the classics
the goth gf of my dreams
that image is the biggest mood
I can't tell what this is from the thumbnail, guess we find out together
I made myself a bf
We need one for each race
>trashy mophead bf with heart of gold
that's a funny way to spell "soy"
Oi, 5'6 ain't that small
>implying soyboys aren't cute
Looks like I've been caught
Literally the only thing that matters to me is she has to dislike technology in general.
economic illiterates don't know this feel
did you write that? it's cringey as fuck
Cringey for you maybe
>not thicc disco gf
this is pretty hot user
>tfw im not that gf (male)
This seems like it's referring to something specific
garbled forced originality gibberish noises
>Jow Forums
>not NTP masterrace
>private property
imagine being this spooked lmao
Underrated post
>comment not original
Forgot where I was for a sec.
this is really really originally bad
unironically my gf is like this - and trust me, this shit aint fun. You say one thing slightly wrong and its suicidal ideation and depression from her end that fuck you over.
The thing that stops me from ending it is that it very well may be the straw that breaks the camels back, its getting better and that she's good looking
this is just a normie
postum originarium oregano
>Ayn Rand
Is it bad that I know who this is? I had a professor recommend me one of her books. Am I just a brainlet? Is this a lefty book? Should I waste my time on it? It seems like it's just designed to sell her philosophy.
So many questions.
>sacrificing obelisk to normal summon BEWD
what the fuck kind of deck is she running
Almost every beginner """"""intellectual""""" knows about rand. Its a left leaning book bot not in the way you think. And yes the books are designed to shill her philosophy. I hear a few of them arent so bad but I haven't bothered to read any
>Is it bad that I know who this is?
No, Ayn Rand is one of the most well known authors of the past century
>Is this a lefty book? Should I waste my time on it?
Whatever book it is, give it a quick read and you'll find out
>Am I just a brainlet?
t-thank you for re-affirming my brainlet suspicions. also, the whole stigma around her books just makes them seem like they're just a big advertisement. it's honestly a big turn-off. plus i have a short attention span and i don't really read much.
ove and mercy, that's what you need tonight
So love and mercy to you and your friends tonig
I didn't make the picture user, but if I get bored enough later I'll fix it just for you
That'd be neato!
The greatest
Blue Eyes is Superior
Im an intp girl
r8, h8, masturb8, you can't oregano me
I got bored and fixed it. Have fun with your now not retarded ncr gf
nice meme, intp """girl"""
INTP girls sound really nice but then again, high value = chad desire too so even if they do exist why would they be on r9k
Probably the most accurate one ever made.
having children is the most whitepilled thing you can do
Nice bussy, user. Thanks
share the pain i endure every day
>Thinks that capital isn't a form of hierarchy
Nice meme
>Thinks that capital isn't a form of hierarchy
Who are you quoting? Libertarians aren't against hierarchy when there's no force involved.
Anyone have a masochist gf one?