This board should be a place to find comfort in our miseries...

this board should be a place to find comfort in our miseries, but instead everyone just want to impress others for having the worst life. we should be more kind and encouraging to one another.

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can you just go back
make it quick

that what i'm talking about, so rude and edgy :(

everyone wants to be the best at something.
and some anons' only option is being the best at being the worst

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It is a therapy: by becoming a bully, one user heals the neural connections in his brain and becomes healthy again. This is the sad truth that no one, be them shrink, priest or philosopher wants to talk about, as it's unethical and doesn't sell pills nor self-help books.

>so rude and edgy
see that's what i'm talking about, so gay and new

I hate this. I unironically want to make my own chan where I make the rules. No meanies allowed. No discrimination is allowed. Some arguments of course and hatred only directed to people who aren't on the board. I wish r9k was a friendly board :(

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There's always tumblr, fag
I think you should go back to it

There is always /b/ faggot. You like the word faggot don't you? So go back to /b/ to watch gore and call 15 year old normalfags faggots. Get off my fucking board

I used it once...
>my fucking board
it's been a week for you and you're already calling it yours.

>get of my board fag
both of you kikes can dip out of this place asap

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oh here we go

WHY DO THINGS START HAPPENING WHEN I don't know what over the last few weeks? You didn't even include a few ideas for me. Fuck you user

Did I offend you spergmaster supreme? Sorry I'll keep the language PG for you

Past few weeks has been discord drama and bullshit, ignore anything related to traps or the word reik o

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Kill yourself, you cum guzzling fruitcake.

>spergmaster supreme
I'll leave you with one word. month.

you must be new here
now fucking kill yourself or leave

Well actually it's just a fetish and orbiting board now, but you get points for trying.

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It's also a planning board for me.

is 2 years of lurking considered new?

Dont worry user, on here everyone is a newfag other than you

then youre just a sissy faggot, get over it or leave
this is not a place to find comfort and wont ever be a place to find comfort

and ive been here for six years anyways, dont try that shit with me underage bait