Welp, I just got kicked out of my campus for playing music. A fucking song.
Idk if im expelled (yet)
I bought the radio just to make friends, I saw some dude in high school years back getting lots of friends by playing music.
But cause Im not a 10/10 looking chad I get punished
I fucking hate normal fags
Welp, I just got kicked out of my campus for playing music. A fucking song
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The song and setting might be of importance here.
"A song" could be a lot of things. How explicit was the song? How loud were you playing it? If you were breaking the campus rules, you were setting yourself up for failure.
Maybe OP wanted to be postmodern in his music choices and they overreacted.
It wasn't explicit, it was in German. It told of the great power of the third reich.
OP has a trip, dumbfuck.
>number of posts is equal to number of posters
You are not OP.
Also this:
>A fucking song.
no shit
Im an anime fan, so I played Pomf Pomf in the lunch area while dancing
Some dude in hs did the same exact thing and the girls flaunted over him at how great he was (he did a different song, idk what it was but it was very similar in theme)
These fucking idiots are so brain dead
You shouldn't be outright expelled and I don't think you are but holy shit that's some autism.
Read above in hs chad got girls flaunting and loving him for doing pretty much the same thing
I had it as a reasonable volume and no one (that I heard) asked me to stop
I may have gotten a few odd looks but I was having fun trying to make friends
Yet if a chad handsome dude does it he can get laid but if I do im kicked out
And people wonder why I contemplate shooting up these fucks
lmao you sound like a literal stereotype
This has little to do with looks. Firstly this behaviour becomes less appropriate with age so in hs it might have been different, secondly Chad was popular before so to some extend what Chad does will be more popular. Also it is a thing of how you sell what you do. I can imagine Chad being better at presenting himself. Your observation is probably missing many important social conventions. Seemingly the only relevant difference you see is attractiveness which actually only plays a minor role.
You dun goof'd my man.
Also Chad probably didn't choose Pomf Pomf out of all songs.
Why, user?
You know what
Fuck you
I did a cute little dance, the song was funny and I get punished
Its not like I was doing it in the library
People where fucking playing FORTNITE in the lunch room with their Xbox on a projector
Yet im singled out for a fucking funny song
Are you merely pretending to be retarded?
If what you described is true you played a song about having sex with lolis in front of your peers and did a dance to it. This is simply not socially acceptable for an adult. You singled yourself out by acting totally different from everyone else and now you get angry at me for trying to explain.
If this is a normal situation for you you might want to seek professional help with sorting out what prevents you from acting accordingly to social convention.
This is not an insult. This is constructive criticism.
Fuck off
Read above ive done nothing wrong
Chad did almost the exact thing
>be retard with victim complex
>nervously shuffle around while annoying everyone with music
>not popular like Chad so people don't tolerate it or join in
>get kicked out of dorm while reciting your manifesto
Woah dude how did that happen
Did Chad play a song about lewds with lolis?
Yes, he played this (found it finally!)
I did a cool neko dance. When I was a kid I went to dance class I know how to fucking dance, I am not some autist.
Chad hardly did any dance, yet he got good attention when he played this but I get kicked out
You idiots keep spreading lies and you just dont get it
>I am not some autist.
I'm not a doctor but it seems you delivered an impressive display of autism.
who the fuck even are u?
Whelp, Chad should have been expelled too imho. Maybe they didn't report him because he was popular maybe they didn't mind as much because everyone was younger. Anyway you can't pull shit like that on campus.
>the song was funny
It's literally a song about the sound a Loli makes when she falls on a bed to be raped.
>Im an anime fan, so I played Pomf Pomf in the lunch area while dancing
How can anyone possibly be this retarded? I would of decked you in the face for playing garbage like that while I was trying to eat.
This. OP, this is the kind of embarrassing shit a 13 year old pulls off and regrets later down the line.