>little sister comes home from school
>says "did you know hitler only wanted people with blue eyes and blond hair to live?"
Little sister comes home from school
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Its true though desudesudesudesu
say: did you know he was trying to fight the jews?
i just told her "that doesn't make any sense since he didn't have either"
>son comes home from school
>dad did you know about THE SIX MILLION
He had blue eyes, but not blond hair.
>teaching about the holocaust in middle school for the entire English year just because Ann Frank had a diary
>school briefly glosses over The Trail of Tears for one assignment
Education is blatantly rigged.
well my bad, it's hard to tell in b&w photos
this is when you educate your sister
Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" with your sister sometime. Women may be dumb, but unless she is a complete imbecile that should set her straight.
Even ingoring the debate about the number of jews, it always goes
>Hitler killed 6 million jews
>Yeah, and according to this textbook, 11 million people in total
>Why are you trying to undermine the other 5 million people said to have also been killed?
with these brainlets.
26 millions russian died in ww2, thats more than the total of deaths in ww1, none crying about them but oh no 6 millions jew?!
Yep. The trump administration dared to acknowledge all the victims last year and the ADL and the media threw a fit. God forbid the other 4.5m get recognition. Holocaust memorials only ever recognize the jews too. And people always try to split hairs to explain this preferential treatment. "It was an industrial form of genocide and thus the lives lost were different" is a usual excuse
And the good goys eat it up, I know because my friends did it
Ever read a GCSE textbook?
>Mentions 11 million
>Proceeds to focus on only 6 million jews from then on, without even trying to differentiate
It does make me wonder... Are there any sources on arguments against all of this? All I've dug up so far has been a bit "I have an alternative hypothesis 6 GORILLION it's a CoNsPiRaCy" so it would be interesting to see if there's any evidence for this whole holocaust conspiracy thing...
I was thinking about that. Racism huh. Very nice. I want to fuck pol in their oofie oofie bussy while listening to the toilet paper on fire. Is that fucking fair? Or is it just happens with couples who caused the aids virus are straight biological weapons?
here's a shitty news piece i found while trying to rage myself by reading the news this morning.
>so you mean to tell me, people forget things?
Hey imagine if the Irish never shut up about Oliver Cromwell gassing them in 1649
The goyim can't be made to forget the holocaust apparently. fuck jews.
>little sister comes home from school
>says "the school taught me a bunch of lies about hitler again"
Yep, I trained her well lads.
Well the guy did kill himself.
>The best of this has been described by Jean Claude Pressac as merely "criminal traces."
>Pressac was originally a Holocaust denier who, with Robert Faurisson, attempted to disprove what he considered historically inaccurate depictions of the concentration camps as extermination camps. However, upon visiting Auschwitz in 1979 and 1980, Pressac was able to view first-hand the extensive archive of original German documents thanks to the courtesy of the museum staff and administration unaware of the true purpose of his research.
>The analysis of material proof convinced him that his former views shaped by the Faurisson case were in error.
>tfw i sometimes forget that 99% of people actually think the nazis were the bad guys irl
Do you think history can be defined within the categories of "good" and "bad" guys?
Do you also cheer for the villain in Saturday morning cartoons?
I know that feel. I tend to talk about politics at work often and I always forget that and I'm stuck treading some social thin ice as a result.
>"hheheheheh everything is a grey area. that's right, noble aryans fighting against zionist satanic jews may or may not have been the good guys, we'll never know"
The absolute madman, your parents would probably be pissed if they found out you turned their daughter based.
> Hitler sponsored by Wall Street
> Germany's planes running on American gas sold by Rockfeller
> Germany and the USSR both sponsored by the same group to crush the British Empire in the aftermath of WW1
> Germany and USSR cooperate economically and technologically from 1922 to 1939 as per the Rapallo treaty
> Rockfellers use German eugenics experiments after WW2 to set up Monsanto and investigate GMOs
> Rothschilds run USSR oil refineries in Baku until late 1920s/1930s
> British Empire manages to survive by convincing Hitler to invade the USSR.
Yes, ok, you just believe what's easy to believe.
apex bur
Does anyone have a source on this sonar maps thing? That would be pretty fucking damning to holocaust hypotheses. Wouldn't uproot it entirely but currently that's the main thing that shifted me from furrowed and firmly convinced eyebrows to one eyebrow slightly raised.
>Obese, hair-coloured feminist at college unironically and seriously tells me Hitler would have killed me for being a vegan
What is going on with this world?
How could someone be this retarded?
>even before I had far right views knew Rommel was a good boy who dindu nuffin
>tried to tell Mom this
>"but he was a Nazi!"
normies are so brainwashed
Kill your self you faggot you aren't deep just stop it