What the fuck is his appeal?

What the fuck is his appeal?
It certainly can't be because of the great content (he reviews fucking fast food) nor is he entertaining because his videos are so painfully boring that I can't watch them for more than 30 seconds.
Is it because he looks, dresses and talks weird? Like that's his whole gig?

Attached: 1518757035949.png (1260x1242, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:


its because the normies like werid stuff like him. its like a joke to them but at the same time it isnt a joke. like the thing they did with the rapper lil b.
i dont understand the normie way of thinking. but thats what they do.

>Is it because he looks, dresses and talks weird? Like that's his whole gig?

Yes, its a very specific charm to him that's practically died in the rest of society. He fills a niche.

is that fucking shadman?

>What the fuck is his appeal?
normies think he's being earnest and are laughing at him. He knows it's all a big joke and plays it up

>The Virgin RedditBrah
>The Chad SteveMRE

Attached: 1522977490081.jpg (596x797, 115K)

I watch reviewbrah fairly often. I enjoy his reviews. I like his personality, and gentle nature. I like it.

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I liked him better when he was less self aware. Lately his videos are getting disingenuous, like he's trying to put on a show.

lol this guy is fucking funny i love him and the cigarettes.

That guy is a low t beta

Attached: jagsfan.png (680x611, 1.93M)

the virgin reviewbrah
the chad nick the smoker.

>clearly works out
>as tall as a standard American door, which is 6'8"

He could beat you to a pulp

you will never be as alpha as steve you fucking degenerate.


>Is it because he looks, dresses and talks weird? Like that's his whole gig?

Yes. It's very similar to the Andy Warhol phenomenon. Andy Warhol you might know also did food reviews in suits, and was also weird:


its for the meme really, i actually watch some of his videos bc i want to know if a new menu item is good or not and he does really in depth reviews. He also has a sort of cult following, but in a meme way. Kind of like Stefan Karlson and smashmouth/rick astley

wasnt this guy a giant faggot too. is he the one with the penis museum ?

Report of the Week is reddit incarnate.

>wasnt this guy a giant faggot too.
debatable, he ran with fags, and never had a gf but he could have easily had a public bf but never did.
He was a fucking weirdo, and might have been an actual asexual.

Reviewbrah is sort of like the high-functioning autist that many post-modern artists were like. His robot-like behavior is quirky and interesting to normies because he seems to have no outward ill intentions, otherwise they'd alienate him immediately.


You have to go back.

200% nice
now 200% more original

He just but up a video announcing he's not going to be doing videos anymore less than an hour ago.