>draft all males under 6 feet
>have lulz
>manlets die off and humanity enters into an age of Chadtopia
Draft all males under 6 feet
>Don't kill the short women
>Problem isn't fixed at all
lol retard
>short females still around
>create more manlets and cycles repeat
opposite gender parent actually more effect on height than the same sex parent
they have a chance for tall children
this reminds me of the "omg we're getting bred out of existence!!!!" meme.
in genetics, things go full circle. mixed people reproducing eventually pops out white children. it's inescapable.
like brittney venti
Why do almost all 3/4 white people not look white?(3 white grandparents and 1 nonwhite)
>they have a chance for tall children
You'll have a better chance if you kill all the femlets (4'11-5'4'). My father is 6'0 and mother is 5'2' and I'm pretty sure I came out short because of my mother.
This is a quadroon and a white. The quadroon is 3/4 white. Yet she doesn't look white at all.
>draft all males under six feet
(under 6'2")*
The Prussians did that with the Frederick the Great's blue boys.
They made an elite military unite composed of only men above 6'0 I believe, however they were purely for show and rarely ever saw combat, the manlets were the ones sent to the front. The tallest prussian blue boy was a 7'2 guy from Ireland who was given as a gift to the Prussians from the British.
now post pics of 1/4th any other race besides black and you'll see you're full of shit
1 Indian grandparent. 3 white grandparents.
daily reminder that all elite military units are composed of males ranging from 5'8 to 5'11". Lanklets are useless for combat, their frames tire too easily and are bigger targets
manlets master race
just googled it.
>"This Brazilian male also appears to be in the quadroon range:"
you are full of shit
idk who to believe here man...
Image search says that guy has one hispanic grandparent and 3 white ones. You are wrong he is not Indian.
then the chad society, not hardened by war, will perish to some natural disaster or some such, probably not keeping the nuclear reactors in check because all the nerds died
>they were purely for show
I'm talking about Navy SEALs and Army Rangers, British Royal Marines, dudes that actually see shit today. Even the regulars are mostly in the 5'8-5'11" range.
> t. triggered non white
user I am sorry you have 1 non white grandparent.
Fucking this lol.
The fact that some people actually believe that anyone over 6'0 is not automatically super thin and has 0 endurance is a fucking retard. I mean sure, the worlds best long-distance cross-country runners are most over 6'0 but they are the exception. And yeah sure I mean in endurance sports they are also most over 6'0 but that is also just a exception. Same goes for extreme survivalist that are also mostly over 6'0 but that is just a coincidence cause I mean science tells us that they should die faster but for some reason they don't so just ignore them. And i mean sure in all forms of combat sports taller men dominate so to the point that you have to put the shorter guys in their own categories to make them have a chance. But yeah I read this meme once that short people are better in the military and i mean sure i don't have a source and if you search for it you don't find it but it just feels legit right?
>one hispanic
not the guy that posted it, but I'm sure he meant "indian" as in native american. "Hispanic" is not a racial term at all, but instead a cultural term, and includes everything from pure blooded Spanish (Caucasian), indio-spanish mix(mestizo), white-african mix (mulatto), and mestizo mulatto mix (not sure has a specific word, typically just called mulatto too). That guy is not "hispanic" at all, since Brazil was a Portuguese colony, not Spanish, but he does look mestizo.
it doesn't matter what she looks like, my point stands.
her children will get even whiter and so on and so forth.
>some manlets survive being drafted
>come back home and can use the fact that they were in the army as a way to get pussy
>tall men are seen as generally less attractive because they're not fighters
>world becomes full of manlets
boy, that plan would backfire.
>source: my ass
The taller you are, the longer your spine and the more stress it suffers.If you're carrying 40kg of gear because you're a soldier then that shit is going to fuck up your spine. If you get in a firefight in the middle of the Afghan desert or the Vietnamese jungles being small means you can cover yourself in more place. And your line on distance runners being over 6 feet is straight out of your ass, the top 100 marathon runners for 1990 to 2010 were on average 5'8" in 1990 and that DROPPED to 5'7" by 2010. Cry more lankfag, manlets are master race.
Yeah that's what I said! What are you on about?
There's a reason most powerlifters are masterrace-normal-height and not over average height just look at the guys breaking records like The Mountain named for how short he is.
And the point about the spine is a good one too, since all weight is purely 100% on a spine that obviously is in fact just as small independently of how tall you are. I mean its not like bones grow stronger under stress and that in fact that under load most tension is on muscles surrounding the spine (that also don't grow).
Its also a fact that women prefer smaller fitter men rather than lanklets, i mean sure all studies on the subject as well as all data from all dating sites globally all disagree means nothing.
Fuck it feels good being short so that our spines don't snap huh?
>Dude the bones in the spine can't handle any extra load so if you aren't a manlet you will get fucked up.
Why are you falseflagging as a manlet? That is retarded on so many levels i just can't believe a human is that retarded.
Some facts for you:
The taller you are, the better on average you are at lifting heavier things, there are many reasons for this including that muscles grow proportionally with your height. Since most muscles also work by using leverage larger levers = more power.
Here's an actual argument for you: Tall people have more cardiovascular problems, talk about that instead of making shit up about you with your 1/2th sized muscles (see the law of squares) somehow beats a muscle twice your size with a longer lever. Its just sad and silly.
Why are you so bitter about being short if short people are so much better? Genuinely curios.