What will an hero out feel like, what are the chances of failing at it with 9mm round...

What will an hero out feel like, what are the chances of failing at it with 9mm round? I keep researching findings on entry wounds and it seems like as long as it hits center mass then bleed-out will guarantee fatality, my only fear is surviving and welfare of my pets. With each passing day it seems like the sneeze is about to come at any moment and there is nothing I can do since all of my other avenues have been exhausted.

Would it be better to aim for the heart or head (temple) still the best option?

P.S. there are no loved ones or friends that would care or even find out for a very long time after it happens, so no issue about the scene. Once again my only concern really are my pets and what will happen to them after the event, has anyone dealt with something like that, share your thoughts..

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Maybe that can help, if you're not sure about offing yourself with a 9mm

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thanks, that's something to consider, I was also thinking on buying OD dose of H and at least go out with a feeling. I did try applying pressure to the arteries with fingers and with each pump more and more pressure is building up in the face, doesn't seem so comfortable but I am able to breath as you mentioned.

The best way to go, by best I mean painlessly, would be shotgun to the face. Unfortunately, not everyone can get their hands on a shotgun. Cutting your wrists vertically would be pretty painelss I think, it'd be painful the first few seconds but then you'll just drift away.

shotgun is hard to get and will require few months of wait period where I am, also cost makes it hard to purchase since I'd rather spend that money on last few days of good meals, last lay, drugs and a trip to local tourist location.

what about stream or no stream, leave a note or not, if so what to make it about, how does one even gathers enough viewers to assure video will be saved and distributed among channers?

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I guess making a thread about the stream on both /b/ and Jow Forums would gather enough anons. About a note, leave one to your loved ones, if you have any, friends or family

any idea what the note should state besides; fuck you all for not being there for me?!

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That I can't help with, my skill with words is below utter trash level. If you have nothing much to say to them, make it short and make it a final fuck you for them forgetting

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Don't kill yourself and quit listening to these retards. If you're already afraid of surviving or worried about your pets you absolutely will fuck it up because you'll flinch. And if you do something like slitting your wrists you will instantly regret it. As blood spills out, you'll have to deal with freaking out over your death while your pets watch.

Also, your pets will most likely be taken to the pound. Or starve to death if no one finds you in time.

Go get some help.

Also, taking advice on how to kill yourself from living people is like taking driving lessons from someone who has never even driven a car.

cutting your wrists only has a 6% chance of actually working though user. painless but effective could be carbon monoxide, (71%) long drop hanging, (89%) shotgun or any other gun ( 99% for shotgun, 97% everything else) or cyanide (painful but only a few seconds)(97%)

Hold on, let me unbury the dead to get their opinions

Look at this, Suicide Einstein has visited the thread. Yeah, a shotgun to the face sure is painless as long as you don't flinch, and you will, and just blow a few inches off and become a faceless freak.

Hanging, yeah, let's just hang for five minutes while you slowly die and regret everything.

They'd all say they regretted it.

>you absolutely will fuck it up because you'll flinch
that's why everyday I've been dry-firing into various areas of my body to get used to it and not flinch when time comes to sneeze and it'll be loaded .

> Go get some help.
I've been asking for help but everyone seems to just ignore me and tell me I am fine and to get over myself and to pull myself by bootstraps and things will work out, it's been so long I don't remember last time I was happy :\

about pets I was thinking on doing it somewhere sort of public like the beach while swimming and leave a note in my clothes with instructions to sell off all of my belongings to provide care for my pets, all of my things in total will probably gather $5000-10000 but I am not sure if stuff like that is taken seriously and if pets really do just go to the pound and forgotten about :(

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also forgot to mention, gunshot to chest is only 89.5% compared to head which is as i said 97% for shotgun its chest 96% head again 99%
first, shotgun to the face has a 99% death rate because even if you flinch you still have a very high likelyhood of hitting your brain stem second i said long drop hanging, which is different from short drop in that it breaks your neck instantly. at most 1 second of pain, if that doesn't kill you but just paralyzes you you will still suffocate. it is also possible to short drop yourself and quickly get knocked out if you restrict blood vessels to the brain (around 30 seconds or so)

>muh regret

It's different though when the trigger pull is real. I can take a prop knife and run it across my arms over and over again. But when I go to get a real blade that I know will kill me, you will hesitate.Your body does not want to die. It has a biological mission to stay alive.

And to the second part, about getting help, if people are saying that and you are on this forum formulating plans, they either 1) Don't know how bad off you are or 2) You have talked about it in the past and they don't believe you anymore. If it is the first option, then talk to a professional or a suicide hotline, or even re-engage with people and tell them "I have a plan." If it is the second option, just talk to different people.

And you write a note, with no guarantee people will find it, and your pets starve. or a cop finds it, they go to your house, and take your pets to the pound. It isn't going to work out well for them.

>Your body does not want to die
that's why I haven't done it and suicide been on my mind daily for almost a decade now, but lately (last year) it's more invasive and there were few days where I was really close and freaked out but with each time that happened and passed, next time seemed less and less meaningless, thus I feel my sneeze is coming and I won't be able to stop it. Just like watching gore first few times is really sickening but after a while I have no problem viewing it while having a nice dinner

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You are giving someone who has severe depression advice you have never tested and most likely got from an anime board. You don't know any of this, no one does. "Oh, shotgun face, you only felt pain for a second before you died, thanks for answering my questions via Ouija board."

And yes, a high drop hanging may break your neck. Let's just find an empty warehouse and a grappling hook and hope for the best.

DO NOT GO FOR TEMPLE. if you are going to do this, go for under the chin, or in the mouth. if mouth aim for the spinal column

>It isn't going to work out well for them.
this just broke my heart :'( My plan was always to wait for my pets to expire first and not to take on any new responsibilities but I fear upcoming circumstances will leave with with no options but to follow thru.

>someone who has severe depression
yea! about the pain I don't fear much about it since I am pretty sure after few initial seconds of pain body will be flooded with "i don't give a fuck" endorphins, my fear is surviving in worse state than I am now and not being able to finish the job after due to medical condition.

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First off, quit watching gore. It's pointless. "Oh, I'm just building up immunity to the suffering of the world." Ok, you did that, now stop watching.

Secondly, what you put in your mind and what you indulge it with will create a feedback loop. A lot of people have suicidal ideation. And you can either focus on it and build that feedback loop until you feel ready to burst. Or when those thoughts come, push them out. It's harder the longer you've done it but you can do it.

Just think of your pets.

19000 people in the us got over that hesitation in pulling the trigger in 2010 though user. 19000 more got over that hesitation by using some other method. If you arent pussy you can do it easily
I didn't get the information from Jow Forums, i got my percentages from a study (CE Rhyne, DI Templer, LG Brown and NB Peters, "Dimensions of Suicide: Perceptions of Lethality, Time and Agony", in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Vol. 25(3), 1995.) they are percentages from forensic pathologists. long drop hanging is easy to do as long as you can find a height you can drop from, pic related is the chart for it.

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And for every suicide there are 25 attempts. So the chances will be the suicide will not be successful.

Yeah, I've seen those charts. Where? On R9K. So I doubt in your field of research you've been reading these papers. If anything, you backtracked the image to it's source.

Why do you want the robot to commit suicide?

they are posted on r9k, however i found the source a long time before i started using r9k. I understand that i don't have proof for this and i can't think of any way i can give you proof of this. i use this chart because it is a simple to understand chart that is accurate, it was used for drop hanging prisoners. I never said that i wanted him to commit suicide, but i would rather if he is deadset on dying for him to know what will likely work and what will likely fail.

But why? How does that help? You're just speeding up a process that may not have such an inevitable end. You have these facts and figures and you give the out to someone who is obviously tortured.

It'd be the same if someone had an addiction to child porn and someone else said "Well, I don't agree but I don't want to see you get arrested so here's a list of sites that the police don't monitor." Help with the core problem, don't indulge it.

As a passing observer I simply want to say that you are entirely and admirably correct.

Being dead isn't a problem though, that's where your error is.

Not existing is the biggest problem you could biologically face.

The primary benefit of a 9mm round is that it has lower recoil than .45 ACP and .40 S&W. Obviously recoil won't be a problem here, so go for something with more oomph. A hollow point bullet to the head is practically guaranteed death.

Unless you fuck it up, and you are a vegetable now.

"No way, bro, you can't fuck it up! Take it from me, a living guy who is an expert on suicide!"

That's why you try to maximize your chances. A hollow point .45 ACP will crack your skull open like an egg.

I originally looked into this to find the best way to commit suicide, I wanted to commit suicide. although i haven't because of many reasons, when somebody tried to help me out of it, i ended up hating the world more, i had given up looking for a way out other than death. although i do not want others to commit suicide, if they want to that badly, but are uninformed they may end up ruining their lives even more, or hurt others. many people do not do research, earlier today at around 2am an user said he just came back from hospital because he tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrists, if he had been better informed he would not have gone through almost an hour of suffering and he said he probably wouldn't have tried to suicide if he knew the chance by slitting your wrists was that low

Everyone has different reasons for looking into this stuff. Some, it may just be suicidal ideation and they are scared. Others may be suffering from lifelong depression, a deadly illness, disability, abuse, what have you. There are others, though, that just have a moment of darkness. A break up. A lost job. Things look like they will never be bright again.

So when you give out this advice, you don't know who is on the other side of it. It could be someone who has cancer and doesn't want to wait six months. It can be a 17 year old boy who just got dumped. OP seemed to have been struggling with these thoughts for a long time but nothing they suggested showed a debilitating disease, homelessness or really even a deep depression. Loneliness, mostly.

We can help people like this.

i understand that its possible to help people, but i believe that you should still have the knowledge. if not to use it but just to feel that you can do something better than that. the truth is theres really no perfect way to commit suicide, theres always a downside whether it be the possibility of failure, or the extreme pain most methods have. even the "painless" methods i mentioned are still painful, but less so than other methods. the only true painless method is carbon monoxide, which is difficult to set up and can end up killing others. most of the time when i post what the downsides are to methods, people realize that they would rather not go through with it than risk killing others, or go through the most pain they have ever gone through. This is because they don't actually want to go through with it, i have posted telling people methods and their downsides more times than i could count, but there is only one time i can think of where the person i responded to didn't change their mind. I however did not do that for this thread, and that was a mistake i should not have made and will make sure not to do again.

I see where you are coming from with all of that. You're obviously an intelligent person and you've struggled with all of this yourself, as have I. We just attack it from different angles. We can argue who's methods are more effective but I do see what your reasoning is.

I think OP is gone. I think the pets thing is what got them the most worked up.

I do see the point in trying to help people, and i do believe that it can be effective, i think both my and your arguments work, just on different types of people. you definitely were correct on when you said that some have a moment of darkness, that they should just look for help. I just believe that most people that come to this board are most likely not just going through a short term thing but have been suffering for a while. I think that people who think that death is the only way out and have felt that way for a long time are more likely to reject help, but if they see something that looks to be assisting them, but is also informing them that all of the methods that they would try have problems that they don't want to deal with, they will probably rethink it and realize that they don't really want to die. Overall I think you had some very good points, and that your way of stopping it can work and so can mine, just in different cases. OP definitely left awhile ago, but i had fun talking to you, and I will probably try and come up with a way to blend both your way and my way together so that it can help stop more people from making mistakes they would regret.

It was fun talking to you as well. I am sure we will run into each other on another thread like this in the future. Now that I know your tactics, I won't be so hostile to you in the future!