Mentally ill soyboy beta decides to transition

>mentally ill soyboy beta decides to transition
>gets prescribed hormones, oy vey
>regrets it a year later and attempts to go back to being male
>forever fucks his shit up because of kike brainwashing
>will probably end up an heroing

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I'm 5'4".
Fuck you. I hope Hitler comes back as a femboi.

Good. Stay the fuck out transtrender faggots

He was perfect trap material imo, looked pretty good too as a trap.

Before this gets deleted by butthurt mods I just wanted to say try not to fuck his shit up, boys because I just noticed I forgot to censor this kid's name lul. He's 15 or something.

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>What could`ve been

Sounds funny to me since im 6.4

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Aaaahahahaaa this tranny has been posting how s/he gets turned on by her body smell and how amazing it is to rubb the tits on a few discords about a year ago. Probably just got conscious about how fucking agp s/he is and is simply disgusted by how degen s/he really is.

Here he is now. JUST

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Nevermind, he's 19. Still, try not to get him to an hero.

He ruined servers with his agp spamming

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Lmao post more, want to fuck with this faggot on leddit. Fucking mentally ill degens.

So he was legal a year ago?
He posted a shit ton of nudes

he is extremely narcissist so probably a tranny anyway, just didn't stand social pressure and transition. he may even go re-transition later iirc quite a few detransitioners do it

also had to wait till he is 22 or so to detransition to keep a cute face, it can be ruined with a late bout masculinisation yet

He claims he's 19 on leddit, so yes unless he's lying.

You know what to do, user. Please post some, want to fap.

Holy fuck lmao im 5"10 get back in the bin you troglodyte

How did you get out of the pit? Take this manlet away, boys.

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Jesus christ thats cringe as fuck

>bwaaaaaa I had potential to be 5 11, now I am "only" 5' 8"
Faggot got what he deserved, try being a 5'6" and then you can complain

>Thinks he has the right to call people a manlet
Get the fuck back in the trash bin you 56% meme.

You're not going to do shit. He's hot. This is why trap shit is going to continue irrespective of the secret pro/anti cabals and the bullshit: it is impossible to shame a hot person, it is easy to shame an ugly person, and the hotness curve leans heavily toward femininity.

he should stayed as a qt... no future for this pajeet now. He chosed to be a manlet instead of one of those traps that fucks cute retarded bitches.

tbhon most of people on hrt who recognize that their smell changed like it

at least he didn't cut his dick off

Just proves that life as a female really is easy mode, as a dude he's a beta faced manlet, as a girl he's a cute femanon looking stacy.

>"mentally ill" person
>shit ton of nudes

Why is it always both? I know they may not be in the best mental state but what makes them always post nude or porn or shit?

Degenerate kaafir

is he actually a pajeet? judging from his pre transition pic it seems like he could be indian, arab or spic, and i was leaning towards spic

Only white "men" do this shit

You may easily be able to find mere sexual intercourse as a woman, but that is nothing to be desired in and of itself; love is just as difficult to find as it is for a man, and being in a loveless partnership with somebody who desires you principally for your physical appearance is a fate worse than dying alone.

He confirmed himself a pajeet before.
Thing about him is that he never got a diagnosis for dysphoria. The therapists didn't think he was trans but he ordered the hormones online anyway. That's the real danger here.

Can someone explain to me why hormones are legal to buy online if you require a prescription from a doctor? It'd have prevented the Reiko cabal from doing anything if the doctors knew better.

because of kikes

Nice trips. Is it actually the jews though? I know people on Jow Forums like to meme about that but doesn't the old testament denounce this stuff?

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Anything goes if it's against the goyim

Destroying the white race is #1 priority
Talmud exists for people like you to go "well in talmud it says x so it can't be the jews teehee"
As if kikes give a fuck about talmud. And yes, kikes hate trannies, faggots and so on, but only if they're jewish.
Kikes love brown "people" for obvious reasons, especially niggers, but obviously they don't want them in Israel.
>inb4 le black jews
Again, it's for naive libshits. Kikes will never accept niggers as part of the tribe.

It's really complex and addmitely jews are geniuses when it comes to genocide.

i guess this manlet is so short in mental faculties he doesn't realize he's a manlet

Do people also become autistic when they go on hrt? because that behavior is crazy

These people are genetic trash that would die in nature anyways. Should do themselves a service and off themselves rather than prolong the suffering.

>t. genetic trash
You first.

Soy boys get more pussy than you

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Got some DSL going on there.

Because you have to have something wrong with you to be any of the things needed to not only take nude pics, but post them online for anyone to see.

Desperate, lonely, damaged, mentally ill, etc.

Normal people don't do that shit. Daddy fucked me real good people do that shit. No one likes me but I have a nice body people do that shit. I'm a vapid whore people do that shit.

>oh teehee my armpits smell cute
I'm going TERF. I'd have so much more sympathy for these people if they just acted normal, instead of turning womanhood into a masturbatory exercise.

>when your gf cams so you can get a nintendo switch

I hope you don't go TERF I'm trans and that picture left me unsettled as well

Have you never interacted with faggots before?

The feminine ones are the most annoying queens you can ever meet and trans just takes it to the next level. Of course they're fucking weirdos.

Don't act like a faggot.

Eh, you responded to me without getting triggered so I'll clarify. I'm "TERF"-y by SJW Tumblr standards. By the standards of someone without borderline personality disorder, I'm chill.

Some shit I think:
>if you don't have dysphoria you're not trans
>people with dysphoria can be treated more cheaply, effectively, and less risk by transition - so whatever, go for it.
>there is no magical feminine singularity and playing with barbies when you're ten does not make you a woman
>women are made via socialization
>transwomen are generally socialized as men and have male privilege
>people with mayonnaise genders are stupid
>a of tranners have really fucked up views of what it means to be a woman and they need to shut the fuck up and cis-women have every right to be pissed off
>transpeople get fucked by society and do need special provisions to make sure they can get housing
>a lot of TERFs are cunts - just because you think someone is in female blackface does not mean they deserve to be curbstomped

TLDR: If we met IRL I'd probably like you, use your pronouns and we'd both have a rewarding discussion about gender and then get drunk
>assuming you can drink on skittles I have no clue

I live in a major metropolitan area. I live and breathe faggots. It's made me a thousand times more Jow Forums than living in a rural area and slowly downloading infographics from this hellsite ever has.

What a fucking little girl
Are you sure he's off HRT?

As long as you don't hate me and want me dead your ideology is fine by me. I can agree with a lot of what you said. I don't really think I have male privilege anymore though. I kinda feel like I threw out all privilege I had desu. Also I wish you the best hopefully you don't run into any tranners that make your opinion of us worse.

lol delusional

this tranny shit is widespread among nonwhites, usually bl*ck 'males'.

women are autogynephiles
i guarantee you women get off on being women, i've seen it
there is no sexual party, all women are bisexual and most men are not gay

*parity not party

>socialized as men and have male privilege
> I don't really think I have male privilege anymore though. I kinda feel like I threw out all privilege I had

what the fuck is wrong with you people? has the mind virus gotten this far?
go back to neogaf or wherever the fuck you came from. You don't belong here

>locked into being a "girl"
Gotta laugh, that's straight outta hentai.
If you're going to fuck shit up, go all the way. And that spic bitch can't say he "had potential" to be x cm tall, he could very well suddenly stop at where he was.

>male privilege
You can't stop having it. If your parents treated you in any beneficial way because you were a dude once, then you benefit. Likewise, if I became a dude now it wouldn't retroactively put me through the emotional grinder than young men go through in childhood. We can't undo that shit, so whatever benefits or problems it inflicted and continues to inflict upon us are there forever.

>I had
I mean, obviously if you're out, you're probably getting fucked in ways that I am not. You still have some sort of privilege, but it probably doesn't net you positive privilege points (if we're playing SJW olympics) or whatever against whatever shit you get for being a tranner.

>opinion of us worse
I stay off /lgbt/.

I've been on this site for more than a decade. Eat me.

I mean, yeah. Most people get aroused by their own bodies. See any attempt to diagnose the appeal of futa to straight dudes. It's a Pavlovian response to one's own dong.

However, I think it's fair to say that there is a difference between thinking oneself looks sexy and attaching all sorts of weird gendered shit to it.
>"hey my ass looks amazing in these pants"
>"I'm such a naughty little schoolgirl slut who loves cum I'm such a sissy stupid baby"
A bit of a difference.

This. Spics is manlets largely anyway. Maybe he can identify as transtall.

Traps are psyops

5'4 also
Im here for you

>Those eyebrows
Overcompensating for something?

They're a symptom of human domestication. Agreeableness goes up, test goes down, or your mating success bites it.

Whatever, man. People are dumb.

Thought that was Agatha from the thumbnail.

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Much as I disagree with the method of treatment, this isn't the system's fault. Like another user said he bought hormones online. There was no prescription to begin with

>''untreated mental illness''

It's just extreme lust, this guy literally can't control his penis feelings. His dick made him ruin his life. What a dummy, hopefully ends up like pic related.

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>reddit spacing
You're not fooling anybody, tumblrina

>he thinks that spacing your paragraphs is Reddit-spacing
You think pic related is Reddit too, fag? Get the fuck outta my face.

You could make the argument the system should better regulate these substances.

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He's fucking hot, he should just stay a trap rather than live as a 2/10 pajeet.

I'm a man and when I get a whif of my masculine musk it turns me on am I AAP (autoandrophilic)

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holy shit i'd slam that ass after transition.

>when will they learn

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>I mean, yeah. Most people get aroused by their own bodies. See any attempt to diagnose the appeal of futa to straight dudes. It's a Pavlovian response to one's own dong.
>However, I think it's fair to say that there is a difference between thinking oneself looks sexy and attaching all sorts of weird gendered shit to it.
>>"hey my ass looks amazing in these pants"
>>"I'm such a naughty little schoolgirl slut who loves cum I'm such a sissy stupid baby"
>A bit of a difference.

Is alright to act like that at first because they're not used to being "female" , as it becomes part of everyday life they start to act normally, see it as a second cringy puberty

You see this boys? This is what you get after 5 years of the slippery slope and trap posting.
A stone cold retard
Anyone else can't stand this premise of this show but watches it anyway? Just when yo think reality TV couldn't get anymore degenerate the kikes outdo themselves.

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Also this scene in particular irked me, they demonize the guy who makes completely valid points and laud the bunch of loonies who can't accept who they are.

Why do people keep saying this shit. He looks really good, IMO much better, as a guy. All you guys just can't see anything masc as attractive I guess.