Every day billions of girls undress for a male counterpart. Everyday billions of males get to look at and touch the smooth skin of a girls belly, breasts, ass, and legs. Every. Fucking. Day. Yet somehow you are not one of these billions.
How do I cope?
Every day billions of girls undress for a male counterpart...
fuck off masochist
I seriously doubt all 3 and a half billion women have sex every single day, even if they can.
there are 7 billion people on this earth
Only 3.5 billion are women
A lot are seniors
A lot are underaged
A few don't have partners
Most people don't have sex every day
Its only in the hundreds of millions senpai
Thanks for putting my incelness in an even more depressing way user. Didn't think it could be possible
Hard drugs and alcohol works for me
By ackowlwdging the fact that im undesirable. Some times when i see just my type on the subway it hurts though
I'd be surprised if the number of girls having sex every day was over 100 million, actually.
>smooth skin
sounds like you watched too many porn vids and you decided every MUH BILLIUNZ GURLZ must be 9+/10 girls in their prime time
Just because you're naked doesn't mean you're having sex.
>undress for male counterpart
genetic abnormalities exist everywhere. statistically it's not our fault that we get the short end of the stick and nothing we do will change that
Damn. You have it way worse. I don't have genetic abnormalities yet I've never known the touch of a woman. I just never excelled socially. I peaked in around 4th-6th grade. Once puberty hit all the other kids it was downhill. I don't think I hit puberty until about 15. I mean I think my balls had dropped before then. But I didn't sweat that much, or grow body hair until 15 or 16.
Why is woman skin so soft, bros? i love to touch and can't get enough
> how do you cope?
The loneliness is converted into hate and this is stored up somewhere inside of my very being.
Take HRT. You get to touch soft skin whenever you want
You don't cope, it's time for rope
You get what you put in m8. You want a gf? Be the kind of guy a girl dates.
Complaining about no gf when you do nothing to change is like drinking saltwater and complaining about the dehydration.
>have mental retardation
>>complaining about not being smart when you don't study is like drinking salt water and complaining about dehydration
>>you get what you put in
Only in a perfect system which can't exist in the real world
I cope by not being a fucking pussy.
Lesser men than you and I can find love. Excuses only get you so far.
You begin with the realisation that not all women look like her.
it's all a process mane. you'll get consumed by anger and sadness. then you'll start by compensating via convincing yourself that it doesn't matter and distract yourself with 2d. eventually everything just fades away and the concept of being close to another human being is so foreign it doesn't even faze you.
But many do look like her. Millions, in fact.
Also how does one make it 25 years on this earth without getting naked and touching a naked being and having a naked being touch you? That seems literally impossible I refuse to believe it
You normies really do sound like NPC's regurgitating the same shit.
I have never met someone who is an adult virgin
Yeah kind of this, even though it's not that good for you.
In the beginning, I drank. Then I went further and further down the rabbit hole of alcoholism and it's been so much time that I don't even really care about women anymore. It's not the way it's supposed to be obviously, but now I just drink relatively moderately every day and don't really care about much. That being said, I don't hate women, and it's possible something may happen someday, but I just don't care and refuse to agonize over it like I did when I was 10 years younger.
I am a 28 virgin who has touched a couple of girls in various stages of undress on both of our parts but you talk about sex as something that you just go completely autopilot on and couldn't possibly stop yourself for any reason.
i am one of those men
Kill me
This!! Take the pinkpill and you'll know the softness 24/7
>you talk about sex as something that you just go completely autopilot on and couldn't possibly stop yourself for any reason.
Because that's pretty much all it is. You think it's rocket science? Humans are animals after all literal retarded people can fuck somehow you can't figure it out?
I am one of those billions though. I love to slap my girl's ass when she walks by in her underwear.
By not thinking about it.
No social circle no qt 4u
me and my hot boyfriend just touche each other to this post !
You guys are so weird sometimes.
It's just nudity. My wife got naked this morning when she was changing for work and I didnt cum my pants or anything. It's not a big deal.
that house looks... interesting
My friends have.
t. 32yo khv (dateless too)
It is strange to think I've seen a ten thousand times as many tits (on a screen) than my ancestors but I'm still a virgin. Elliot's frustration made sense.
At the risk of outing myself as a normie: what's the problem? Not trying to be a dick I'm just legit curious.
I originally know that feel.
please just fucking let me post this
technically your ancestors have seen 0 tits on a screen
>what's the problem
For me, wanting what I can't have but everyone else can. I am the failed normalfag, I admit.
Well, what I mean is what's stopping you from getting it?
[ here]
I don't know what exactly "the problem" is.
A little background about myself.
>single mom
>overweight to obese till early 20s [145 pounds now; maximum was almost double]
>no father figure, no male rolemodels, no heroes
>actual father rejected me on first sight and i gave up on him
>low to no self esteem childhood and teen years
>had very few friends over all those years
>etc. etc.
Make no mistake, I am not blaming anyone for my shortcomings in social skills or whatever.
I know that I play an integral part in this equation.
I could not give you an answer as to why "it never happened."
Why the circumstances seemlingly were never in my favour,
or if they were why I didn't notice and unconsciously blew it.
I do not know this.
And this is what's eating me up more and more.
I do not know how to carve out circumstances, I do not know how to create those opportunities.
Consciously I only came to the conclusion that it has never been right time/right moment for me, yet.
>But did you try to approach girls?
No, I have not. Cold approach is something I have NEVER even witnessed. (Eurofag here)
I don't know how to. Who should I approach? Where? How? What should I say?
I'm clueless.
My friends never helped me either. Makes me think I fulfill a specific role for them and they most likely like me for my misery.
Dunno if any of this makes any sense to you.
Wish someone I'm close to in real life would want to analyze me and my behaviour irl.
I'm weird, ,boring, unfriendly, and not very likable. Don't make a lot of money either.
If I was a girl worth dating I wouldn't date me either.
>tfw husband begrudgingly fucks me once a month if that
change things up man. Do something different. If what you are doing now isnt working, nothing is going to change. Always have that mindset "Is what I am doing making me a better person?"
you got this bro
I don't have any genetic problems either or even bad looks really, but I have an extremely unsocial personality and very poor self-esteem. I've never jived with people in the social sense very well at all. I don't make women or anyone laugh.
As I've gotten older (32 now) I've developed more and more solitary hobbies and interests. I just don't have anything to connect with other people over and never have.
Need some extra fucking? I can help you with that.
>change things up man. Do something different.
I do what I want to do. Things I enjoy doing. I'm not going to pretend to be a different person just to attract a mate. A mate that I"d wind up hating and resent and mistreating because I'd be stressed out at having to pretend to be a different person.
i'm far too puss to cheat but to be honesty I don't think he would be surprised
I never had a father that cared about me, my natural father was never a part of my life, and the two men my mother was in a relationship with didn't care about me either. Despite being considered attractive when I was a teen, and having girls like me in school (who all happened to be socially awkward like me), I never once talked to them because I genuinely didn't know how. My mother never told me this (because she thinks people don't have relationships in high school, and that college is when such things happen), and her exes never taught me anything ever at all. I tried to improve myself in high school, basically tried to become a normie after my mom left her last ex, but I failed at getting any friends, and a few months later I was heavily depressed and anxious because I was bullied. The last crush I ever had I still can't forget about her years later (I failed that grade despite being considered a "gifted" child, was sent to a special school, and dropped out)
TL;DR: I was never taught how to interact with women (or people in general), my mother's "ignore it and it'll go away" attitude didn't help, and fears of rejection ruined whatever chance I ever had at intimacy.