Do you robots ever get sad that you're lonely etc? Don't you ever have urges to make friends and have fun...

Do you robots ever get sad that you're lonely etc? Don't you ever have urges to make friends and have fun? Or to try and be someone? Why complain on here about having no gf when you could at least make an irl attempt to get one? Don't mean to be rude, just curious :)

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i am sad and lonely everyday i want a gf everyday. but i know it wont work cause i just dont fit in. nothing works for me. i stopped trying.

i just talk to myself

Why do u feel u don't fit in?

Talk to people irl, it makes u feel good and its healthy to talk to others

spent my whole life watching women go to other men and not me and i am 30 years old. now i cant even look at women in public without wincing.

for the most part i've given up on people

Any idea why they chose others? Maybe your attitude towards the situation (giving up) is making it worse?

Why have u given up on people?

What are you doing here
Fuck off back to /jp/

It was the first photo I saw in my gallery, chill. No need to be rude, I'm tryna help people out

i think because other people are more extroverted and can go with the flow of everything better than me. i feel like my feelings inside and more intense and better than other peoples. but no one would ever know how i feel. i could be sitting next to someone and be in love with them or wanting to kill myself because i like them so much and no one would ever know. just terrible at expressing how i feel and also can't open up or come out of my shell because its impossible.

Have you tried talking to people about how you struggle with expressing feelings? Maybe counselling or something could help?


U say that like I'm not worthy or something. I listen to Babymetal quite a lot tbf. They're very good. And if u like yui, why moan at me over the pic?

no i view everyone as an enemy even counselors no one can help me.

Dude, don't shut everyone out. You'll only make it worse. Talking to people is how you learn to talk to people.

Oh shit my bad
I thought you're one of those autists in /jp/

Nah, I'm not. It's fine tho. :)

Yeah I get those urges, but then I remember why I'm in my situation in the first place. I'm utterly incompetent socially and it's better for me on an emotional level to be alone. If the urge is large enough to get me talking to someone, I'm quickly reminded that I'm not cut out for it.

Don't start feeling sorry for yourself. Ur incompetent socially because you're alone. As I said earlier, talking to people improves your ability to talk to people. Just try it, you might actually enjoy it.

>Don't start feeling sorry for yourself.
I don't. This is a common normgroid shart. "haha stop being such a downer bro" I'm perfectly content with my situation. No, I'm not incompetent because I'm alone. I was always this way and learned my place in the hierarchy.

Not previous user.
Making yourself look like a little bitch infront of others can be repulsing, you will make yourself look weak and people dont like someone weak.

U either look "weak" and then get stronger or... stay weak

If you really feel that way, you do you. I just think you might enjoy having friends more.

I think I would. I just don't have anything to offer anyone so I can't make friends.

Getting repulsed by people doesnt make me stronger, since they all go away from me.

Tried both, nothing changes, no girl ever finds any interest in me, cant blame them, there are far more better guys than me, the fact that im taking an engineering couse means that i dont get that much in contact with girls in classes, and after finishing uni i will probably end up stuck in an apartement, all alone with nothing to do besides work. At that point i will just spend money on whatever i feel like unil i finally kms out of boredom and isolation.
Hopefully this didnt sound too edgy, since this is the only realistic way i precieve my future.

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feeling sad? feeling lonely? feeling bored? join tabula rasa and make some friends and shitpost with us, you probably don't have anything else to do

I'm almost certain you have something to offer. Everyone does

If u haven't even finished uni yet, it doesn't matter. You've still got loads of time. Getting a gf isn't necessary either. Just be patient and one day you'll find someone.

I do, I talk to my self and imagine stupid ass fantasy in my head where I'm the chad protagonist.

Advertise elsewhere. No one's joining ur discord after the reiko stuff anyway

>I'm almost certain you have something to offer. Everyone does
I really don't. I don't have any interests or hobbies, I'm not good-looking, I'm not charismatic/funny/witty, and I'm not rich. I don't want to make it sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'm just trying to look at it objectively. Friendship is ultimately a two-way street and if you have nothing to offer, there's no reason anyone would want to be your friend. The four things I listed are pretty much the foundation of 99% of friendships, and I don't have any of those.

Talk to some real people

I do get lonely but I've never really wanted a gf, just friends.

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we don't into dramafagging here, it's just a bunch of anons who like to talk witheachother and /soc/ is full of obnoxious spergs

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Good looks/charisma etc. are opinion based. Someone might think differently to you in regards to them. And surely you enjoy something other than Jow Forums? If so, that alone could help you get friends.

U don't need a gf. Have u tried making friends?

Whatever. Advertising is still annoying tho

I haven't had friends in 4 years, I don't know where to start.

>And surely you enjoy something other than Jow Forums?
I spend most of my time on mindless superficial entertainment. Can't really build rapport on that.

Do u go out? If so, try and make conversation with peope. Having common interests helps a lot too so going to cons etc. or arranging stuff beforehand could be useful.

Can you elaborate on "mindless superficial entertainment"?

I still have 2 years left since im taking master's degree, but i find extremely hard that i will ever get a gf at this point, friends are all to busy with their own gfs building a future together, relationships are healthy for your mental health and self development, everyone is expected to have one at some point, yet im still KHV at 22.
I already recieve enough pressure from my parents and they are starting to think im a homo or mentally retarded since im the only member of the family that has never gotten in a relationship. Everyone is busy with someone else and im the only one i know all alone.

Browsing Jow Forums, reddit and youtube.

please teach me how to make friends in real life.

t. turbo autist sperg, i suspect i may have actual autism

>try to get gf
>have some of the worst experiences of my life
>try to "be someone"
>long hours, stress, misery, bullshit

tl;dr it's not worth it

Same here, minus the gf part. I just grew tired of social interaction very quickly at a relatively young age. Gave up at around 15-16 years old.

The answer is Adderall and a little alcohol. Adderall is a felony though.

What's the point in getting a gf? Literally just takes up your time, money, and energy and never shuts the fuck up, a friend with benefits is the way to go.

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Any popular youtubers? That could start a conversation. If not, try and find some new hobbies?

>Any popular youtubers?
>If not, try and find some new hobbies?
Nothing I'm really interested in. I was thinking of a DIY project, but it requires a lot of research. I guess I've become quite lazy over the years.

but what about LOVE

I have seen babymetal live.