We should make a lolcow type board for males

Why cant there be a male virgin only board thats the direct equivalent to lolcow in the sense that its a hugbox where females are automatically banned? We had r/incels but since it hot shut down theres no place on the internet to whine in peace without getting bullied.

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you can't have a place like that because you're a fag that used r/incels
go to the site they made. i think it's called incel.me or incels.me.

this board got taken over by roastie whores with fake mental illnesses and dumbfuck normies who enjoy self-pitying bye OP this place was great while it lasted

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Fuck off normalscum


>Fuck off normalscum
funny that you say that when you went to reddit
you don't even know of the big evacuation plan

So like an all guy crystal.cafe then? You have to remember who your users would be. Autistic men who'd shit up the catalog with trap porn, it wouldn't work. That's why girl forums are cleaner usually, but you could try.

>we had Jow Forumsincels
Fuck off normalscum

Reddit is for blue pilled normies

Jow Forums is for slightly edgier normies so both places are the same in demographics and opinion on male virgins

lolcow is full of males. their thing is pretending it isn't males, so it gets even more pathetic males pretending their not males. In the end it's just the most pathetic people trying to find someone worse than them.

Traps and faggots would be autobanned the moment they post their jew degenerate crap

Just ban porn. Imagine how much better r9k would be as a blue board

There are places like that already, they're just not on Jow Forums

It's called wizardchan you stupid newfag
>B-b-but I don't meet their standards
Then you don't deserve your own board you entitled failed normie

>Jow Forums is for slightly edgier normies
that's because they're the blanket over the gems you can rarely find here

Don't you understand? Females are allowed to have their own personal space, whilst at the same time whining that men have privilege.
Open rebellion against this broken judeo-feminist societal structure when?

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Wizchan is against misoginy and whining so its a shit board

seems like he just spat that one out to seem cool.

So you don't actually want a male safespace, you just want an echochamber to screech your autistic women hate

Have you not heard of wizchan?

Safe spaces are synonymous with echo chambers.

They're not though
See: wizchan
It's one thing to place yourself with like-minded people in an environment that promotes social comfort, it's another to be such an insecure pussy that you need to shut out any possibility of your opinions being opposed

Hating women is rational if youre a male virgin.

>like-minded people in an environment that promotes social comfort.
In other words, a safe space.
You can sprinkle sugar onto shit, but I will always see through your vile jewish tricks.

Funny, its wizchan that bans you for complaining women and being a virgin.

It really isn't, it's the same logic tumblrwhales use to justify hating all men after a single mildly bad encounter with one, you're just looking for someone to blame for your own failures

So much this. R9k is infected with normie double standards

Yes, a safespace, which isn't the same as an echo-chamber
I'm sorry two posts is too long of a train of thought for you to follow

>It's called wizardchan you stupid newfag
t. newfag with no clue what wizardchan is

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Just cut your nuts off. Just jump off a building.

he made it blaringly obvious
>inb4 you're him

Its rational because even the most desperate women can fuck someone for free while males cant. This is the type of poster a male lolcow would ban.

>doesn't know how to t. properly
>calls other newfags
>t. newfag with no clue what wizardchan is

Meant to call it an echo-chamber, you sure got me there.

It's even less rational than tumblrwhales a tually, because they're at least basing their hatred off of something they perceive as a real issue, where as you're just bitter that you can't get laid

Not getting laid is a real issue, and I don't need to sprinkle onto shit to disguise my point.

How can you be so magnanimously retarded? That's exactly what that user said, holy fuck.

>implying not being able to fuck shouldnt create anger and bitterness

Women are sexually privileged, thats reason enough to hate them.

>Not getting laid is a real issue
Fucking lol, this is why no one will ever, EVER take you seriously

>Muh privilege
Literally genderbent tumblr

You could go tu tumblr and be a whiny bitch in there m8.

normies don't want males to organize because that's how societal change happens

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See this el retardo

>Why cant there be a male virgin only board
>where females are automatically banned?

Attached: wizard typing.gif (269x350, 93K)

>like-minded people in an environment that promotes social comfort
>be such an insecure pussy that you need to shut out any possibility of your opinions being opposed
Why is this simple concept so impossible for you to understand

Because your definition of safe space isn't what most people would consider a safe space. You'd think you would know that when whiteknighting for normalfag double standards.

That's literally what a safe space is you retard
"A place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm."

An echo chamber is simply a place where criticism from a certain viewpoint is prohibited. Therefore, a safe space is a form of an echo chamber.

No part of that implies that opposing views or opinions are prohibited, which is what an echo-chamber entails
No matter how hard you try to change the definition of something to suit your case, it doesn't work

>people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism
>No part of that implies that opposing views or opinions are prohibited
You criticise me for making a simple mistake, yet you can't even keep a coherent argument within your own posts.
Why are you being such a faggot?

Mate, wizards hate females with a passion, far more than anyone here

People can have opposing views without discriminating against or criticizing each other you absolute tard
The fact that you can't comprehend this shows how truly socially inept you are

Criticism is literally the voicing of an opposing view.
The fact that you can't comprehend this shows how truly intellectually inept you are.

r9k incels hate women, wizards simply want nothing to do with them

incels.me should be good for you

There's a difference between criticizing a view and criticizing a person, only the latter of which is prohibited in a safe space, and the former being prohibited in an echochamber
Just admit that you're a braindead pseud and go back to screeching about how stacey won't suck your dick for liking her facebook pictures

>There's a difference between criticizing a view and criticizing a person
>Just admit that you're a braindead pseud
How hard are you trying to backtrack and slither your way out of the corner?

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I'm literally not backtracking anywhere, but keep trying to pretend you know what you're talking about and deflecting when it fails

>they will not be exposed to criticism
>No part of that implies that opposing views or opinions are prohibited
>There's a difference between criticizing a view and criticizing a person
All of a sudden, criticism is allowed in your prwecious spwecial little safe space.

>what is wizardchan
>what is 8ch Jow Forums

Going off of your retarded definition of what criticism is, in that it's literally any time two people have opposing views, yes

>literally any time two people have opposing views, yes
Nice strawman, good to see a true honest-to-god intellectual educating a dimwitted pseudo-intellectual on how to properly debate.

If you say so. Women are still sexually privileged, and I still hate them

>Criticism is literally the voicing of an opposing view.
Your own words, retard pseud

Tumblr is for girls and faggots

>Criticism is literally the voicing of an opposing view.
>literally any time two people have opposing views, yes
Voicing an opposing view is not the same as merely having one.
You know, you sure act smarter than you sound despite calling others pseudo-intellectuals.

Can you faggots fuck off already, no one cares and neither of you are going to give an inch and you both think the other one's retarded. Go do your pre-mating ritual somewhere else

Take your shitty normie discussion to /b/

>So devoid of an argument you can only argue semantics over a specific word used
You know what I meant, and if you didn't you're even more retarded than you make yourself look

Why doesn't someone make one then?

Charge 5 dollars a month or something to use the site so that traffic doesn't rack up huge bills. It would also be good to have stringent mods to block trap/gay threads.

There won't be a point though if you don't allow freedom of opinion and philosophical argument. Then it really will be a safe space.

No one's going to use a paysite and there are already places for that

I made the distinction clear, there is literally no way you can argue against that fact.
This matter has been settled. You can either take it like a man or drink piss and eat shit like a loser.

>Why doesn't someone make one then?
because someone is already

The only thing you've made clear is that you're a pathetic brainlet with no idea what he's talking about
Now stop projecting your shit eating fetish and go screech somewhere else

Fuck phoneposting touchscreens aren't made for typing

>literal strawman arguments
>you're a pathetic brainlet
God the hypocrisy never ends does it?

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It exists, it's called wizchan. Most of the failed normies here quickly realize that it's not for them though.

>Doesn't know what strawman means
>Keeps trying to say it anyways
Typical pseud

>Most of the failed normies here quickly realize that it's not for them though.
How long do I have to wait?

>misrepresenting my arguments
>>Doesn't know what strawman means
You couldn't help not being a hypocrite for at least one post can you?
I don't even think you know what pseudo-intellectual means, otherwise you'd be calling yourself that.

Look I just rethought my post a bit and you're right. Im sorry, sometimes I just have silly, stupid moments

Not misrepresenting anything, maybe you're just realizing how retarded your arguments are when someone else points them out

>apologising on an anonymous rhodesian bush burning forum

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I can admit when Im wrong. You win i was wrong. Please stop making fun of me

>Not misrepresenting anything
See this

I can tell you're just trying to stop the argument by pretending to be the other user, understandable.

Ive been had! Mercy!

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checking those trips
the head of a behelit

See this Your argument is literally just fixating on semantics of a word because you failed to recognize that having an opinion implied voicing that opinion in the given context

>that having an opinion implied voicing that opinion in the given context
It literally doesn't. You're the only one here who's arguing on semantics.
You've been caught with your cock in your hands, the show's over.

It literally does, because the whole point of the argument was whether voicing opinions was prohibited in a safe space you complete retard, I was clearly not talking about someone simply having an opinion and not voicing it and you have to be completely lacking any mental capability to not understand that

>It literally does
It literally doesn't. You have to be completely lacking any mental capability to not understand that having an opinion is the same as voicing it.
Your original argument was that criticism should be banned from safe spaces. Then you've moved the goalposts once I've called you out on your bullshittery.

You're still arguing semantics and ignoring the obvious implication. And actual criticism of a person is prohibited in a safespace, but your retarded definition of criticism (IE two people expressing any level of disagreement) isn't. We can keep repeating this until your underdeveloped brain can understand basic concepts.

>thread derailed by lolcow falseflagger samefagging a pointless argument
They don't want us to congregate, lads

>You're still arguing semantics
No, you're the one who moved the goalposts to arguing semantics. You could have accepted that you were incorrect, and corrected yourself, but instead you split the definition of criticism up >your retarded definition of criticism (IE two people expressing any level of disagreement)
And that definition is a correct definition, why is that so difficult for your feeble-minded brain to understand?

we were put on this earth to suffer

You were the one that "split the definition", and that's not what criticism is
You're literally too stupid to understand things that are spelled out for you

>You were the one that "split the definition"
Prove it.
>and that's not what criticism is
It is.

Well then lets talk about our stuff. Those faggots shouldnt derail this thread

More likely it's just two autistic anons who feel like they lose if they don't have the last word. They'll be here until 500 posts

Being an incel who wants sex doesnt make them a normie