MBTI & general typology thread
>your MBTI
>your least favorite MBTI
>MBTI you like the most
Tests for newfags: keirsey.jung.test.typologycentral.com
Comfy MBTI based discord: wwKevY6
MBTI & general typology thread
>your MBTI
>your least favorite MBTI
>MBTI you like the most
Tests for newfags: keirsey.jung.test.typologycentral.com
Comfy MBTI based discord: wwKevY6
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont know which one i am because that stuff isnt even real and its for faggots.
I'm an ISTP and I don't like that picture.
And there it is, the classic.
it is real enough, do the test and i'll tell you how much of a faggot are you
lol some faggot said this is how your brain works and this is what personality and traits you have
so it must be real
If you don't even know what you're talking about, why talk about it?
you stupid nigger, it does not work like that. it is not 100% accurate, but it is enough to profile someone, it does help you understand personalities of people
tfw no dom entj gf
im sorry plebeian but no one can ever figure me out. i am too complex to be placed into one of your little personality containment zones.
Lmao be real. ENTP isn't even close to ESTP. The perceptual difference is fucking immense.
also if anyone wants any of the mbti gf memes, i have most of them just ask
*tips fedora* yeah, you're probably an INTJ
ENFJ gf plz
ISFP gf plz
ISFJ gf plz
thank u soooo much this is dope
>Anything extroverted
>No loudmouths
It's just for fun, everyone has to know it's bullshit.
i only open these threads in hopes of seeing images portraying my mbti in a positive light so i can feel good about myself
along with everybody else lol
sorry but out of these i only have ISFP lol, but you have good taste user
ISTP pls
thanks love it
what is your type?
here you go
ok ill play your little game ill take the test.
wtf, if ISTP grills are actually like this then fuck that
infp origami orgrimmar original
>Don't care about the rest
>Don't care about the rest.
that discord isn't comfy at all user
if anyone wants to join an actual comfy MBTI discord that's not full of spergs where we hang out and shitpost about random shit you can feel free to join ours
>i want to see how a istp girl is
>see image
man this sounds like generic tsundereslut
ours is the comfiest, most people are introverts here so no sperging usually happens and its well moderated
dont hear this faggot, his discord is trash
If an ISTP doesn't hate other ISTP, it's not an ISTP.
okay i take it back, it's kinda comfy but ours is better
I've always thought I wouldn't get along with other istps, maybe this is true.
true, i didn't and ended up being ISFP
Who said you had permission to reply to me? Just joking.
he () isnt me () also oregano
ENTP master race checking in
Everyone else is pleb tier
>ENTP sociopath master race
>being a piece of shit is a good thing for you
kys faggot
So tell me, (originally)
how does it feel to be sad and needy all the time?
Is this what self improvement looks like?
>ENTP sperg masterrace
yeah, sure man
ok i got ISTJ. what does this mean ?
Miserable but hopefully I'm on the mend
how responsible would you consider yourself?
>tfw INFP with barely any sense of self
please help
how much does this match you?
about 80%
INFPs are okay, you just have to embrace your best traits friend
are you the same dude that won't buy into MBTI? the first poster?
its about 90% true of me.
What about 81%?
yes i am . and i just took the test.
and it explains me well.
you can read this, see if it matches you more
ENTP here, just listening to some slow jazz
But what does it mean when all my scores are 50-60% only, with no strong leaning to any side? Am I really an INTJ it describes me as, or is it just vague ass bullshit?
yes, but INFPs are all about authenticity. how can one be authentic to one's self if they have no idea who they are? seems like a bit of a problem.
>tfw INTP
>tfw Pisces
I never had a chance
If I cleaned myself up, got a job and got fit how much could I expect my results to change?
Let's settle this once and for all. INTPs are the most robot of all MBTI types. In fact, INTPs are often compared to literal robots. There is no type that can sustain themselves completely alone longer than INTPs, because the majority of them don't need social grace. They appear to do "stupid" things, when what they are doing is actually incredibly smart and they just can't be bothered to explain themselves. They probably are within the top 3 types ranked by suicide rate, but not out of sadness, just objective reality. Also, a majority of high functioning autists list as INTP. One can become an wizard without this personality type, but ultimately, in order to achieve archwizard status, you MUST be INTP.
>mixing a bullshit online test with meme atrology
based retard
how much does pic related match you? (its for intj)
what makes you confused about yourself?
>believing in astrology
something is wrong here.
INTP is even remotely the worst type, also how you even dare mention asstrology in my comfy mbti thread, i bet you are an INFP
So, what does that mean?
I don't believe in astrology, I just know my 'sign' is the most hated in that community.
Also MBTI is fun, but cmon dont tell me you believe it as hard science
most likely INFP, some say grants-brownsword is the best way to get results in that test, but INFJs are a meme and pretty rare.
nah MBTI is a meme science more or less, but astrology doesnt even come close
You don't necessarily have to be able to put who you are into words to be true to yourself. Who you are is really more of a feeling than a concrete idea. It's okay to just be you without wondering who that is. A lot of the time your value system isn't going to be laid out like a rule book, you'll just feel strongly about things when you see them.
If you feel like you don't know who you are, then maybe you're not an environment with things you truly care about. You aren't being given a chance to feel passion, or much of anything, because you aren't near anything you're truly passionate about. I'm not sure how to help you there, but if you really want to, you'll find a way.
But I'm making a lot of guesses based on not very much, so I could be way off. You should probably answer for a better analysis.
>i dont have one because i LOVE EVERYONE!!!!!!!
on another note are any other INFPs struggling with a god complex? I cant seem to get over myself with thinking im better than 80% of the people i interact with
Go on personalitypage.com and read about the types it gave you. See what fits the best
this is where the intp comes in. when you have no self, you are unlikely to have empathy and feelings as an INFP would have.
i'm an INTP, and i don't know if not having self applies to me. but when i really think of it, i often have a hard time knowing who "I" am, in the way that normalfags would use the term "I" (aka with personality)
hard to say exactly. sometimes i feel like a very definitive idea of who i am, who i want to be, what i believe, and so on, but then immediately change my mind.
no you just have autism
and no you don't have autism because of your "personality type"
Damn, your pic is me irl, except the tolerant about other people's lifestyles part. Fuck normalfags and sociopaths.
Yeah, guess it's been over for me from the start.
>keep altering between ESTP and ENTP
>supposed to be an alpha
>all self confidence was bullied out of me because I was a fat kid with ADHD
haha how did I lose at life
INTP gigachad checking in
heh, most ENTP spergs I know have been diagnosed with ADHD
hmm that sound INTPish, they like to procrastinate endlessly
Literally all my girlfriends have been Fi doms, and my one wish is to have a Ti dom partner.
No type is inherently alpha. The picture in OP is an embarrassment desu. ENTPs shit the bed publicly so often they're omega if anything. Just look around you, there's a reason it's the second most common type in this shithole. ESTPs have more potential but they need to be good looking and confident, ENTJs can be even more alpha if they put their minds to it.
As for the rest of the chart, ISFPs are retards who eat clay. INFPs are fairies who daydream about unicorns. Both of them belong in a kindergarten. ISTPs are generally too dumb to come up with their own agenda so they end up slaving under different masters until their time comes. INFJs are too paralyzed by crippling low self-esteem to ever seek out their agenda.
The rest is a gross generalization and requires no extra input. Whoever the faggot is who made the chart is probably an ENTP who thought "DUDE THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUCKING EPIC XDDDDDDDD" and when push came to shove he realized he had no actual idea and just shoehorned every type he didn't know shit about into the sheep category. Literally kys if you made this, and figuratively kys if you believe this
I'm on the border between INFP and INTP. I've gotten INTP a couple of times. But the majority is INFP. I checked the percentage and it's usually around 54%-F and 46%-T
how good are that sites descriptions? better than typologycentral or wikisocion?
I don't want to boast, but being intelligent and having ADHD is one of the worst curses there are. I actually hate bringing intelligence up but I just have to mention it in this case. The thing is I will probably never be succesful in any academic field since I am a naturally predisposed lazy fuckwit. The mind of a renessance man without the wit, intelligence and persistence to be one. I also drop 95% of things I am not naturally good at.
The worst part is I am quite fucking capable when it comes to social interactions. With women as well. But the crippling lack of self confidence when it comes to my own body is awful. The fact that I am too impulsive and lazy to lose weight.
And my D is only 5x6 which is in all honestly the only reason I am a virgin. The deepest, darkest secret and the biggest hit in self confidence.
Yes. No wishy-washy bullshit or banalities that apply to literally everyone followed by deliberate obscurity to make idiots think it's actually deep.
Some things will will overlap (because both types have auxiliary Ne and tertiary Si) but mostly the descriptions are different and one should fit way better than the other.
>disappears for 3 weeks.
People usually get mad when i do that
Just finished the OP's test and got ENFP which is something I do not think I am at all... This test was awful. Just saying
My crush is an INFJ and holy fuck the way she looked endearingly at my ENTP friend today broke my fucking heart
Why does every fucking test keep telling me something different?
>take test
>get INTP
I take no pride in saying I have no personality. Its exhausting to be alive. Listening to others drains my energy. Talking to others drains my energy. I say whatever I can to just avoid conflict or waste time. Why argue with a retard when I can walk away.
ADHD and INTP AND ODD is a fucking nightmare.
People saying they have no personality is just retarded. You have a personality you idiot
ahahahaha stupid edgelord
>googled ODD
>found out I fit in 7/8 of the symptoms
Its not easy being INTJ
This, desu. Speaking as an ENTP, we maintain the facade of being ESTPs because we're secretly completely lacking in self-worth, confidence and initiative. We pretend to be alphas, but our egos are the most fragile of all the personality types and we desperately need to be fed approval, love, and validation.
You also have diabetes, hbp, and testicular cancer
Im just really boring.
You wouldn't be boring if you were with the right people sharing the same hobbies, interests or ideas. You're most likely boring to people who are either dumb, quick to judge or don't find you attractive
I don't know, or want to admit what my MBTI is. I think all types are alright, I'm willing to judge by their individual personality, and not just by their preferences. xNxJ is best type.
>tfw gf is entj
>no mbti bf memes
ok im sorry friend, i can't be evil for this long, have a cute intj gf
Welcome to the INTP wild ride. The fun never stops!