If you could change your height by 2 inch's or peniz length by 2 inch's which would you choose?

If you could change your height by 2 inch's or peniz length by 2 inch's which would you choose?

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Well i already hit my wife's cervix when we fug, so 2 more inches would essentially only add pain. So I'll take the height.

No reason to have a big dick if you're permavirgin, would only be uncomfortable

I'm already pretty tall so I would choose penis

If it went all to my legs, height. Then have a tie with the world record for longest legs. My dick is already big enough.

5'8" to 5'10" would be a total gamechanger.

I'd go from looking like a high schooler to being an average sized man. 5'10" is when you have officially escaped being a "manlet", regardless of what Jow Forums will tell you.

Then with shoes/lifts you're 6 feet.

Height, I would still be a manlet, it probably couldn't hurt being taller though

Penis, I'm already 7 in and it would actually be very satisfying to have a 9 incher just because

Height. 6'1" is way better than 5'11"

height for sure. doesnt help that i already look young, everyone treats me like im 16.

im freaking 24

Then I would have a tie*
>tfw I've never met a person with legs close to my length

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penis, already over 6ft manlets BTFO

>currently 8.5" dick
>could be 10.5"

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>has a wife
>has a big dick
>levels of normal are high
>goes on Jow Forums
This board is at its final stages

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It's not the penis lenght that matters, it's the circunference. And thanks to our beloved KEK, I have nothing to complain about my genetic lotery.
So, height of course. 5'6'' with 3'' high heels here speaking

height by 2 inches. then i'd be 6' and no longer a manlet

Try to use special shoes man.

I wish i was 2 inches shorter.

Height. Easily height.
I'm not small as is and I only need an inch to be 6'.

I am 5'10" and my dick is 6". HMMMMMM
Dick size :)

Was here just to post this.

Im already 6ft4 but have a mediocre dick so I will take the penis enlargement please

my penis is a little below average but not enough that a girl would stop things and outright refuse to fuck me
being taller would open up way more doors

Neither. I'm already tall with a huge cock and still an autistic virgin.

If I was forced to grow two inches somewhere, I'd choose cock since I don't want to hit my head on doorframes and I already come close.

Penis so it's at least 3 inches

Perfect height and perfect dick

Neither I prefer being average

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>5.5 inch dicklet
>5 foot 10 height
Dick increase by far. Not even a question. Life is so unfair having a small dick

My height, my benis weenus is already 6 inches. I would be 6ft if I added 2 inches

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I want an 8 inch peepee

can I shrink both of them, in exchange for becoming cuter?

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height then i'd be 5'9 average height at least, plus with my 2 inch heeled shoes (i only wear shoes with 2 inch heels, as they aren't drastic enough for anyone to notice i am compensating); then i'd be 5'11 and then women would suddenly start noticing me at this height

they'll start approaching me and saying 'WOW you're so tall; how tall are you?'

to which i'd reply '6 foot', then the bitch will suck my dick and i'd pump her roastie cunt full of jizz, like all the other tall men do to women :(

I'm a successfulfag desu; neither normie nor chad nor robit. Been here since the mark 1 of r9k; when it was still an experiment bases on a shitty xkcd strip; back before it became an incel haven. Stayed because I enjoy the sincere feels, especially through my own hard shit life chunks/phases of wantong to kms (inb4; i know you think you have it worse, and most likely do. Not tryin to take that away from you, friend). Usually I'd just lurk, feelpost, or gice an advice nugget when someone attempts to summon a normie. This thread was retarded, however, so wanted to reveal my power level for the lulz. So please, save your "invaded by normies" circlejerking for someone relevant, robitto

This quite honestly but I am 5 foot 9

Penis. I've never understood the manlet meme, I'm 5'9" and don't feel bad about it.
6" isn't big enough for me though. I call bullshit on the average being 5". I compared dicks with my friends in high school and they were all 7"+ and noticeably thicker than mine.

Better to be old and treated young than young and treated old.

this but unironically

this is an original comment

you're average height though you nigger, if you live in a white western country and you are below 5'9 is when YOU REALLY start having problems.

rain rain go away
make my pee pee 2 inches longer today

>manlet here
>tfw even the autistic as fuck kid that i knew who could only talk about pokemon and sperg shit has a 6/10 wife and shit because he's tall
>10 years later; ran into this guy last month, i assumed the 6/10 (slim) girl he was with was a social worker of some kind (like a tard wrangler or some shit), because this guy is on the NEETBUX and has never worked
>i asked him, and who is this? he replies THIS IS MY WIFE
>i think it was visible how shocked i looked, meanwhile i'm a manlet with a shit job and have never had a girlfriend.
>after that i didn't contact him on the phone number he gave me to hang out (like old times playing shit card games OR SO I THOUGHT), like srsly WTF
>also i think i noticed him swirling a set of car keys around his finger at the time, (now i thinking of reporting him because why is it that i'm a wagie, i can drive but i hate it and it stresses me out because the traffic is just INSANE where i'm at, i'm waging and yet i've never had a girlfriend (i don't want a ugly fat bitch, which is the only roastie that's been available to me)
>i am jealous of him, he's a NEET loser on the fucking BUX yet just because he's like 6'2 i think he has a decent 6/10 wife, i wouldn't have said no to her

WTF, just fmsu i want to commit suicide so badly it's not fair!!

what's worse is the fucking government has given them a free apartment to live in whilst i have to live with my mom sitll because it's too fucking expensive

Penis up 2 inches
>5'9" manlet
>But also geh
>Get to still have greater selection of tallbois for bf
>Penis is more impressive and goes even deeper when used
>Plus greater penis:height ratio increases relative appearance of penis

Definitely would add two inches to my dick. I want a monster cock.

would the extra 2 inches of benis come with improved circulation so my 10 incher could actually remain functional for a few more decades?

Id make my dick 2 inches shorter.

This isn't even circle jerking this place is actually dying I was here for a long time all I did was lurk but now it's not the same anymore it's just too much and why use incel on everyone who has this opinion I'm not even an incel seriously this board is dying

I'm already 8 3/4" so I'd add 2 inches to my height and go from 5'11" to 6'1"

Adding 2 inches to my height would make me only 5'9" and I would still be considered a manlet

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Hm slightly taller manlet vs pencil dick maybe the dick so I could finally get it in my mouth

>Currently 6'2" with a 5" dick


Though I'd rater make my dick one inch longer and one inch thicker.