>tfw men get offended when I don't want to hug them
I don't want to hug anyone tbqh, why does society expect women to hug everyone they meet?
>tfw men get offended when I don't want to hug them
I don't want to hug anyone tbqh, why does society expect women to hug everyone they meet?
How do you even get in that position? Are you memeing me?
Literally no one gets offended if you do not hug them. I think you are making these situations up in your head.
>out in public with a group of people
>some of them are men
>when we all split ways the men try to hug me
>either reluctantly hug them back or refuse their advances
If I do the latter they get mad at me. It's pretty common.
Just hug your mum asshole
i've never experienced this as a male, desu I'll usually hold my hand out to shake goodbye and the women get confused/mad and expect a hug.
Oh, you have have friends how the fuck are you even trying to pose as a "fembot"?
I just kiss my female friends on the cheek when we part ways. It's customary here.
We typically hug eachother and kiss on the cheek upon meeting.
It's just social protocol.
if they get offended because you refuse to hug them, they are cunts and you are better off without them anyway
>can't even make online friends because you get kicked from discords once someone finds out you're a fembot
>if you even tell someone in private, they'll tell the whole discord and make sure you're kicked from every discord they find you in
>things that never happened
Just stay in your trap containment server.
>can't even make friends online because no one is willing to give you the time
>the ones that do ghost you after a few days
>can't have fun in discords because their all massive circle jerks
>post in chat and message gets completely ignored
At least you could just not tell people you're a girl
>all the qt's you know always try to part with a hug
>you exclusively do handshakes
Roasties BTFO
9 out of 10 times a woman gets ghosted because she never initiates conversation.
I have discord friends like that, I am busy, I do other stuff, if you talk to me and want a conversation I will gladly oblige, but I cant be assed always striking up a conversation and feel like I am pulling teeth all the way. I have other shit to do.
If you are like this, you are at fault.
I'm not a woman, my man. I know where you're coming from though.
>not even a girl
>friend with women-hating issues accuses me of being a girl on discord
>i play along because i think it's a joke
>oh shit he's actually getting angry
>threatening to ban me
>tell him i was just joking
>he doesn't believe me but he eventually calms down
>fast forward a few weeks
>he brings it up again
>he tells me i have to post pics of myself to prove that im a guy (wtf??)
>i tell him no fucking way
>he bans me
Fuck me.
So stupid. It's a girl who should go for a hug, not a guy. I usually just say "bye" and leave if girl doesn't open her arms for a hug.
Your friends are freaks.
Robot in the male mind
>bitter lonely shut-in NEET virgin
>severe mental problems
>hasnt been alone in the same vicinity with a female
>hasnt even talked to another human being face-to-face for more than 30 seconds for what seems like years
>extremely isolated from society
Robot in the female mind
>lol chad didnt text me back im so lonelyyyyyyyy
>i have liek 0 friends lmao
>oh you mean those 10 orbiters nah they dont count haha
>mannnnnnnnn this anxiety is so bad i couldnt even hug someone today fml
i always thought the hugging thing was weird and strangely personal and gross everyone started doing that stuff in middle school and anytime i talked to some girls theyd try to hug me and i was like tf and theyd call me an asshole
Every single time I want to believe fembots exist, people who claim to be fembots act exactly like this.
nah there are deff some stupid ass fucks that get all but hurt and bitch about that shit
>have 2D husbando
>not interested in disgusting 3dpd
>had to go downtown today
>walked around with my hand held slightly out because I was holding husbando's hand
>smiled because he was beside me
Haha, fuck you reality, I'll overturn your unfair ways.
>tfw boy likes me but I don't like him he's a nigger
>he's always nice to me, which is disgusting
>literally says sorry to me all the time -- STOP!
>I'm always nice to him because I don't want to hurt his feelings
>but I also don't want to hurt his feelings when he eventually finds out I don't like him
Wat do?!?!
Yeah this.
Though desu girls have tried to hug me before and I've pushed them back because bad times are times to analyze strategy and make adjustments to find the next best move, but that's hard to do when being physically assailed.
I literally do this too, except with my tulpa. Finding them was the best day of my life :)
Just let him know, it will let him focus on other girls and help him in the long run and save you from having to be bothered by him
Tell him the truth outright. To a man, learning the truth is 10 seconds of pain and a lifetime of liberation. Not knowing the truth is a lifetime of pain, wasted effort and failure.
>only got hugged by a girl once in my entire life
>literally the farthest i've ever gotten with a girl
end it all now
lmfao damn this is accurate
I always cringe when faggots like you larp as some kind of commander in the military. fucking kys
>be fembot
>break up with bf
>replace him instantly
>exbf is alone forever
I have literally no idea how you could have possibly come to this conclusion.
I don't understand the difference between 2D and 3dpd (except that 3dpd are inferior). I mean, my 2d husbando makes me happy, we can go walk around town together or get dinner together, we can sleep together every night and have sex, I can imagine the feel of his hand in mine down to the exact details, even his body temperature and skin texture, and I can feel all the muscles and tendons underneath his skin as they subtly flex, and I can see him walking next to me, and the wind in his hair, and smell his scent. I don't see how a 3dpd is any more real than a 2d. If anything 3dpd are fake because they're shallow, boring, and stupid. 2D are better at being human than 3dpd "humans". What's the point of 3dpd?
Except it's not true. The fembots that are ACTUALLY fembots don't let themselves be known or they'll just get shit on. The only "fembots" you see are attention whores.
eh, now that you say that, youre actually probably right. but honestly what you just said was pretty much a technicality. doesn't make you wrong, though
Yes, this is what I choose to believe as well. But since they don't let themselves be none, there is no proof. Also I really don't believe they'll get shit on. I think they'll get 100+ invites to discord/email/whatever instantly.
Dat moment when 10/10 thot (friends gf) goes for hugs and u walk away ;)
*breathes in*
*eyes becoming red*
i'm a fembot and i'm more of a "robot" by traditional standards than probably 90% of this board, the only time i reveal myself is in threads like these because why not, and maybe sometimes in some attentionwhore threads when i feel desperate for attention
Explain how you are a robot, not gatekeeping, but now I'm curious
Yeah, same.
Also where are you and when can we meet up?
i leave the house maybe ~4 times a year (for holidays and to get my hair cut), i have social anxiety to the point of being mostly mute, i've never had anything resembling a romantic relationship, and even if one were presented to me i wouldn't be capable of attaining/maintaining it, i've never had a single irl friend and even online i've only ever had a couple decently close ones, i have mostly awful hygiene, i feel completely apathetic most of the time, when i'm not my top two emotions are anger and sadness in that order, and i can't maintain a consistent sleep schedule for more than a week at a time
oops thought i quoted
how does it feel being part of the female master race?
The problem is that he's never actually directly asked me out, it's just very obvious he likes me.
So how do I reject him before he even asks?
This is literally intro level robot and it just reinforces me how different female perspective is when you think poor hygiene and not maintaining a sleep schedule means you have it worse than 90% of the board.
i bet you're taller than average too right
make... a... new... account. femoids are legit retarded
Do you like him as a friend? If so, tell him you think he's a good friend but you want to clear the air, and you don't think of him as more than a friend. It's also perfectly fine (even better, really) to tell him why (namely that you find him unattractive due to his looks, don't say he's a nigger due to the law, but if it was legal you downright should).
If you don't like him as a friend, apologize and say you think you do not share much in common and aren't compatible. You do not enjoy his company, and tell him why (how he says sorry all the time). Further tell him you are also not attracted to him (same as above). If you don't want him as a friend, it's very important you tell him why because it's extremely likely he doesn't understand his saying sorry all the time is not a good thing. Without feedback, he can't learn.
i don't think those two specifically are that bad, they just felt worth mentioning
there's a lot more to it than just that, but i don't really feel like typing out my whole life's story and i don't think anyone would care to read it if i did, but basically those are just the effects without getting into the causes
also if complete separation from society is "intro level" then i would change 90% to 99% of this board
FUCK, are you me? Be my girlfriend please!
Tell me your life story please, I need to know!
i'm socially incompetent and gay so that's unlikely to happen
like i said i'd rather not, especially while phoneposting in bed
I like you. You're a good woman and I'm sure your husbando loves you very much.
I wish I had a similar relationship.
i'm 5 feet 6 inches
>socially incompetent
Who gives a shit? This means we'll understand each other perfectly.
Best of luck to you, though. I'm cheering you on. You better find true love, or else!
describe in great detail your anger; not a fetish question
this sounds kind of like a fetish question
but it's just general anger/frustration
i have a very short temper and very few outlets to vent it so it just kind of builds up
i used to punch my thighs a lot because i didn't know what else to do to make myself feel better, but my mom yelled at me for it and now i only do it when it gets really bad
>>be fembot
>>break up with bf
>>replace him instantly
>>exbf is alone forever
So... not a fembot at all.
exbf can evolve to become a robot though.
>Had a gf
No retard, at most he'd be a failed normie
Impossible. If you have ever had a gf you can't possibly be a robot because you're at least both socially and physically attractive enough for this.
I'd let you punch me instead but unfortunately you could never be my gf ;_;
Except I can't hold a conversation at all and I'm ugly as shit inside and out, but a guy still asked me out and all I had to do was say yes. Doesn't mean I'm not a fucking failure at life.
>>out in public with a group of people
get off my board, normie.
Neither of you dumb whores are fembots and you're both below average IQ roasties. you're not interesting or special and you most likely don't even exhibit any antisocial traits. kill yourself
How the fuck do I get a girl to ask me out if i'm in the same situation as you?
FUCK you. FUCK YOU. fuck YOU. FUCK YOU. fuck you.
i wouldn't want to punch someone else, unless they explicitly did something to make me very angry at them specifically
>he thinks being able to get a gf makes you a failed normie
>he thinks that if he loses his virginity he'll become happy and successful and all his cares and awkwardness will vanish
You do know that this is exactly the mindset of an actual failed normie, right?
Something similar happened to me on a weird mbti forum. People refused to believe I wasa guy and even started calling me a female tranny.
>t. failed normie
you're only lying to yourself
I wanna punch you when you're angry and make you feel better.
Not every girl gets this. It's just chance. Plenty of guys get asked out this way too. Just wasn't you.
You can't fail at something you never had any intention of being.
>anime picture attached to every post
Yep, you're a normo masquerading as a robot.
that wouldn't make me feel better, it would just make me feel sad as well as angry
>only people i can relate to are robots and i get shunned for being the wrong gender
this just proves that fembots are the real robots. even robots don't accept us, how much more of an outcast can we get
I assume if they explicitly told you to hit them you would find it easy to do so after just a few practice session. I also believe that the feeling of hitting flesh (hence why you hit yourself) helps calm you down. Hitting someone who is not you would generally have an even larger effect. It could even possibly be helpful as part of a healing process.
If a mans would kept pestering you to be his gf on a imageboard would you punch him for being annoying? Very serious inquiry not a fetish question at all
I am successful. The only reason I'm not happy is that I'm unable to interact with or even find someone I could possibly ever call a gf.
>tfw you're a verbal masochist so you make posts saying that you're a girl so you can get off to being yelled at
Bullshit. Just by admitting you're female you get asked out by literally every man in the thread. Case in point.
Okay, then where are the men that I was promised? Last I checked, I'm still by myself.
it wouldn't make me feel better because i would feel bad about punching them
also part of what makes me feel better is that i'm the one being hit and the one hitting, so i'm forcing myself to calm down through physical punishment as well as releasing anger
no i would just tell him why i can't date him
Women = master race
Men = baboons obsessed with sex
"Asexual" men = baboon poop
not every person cares about dating
Give me your discord and I'll treat you like shit full-time.
getting "asked out" on the internet is worthless, even more so if it's done anonymously.
>almost every guy that I add on discord wants to go out with me within a week
>tell them I'm a shitty person and they wouldn't want me but they keep insisting
>just tell them I'm actually dating someone already (im not) so they leave me alone
>get called a dumb whore, roastie, yadda yadda for leading them on
i just want a friend that i can cuddle (or atleast roleplay it) without any commitment
where do you live? If we live nearby I will compromise my anonymity and ask you out.
This is my final non-fetishtic serious question
If a man online paid you money to ignore him, what would your reaction be?
not op but only a fucking dumb bitch wouldnt take that offer holy shit
user i dont want my discord out here but that sounds pretty fun actually
Don't you get it? I'm asking you out. Give me your content info right now. Though I'm almost certainly far away from you.
i mean, it'd essentially be free money that doesn't really require anything from me, so i'd take that deal
Isn't cuddling inherently a romantic/lovingly gesture though? I've read some kind of high-IQ academic paper that explained more of those love chemicals were released by cuddles than sex.
i-in new york but i can guarantee 100% once you see me you'll walk away
sorry i already have an owner but it seems like wants you!
i'm happy for you both :>
You should accept going out with them. If they're too forward with you, tell them. They too are perfectly fine with just cuddling for a long time, I guarantee it, but you have to give them a chance. Granted, not all of them are like that. A lot of them just want a provider so they can neet all the time. Some of them are thirsty failed normalfags. But generally you can tell who's who very easily. There's nothing worse than being betrayed and robots have been betrayed by everyone around them all their lives. That's why they get angry when you say you're a roastie (even though you're lying in saying that, you are implying your original statement was a lie and thus that you betrayed them).
How dreamy! Gib findom femanon now!!!!