What's the worst thing you've ever consumed?

>tfw just accidentally drank lemon-scented Pine-Sol
I-Is this the end?

Might as well make a thread out of it:

What's the worst thing you've ever consumed?
Hard Mode: No suicide attempts count

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One time I smoked a cigarette backwards and didn't realize until I'd inhaled almost half of the filter.

I used to eat my own jizz for quite a few years.

I lost a bet & ate raw rotten pork.

Did you do this a few minutes ago or something? If not, how did that turn out for you? What were you betting on?

Once I ate a threatened species of shark. I felt very bad afterwards. Also it was a pound of meat with 1ppm of mercury...

I once drank my autistic little brothers piss, i learned never to keep a cup near him again.

nail polish remover

didnt taste very good

You should go to the doctor for that, user

Op fucking call 911

I once snorted rockets. Americans would call them smarties. also I eat a bunch of stupid shit that I shouldn't just to get a laugh.

One time I was swishing with colgate mouthwash. I went out to the garage to move clothes into the dryer to save some time. Suddenly my dad walked outside and asked me something. I don't remember what it was, but in a panic to answer I swallowed my mouth full of mouthwash and then made it 10 feet and puked outside in the grass.

I drank coffee mixed with citric acid because mom forgot to tell me that she put it there in the coffee pot to clean out from mold
As soon as I drank it, it was so disgusting and sour that I spat it all over me and my computer.

>huffed spray paint once
>put hand sanitizer in my bros drink once

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>I once snorted rockets

lmao a bunch of people in middleschool did that shit me included a bunch of times

pretty fuckin stupid

I had a friend who would snort hot Cheetos. Nose bleed city.

Years ago, I got salmonella poisoning. It was raw rotten pork mixed in with goat and fish. I was underage, but we were stupid teenagers betting on who could drink the most beer we stole from our dads. I'm weak, I could only handle 1 beer before puking. Spent weeks sick.

I tried to eat the dirty long ass rotten yellowish fingernail of my classmate for lulz and to make the girls laugh so that they might like me
Gods i was so fucking stupid and crigy back then

A clump of mysterious substance at the bottom of a cheeto bag, it was white and the texture of wet chalk and tasted of satan's anus but from the outside it looked like a misshapen cheeto because it was coated in the dust.

Mouthful of methylated spirits. Throat swelled up and I had to go to hospital

I once ate an entire tube of toothpaste once

t.fluoride zombie

i once drinked a bottle of alcohol, not beer or something like that, alcohol for wounds

I once accidentally licked a tiny bit of neosporin off my finger because there was some peanut butter on it too. I called poison control because that's what it says to do on the package but they just laughed at me

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I've drunk isopropyl alcohol diluted in water numerous times, it gives you a hangover from hell but it gets the job done well enough

>called poison control
This reminds me of when I washed my bedsheets with too much bleach, I woke up in the middle of the night from the smell. I was too embarrassed to rewash them but the next day was so unbearable I had to sleep on the couch. I called pc and they told me to rewash them and dont sleep in the bed for a day or two. I cant tell if I lost some brain cells obviously I need all the ones I have remaining.

>low tier mean spirited bait

Why are you trying to kill people

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