Tell me something interesting about yourself. Let's share interesting things about us

Tell me something interesting about yourself. Let's share interesting things about us.

I was once pronounced dead by doctors, so I believe that I technically died.

What's interesting about you?

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There is literally nothing interesting about me. My entire life has been uneventful and monotonous. I guess the only interesting thing about me is that after 26 years of living, i have yet to make a single friend.

Eh, well im the most inteligent guy at school. Feel proud but nobody even talks to me.

I haven't made any friends since 7th grade but somehow I've been able to keep one irl friend since then

I've never masturbated to traditional porn in my life

Maybe because you're an original faggot.

I've slept with a 3D and a daki in the same bed at the same time

we got a rick and morty fan over here guys

I'm a police officer. I work with the drug enforcement agency in my country. (not U.S.)

I live and work in a third world country, so I get a lot of leeway.

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I too am a learned gentleman of superior intelligence

are you crooked and take money/drugs/whatever from criminals?

Nobody would ever guess or notice irl that I'm a virgin and have extreme anxiety around people I don't know.

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Same thing as this guy, same grade and everything.
Except I kept two.

Crooked or not, cops will take money and drugs from you.

But I've done unethical things sadly, and I also use drugs (shabu) sometimes.

so Malaysia or Indonesia?

I visited many balkan countries as a kid
I went to America a lot
I know a lot about US and Japanese history but not too much either
I once wanted to become an american President even though I'm european

Was gonna say some shit about my family but its not really about me

Philippines. PDEA here. Shoutout to any of my kababayan that may be browsing.

What was it like when you were "dead"?
Was it like a deep, dreamless sleep?

Honestly I vaguely remember dreaming during the point I was pronounced dead, but sadly I cannoy remember what it was about. It was probably a mundane dream, seeing as I always remember extravagent dreams or ones that stand out

i'm 25 and pretty close to having a phd from an ivy league university (american history). most people in my department are much older. people have spent a long time treating me like some kind of academic wunderkind but i will probably never have a full time job in a university regardless.

one of my closest childhood friends is now a major league baseball player, but that's not really about me

one time i was sideswiped by an 18-wheeler on an interstate and spun out across 4 lanes of traffic in the middle of a massive rainstorm, but was completely uninjured.

What's the worst thing you've ever done as a cop? I heard the police in philippines are straight up brutal.

I move to a new country every 2 - 4 years, always kept inside Europe.

>I heard the police in philippines are straight up brutal.
Not really. Our country isn't THAT fucked up. I'd say about 90% of the officers on the PNP are good people and actually care about keeping the community safe. The pay isn't a lot so a lot of these guys risk their lives just to protect others. Of course there's corruption here and there, but is any country really free of any corruption?

I'm not gonna go into the worst I've done, but I've shot someone (not killed) while they were running from me and staged it as self-defense, and I've been reprimanded for torturing a suspect once.

Why do you move around so much?

mmh spent 20k hours playing games on steam alone, about same on standalone MMORPG's xd

I had subsequent long-term relationships with two half-sisters. The first introduced me to her younger underaged sister, encouraged us to date, and would let us fuck in her house. In retrospect it was really bizarre, but I was too horny to care at the time. The older sister had a martyr complex though so I think she got off to it.

The younger sister didn't know I had boned her sister until years into our relationship when I somehow let it slip. She didn't even get mad, just giggled at me and said I was gross.

Their mom also wanted my dick, as did the elder sister's loli daughter, but I wasn't gonna go there.

What a fucking family.

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blimey user, how long you been a cop for? what made you become one?

Nice try KGB
How did you almost die?

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About 7 years.
>what made you become one?
'Cause I wanted to protect people