NEETs/hikis/shut-ins who still live with their parents, what are your plans for the future? Do you think you'll ever get a job/go to school?
NEETs/hikis/shut-ins who still live with their parents, what are your plans for the future...
That Wastewater operator user tuned me into a good idea. I've been looking at getting a license for that stuff. I wanna turn shit into clean water.
Dont have any plans or goals for now
I also have no idea what to do with me life
- 1 year neet
>Dont have any plans or goals for now
then lend me a favor
Railroad school is like a NEET societal reintegration program.
im just waiting for my writing career to take off
I'm hoping to get back on my feet soon. Been a NEET for 4 months now. If I can't find a job, going to go full computer autist and make some programming and web shit. If I get enough small projects going, I can maybe live off the money, or spin it into a sarariiman job at some big tech company
Almost 2 years of neetdom. Finally got a drivers license. Went from almost puking thinking about driving to actually doing it. Still scary and I'd rather not do it but I'm glad I have that skill now, might come in handy.
I was going to go to college last year but got fucked last minute due to personal issues and couldn't go.
Will try again this year. I haven't talked to anyone since I began neetdom. I'm scared i'll have a hard time interacting with people if I go back into the real world.
>what are your plans for the future
Wait to see what my parents do. They're very rich and could easily support me for the rest of my life but my dad doesn't like the idea
>Do you think you'll ever get a job/go to school?
No. I have crippling anxiety and literal autism
I have a chance of going with my cousin to live in Hong Kong in two years, that's honestly it. I'm just waiting like I have my whole life, if that doesn't happen then i'll be doing the exact same thing I am now. nothing
>Went from almost puking thinking about driving to actually doing it. Still scary and I'd rather not do it but I'm glad I have that skill now, might come in handy.
Desu, I went from having nightmares about driving to finding it quite relaxing. Just wait until your out in the open road early in the morning while its snowing and nobody else is on the road. It's quite magical
if you have nothing to do all day you might as well join this discord and make some friends
Could you fuck off with this shit already
Fuck off discord cancer
Fuck off
you should try socializing once and a while and maybe you won't be so lonely and angry user
Plans for my future.. Huh, that's a tough one. I thought I might by now, but nope, not really. 33hkhv neet. Been neet since I dropped out of highschool grade 11. Well, truthfully I've practically been neet my entire life as I've never had a social life. Only attending schooling because I was too young to not. I don't see myself changing but I want to. Little good that's done so far.
start saying this to all the other shit that's here as well instead of a single post in a big thread
was neet cuz i planned to kill myself by the time i turned 18 but im turning 21 in a few days and im still not sure what i wanna do all i know is that i want to have some sort of creative profession so now i just got a parttime job and am trying my best to go with the flow and figure shit out idefk ust trying to not be suicidal desu i have a dream of becoming a comedian seems like itd suit my degenerate lifestyle idk maybe a writer
I'll either get a job or neetbux eventually.
It's all kind of up in the air.
Worst case scenario I use a train track as pillow.
>what are your plans for the future?
I'm probably going to kill myself pretty soon. I can't take anymore of these jokes.
Have you considered front end web design? Its employable and has a very nice creative aspect to it since you are working with the GUI for websites. I have been doing front end web dev, and it's very satisfying. It has a sort of artistic flair to since the elements on the webpage float, and you have to structure the page to flow well. And even if you get a job doing less of the less creative parts of front end (such as scripting), you can always do some freelance front end work to scratch that itch
Trying to make it by trading crypto u guys should try as long as your not mentally retarded brainlet or if you have a lot of spare money u can just throw some in there and wait a year desu
never considered any web design stuff before maybe ill look into it but i dont think ill be able to handle any of the schooling ill prob need for it cuz i have the autisimo
No real plan for me.
I am 30, going on 31 this year. On NEETBUX but applying for AUTISMBUX soon.
Mum is 58, dad is 66, grandparents in their 90s on dads side, in their 80s on mums side.
The only light at the end of the tunnel is that my grandparents on both sides have million dollar homes, so juicy inheritance.
>Do you think you'll ever get a job/go to school?
nah, i'm fucked in the head
i will either live out my schizophrenic life of feeling like i'm literally on fire (to varying degrees), or i will break one day and mutilate myself with a knife, and then probably be shot to death by police assuming i don't bleed to death
not a lot of middle ground there, to be honest
i have spent months looking for a place to live
i nether have the patience or the money, and everyday i spend trying to be productive is one day or more days after i will be in even more extreme pain due to the stress, to speak nothing of it while i'm actually networking
i'm glad i'm basically a monk, because i'd gone off the deep end by now otherwise
to die a NEET, been a NEET for like 5 years. haven't left my house in over 3 of those years. I'm 20 and just want to die in my bedroom
Well if you must know, I just got fried from my job three weeks ago, I still live with my parents, I'm still looking for a job but I haven't found anything yet. I've cried everyday this week and I don't now what to do anymore. My birthday was two days ago and I turned 21. I might just off myself soon because this is literally a living hell I don't know how you guys do it.
I got a masters in biology.
I just hate working.
Wish I could just remain NEET forever because I can't handle normie life and really tried. If it was the middle ages I'd be a hermit
Live with dad. Hiki 7 years going on 8 no going outside except for a few times due to circumstances outside my control. Plan is still to spend my entire life drinking alone in my room wasting my life away on the internet until dad drops dead and then become homeless with a few insanity points to start from isolation, which is coming along nicely by focusing my mind into inducing schizophrenia. With no prospects and no hope, I think it'll eventually become a smooth transition. I already see myself as a trash monster so I'd have no problem degrading myself into doing things only the lowest of humanity could do, I don't care what people think. I embrace human failure. I'm worried about pain mildly depending on the level, I have experienced some of the worst pain and trauma so I know that it'd be unwise to embrace severe incurable pain due to my own negligence. However, I have no real intention of stopping it from happening so it will most definitely become a factor if I don't die first. I have a lot of painful circumstances and physical defects adding up from not seeing the doctor or the dentist or leaving my bed and I've lived on painkillers and alcohol for several years now. I'll probably keep getting institutionalized from forceful ER visits and I've already been forced several times during past homelessness. I can see myself becoming a drug addict, a criminal or a prisoner. Either way, I'll be completely insane. I could possibly kill myself or get killed, not sure. Depends on how things play out. Might even kill people depending on the circumstances, it's all the same. My goal is to die, not concerned with how or when. It'll happen eventually, until then all that matters is alcohol. Everything else is nothing to me. I'm never learning to drive, never getting a job, never getting my GED, never caring about humans or society, never caring about myself. All I care about is the bottle, everything else is shit in my ears. That's my dream since I was a kid.
>live with parents until they die
>then either live with my brother
>or go to a home for the mentally ill
>after that, commit suicide or wait until I die of
natural causes
Homeless, homeless, homeless, until my bones are cold and sore, until my head can't take anymore, until my head is split open on the side of the road like the worthless piece of shit I am after jumping in front of that truck.
Current plan is get a 4 day training license to work security night guard jobs in my home town in England. It's super chill work apparently but I'm worried that there just aren't enough jobs around for me to quickly get into one, and that nobody would hire a skinny ugly guy for a night guard post.
All I want to do is go to work and have zero human interaction. Humans scare the shit out of me. Been working barista/waiter jobs for four fucking years, still haven't gotten used to it. I can't take it anymore.
I'm completely OK with shit pay. I don't really care about money. Not yet anyway.
I'm a housewife and I'm actually pretty happy with being a NEET! you guys should try finding spouses who'll support you financially and emotionally, it really helps
Right, it's that fucking easy. Just wish for a loving wife and get one instantly granted to me, if only I had thought of that earlier. Fucking idiot.
I don't have any especial plans at the moment. Still, I have a bachelor's degree and a drivers license. I am sure a way out of my Parent's house will come to me eventually.
Age 27, finally broke down and enlisted in the air force after never having a job. I shouldve done this right out of highschool but I was morbidly obese so that wouldnt have been an option anyway.
I go to school I just dont know if ill ever keep one that pays enough for me to get a place to myself
If I cant get married form relationships have kids
Im ok with just living on my own trying to enjoy life on my own
Id rather be alive experiencing
>what are your plans for the future?
Don't have any, and, apparently I've never cared enough to make any.
>Do you think you'll ever get a job/go to school?
I don't know about school, but I'm probably going to have to begrudgingly get a job soon, or not, I kind of want to see how long I can ride this out while living with my mother at my grandmothers house. I had job interview today actually and ,of course, I fucked it up.
I guess I have to get a job and wing it from there. I did go to and finish college but all the 'skills' I learned atrophied within a year. I'm feeling the pressure to get a job and finally move out because my parents are getting old but damn the future looks depressing.
Im gonna live behind my monitor forever checking gets until I die
don't be so negative!! you just have to put yourself out there, women like confidence, that's how my hubby got me
5 year plan to git gud at illustration/visual art n shit. Saving goodboy points to buy a graphic tablet
none, only plan I had is probably not happening
Starting full time shit job on monday but I just dont care for it. All I care about is love desu
dont care for it
Still living with parents. Studying engineering. I'm hoping to make a career out of it. Sadly I just feel so alone. It's hard. To. Deal.
Turned 18 a while ago and got kicked out not even a month later. Was gonna end it but then my friend throughout middle and high school(they graduated 2 years before me) offered to let me stay with them so long as I got my shit together and helped around the house. Going into the air force soon so I can be less of a burden and maybe send her some cash here and there as thanks.
They like confidence; but only if it's with a face that's no less than 5/10. If you're even a 4.5/10, they'll automatically equate you to a rapist. I've had cunts say that to my face. Multiple times.
Going to go to school, clear out my basics. Been riding my bike again. I want to start therapy and get back on Lexapro, stopped a year ago because it was making me sick. I stopped 2 months into treatment though, don't think I really gave it a chance.
Honestly it was love at first sight with my husband and I, but I really don't think that was because of his appearance. He just had a natural charm and I liked how physically small he made me feel in comparison
greetings thread. i am a neet which has ascended out of neetdom
i wish to help you out and give direction, or otherwise provide an opportunity for the light of hope to enter in through the cracks.
please ask me anything
I think you mean "descended from neetdom"
no ironic shitposter, i am talking about living life in a heathy manner, or at least going towards it
i'll probably kms within the next 2-3 years
so whatever
Worst part is my mom keeps trying to get me to work this friend of hers and I just can't, work itself is fine, but the pressure I can't handle the night before, terrible insomnia and the thought of having to get up early somewhere kills me. If I only could fall asleep properly I could somehow manage. An irritable bowel syndrome also doesn't help
*work with this friend