My kid brother was just put on prozac and a part of me is incredibly upset about it...

My kid brother was just put on prozac and a part of me is incredibly upset about it. I have always been against anti-depressants as I believe that they just make the person physically happy and do not address the problem.

Do robots have any experience or knowledge about them? I just especially worry that this will have a long term effect on him since he's a kid.

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50% of the time they don't do shit. Th e other 50% of the time they make the person feel a little haplier. That's about it

ive been on prozac lexapro zoloft and lithium
lexapro made me more suicidal than before
zoloft and lithium made me feel dead and emotionless
prozac didnt do shit

from my understanding it differs from person to person but generally therapy + the right medication helps most people
therapy is arguably more important than meds though

personally due to bad experiences i try to stay away from meds and sort things out on my own but to be honest that hasnt worked out either

theres no real harm in trying them though and its usually a lot harder for young kids to work trough their problems on their own since they lack the wisdom that comes with age

hope this helps

Every time I go on the I gain lots of weight. Then when I go off I lose it. I've heard other people report the same thing. The other effect is that it makes it harder for me to cum. Besides that I have never been able to tell if it helped me with mental problems

judging from my experiences with it, it also serves as anxiety relief

>don't address problem
>problem is brain not making chemicals
>pill gives you those chemicals
uhhh, okay

>I believe that they just make the person physically happy
That's not how it works at all.

he recently got traumatized by my father almost dying. This triggered major anxiety and caused an allergy to all kinds of foods to come out. Now he cant eat things like cake, ice cream, chicken nuggets, bread, sandwhichs, chocolate, etc. Constant anxiety and taking the pleasure of most foods away has just killed his spirit. Giving him pills wont bring an understanding of unnecessary fears and bring back the pleasure of eating.

how old's the kid, brOP?

he is of the age 12

alright sweet it's not me then

imo it sounds like meds could be a good idea since a kid that young probably wont be able to work out all those issues quickly enough for him not to miss out on his childhood

Have your parents tried therapy with him? I would recommend discussing the negative side effects of prozac and encouraging them to try different methods. Even just writing about the experience could help him greatly.

I was addicted to prozac, ask me anything
i once took 600 mg, that is 30 doses at one time

Other people will presumably bring forward information on the harm they do, but it is worth pointing out that exercise is a much more effective cure for depression than any anti-depressant is.

you cant get high off prozac only overdose fuckhead

there's no such thing as an antidepressant, not even exercise

the thing that got me hooked is i was about to do much better, i had been working out all the time and though it didn't help, it was the summer after highschool that was about to begin.
i was not sure if it was the prozac helping me or if it was me
i had read "listening to prozac" and they said prozac makes you attractive and i had girls attentions so i was like i'm not gonna fuck this up
it took me years and then they called me manic
Tell your brother this story
they claim prozac can change you forever and then you're in the mental health system for good if your parents are brainwashed
bi-polar is a stain that can't be wiped off, and though it doesn't exist, they claim prozac's a cause

Maybe adjusting someones faulty brain chemicals could help them address the problem as oppose to being mentally nuked all the time with depression. Think about it

but ultimately the choice should be up to him, not you, not your parents, his friends, or even psychiatric teams. i would never go on prozac again even after 2.5 years on it, just because animal testing. It was a mistake going on it, and it could have saved me a LOT of pain. On the other hand, if he takes a heavy courseload in school (only 12 i kn), he can be in the "disabilty" department, and get extra time and shit and use this to his advantage

i was naive. i didn't finish my logical proof that free will exists

Yeah, he said he really likes the prozac and feels ten times better. Has been living a normal life since he has gone on them. Maybe they're working, but what worries me is he assumes he'll use them forever.

just tell him someone told you that prozac doesn't work, but placebo does, though placebo will ultimately break you down.

if you were to cut off your hand, you'd realize your body is made out of matter
that means you can never find the quantum without using all the energy in your body
that means that a=a
because you are reading this, you & the world exists
because no other world exists in waking life-you can only respond to this one
This is my proof for free will
I was addicted to prozac & other drugs once
now that i think back, the fact i made a proof for free will trumps any medication that "made me" do it

a belief in the mystical is not an appropriate substitute for confidence, self esteem, hard work, integrity etc.
It's like the serial killers that kill people to enjoy life
or thieves who steal everything from ultimately the inventors & creators

>I know absolutely nothing about science or logical reasoning

You should be upset. Prozac increases prolactin.
Prolactin is what gets released after ejaculation,
which makes it harder to keep erection. It's
also what makes women lactate. It has an
antagonistic relationship with testosterone.
A high level of circulating prolactin is bad for men. Plus neurotransmitters have a symbiotic
relationship with each other. You can't just
mess with one without effecting others.
There are so many variables that is that
it's extremely sketchy to just start messing
with them.

I looked at it this way in the end, because while on prozac i was studying a LOT of philosophy:
if I need someone else's drug to live my life normally i'm not cut out for life, but EVERYONE has potential to be perfect
he will remember his memories, he doesn't have to worry about that

It's ok to not be like other people, just be safe and productive

wtf is this fever dream posting

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HAHa gay Smoke weed and sell his prozak man Weed rules 420 FTW. Smoke it wiTH him so he is also not depressed

Only Smoke WEED or Do DRUGS 300 Miles off Of the COAST of AMERICA. MARITIME LAW SELDOM ADDRESSES OR ENFORCES DRUG STUFF MAN. It aint a crime out there ;)