Why haven't you become a trap yet? You don't even need hrt, you just need to get slim ,shave, and do some exercises...

Why haven't you become a trap yet? You don't even need hrt, you just need to get slim ,shave, and do some exercises . You'll look and feel better and you don't even have to be gay. What other choice is there?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We should make an infographic that looks like a guide to become a trap but instead it's just a soyly worded bodyweight exercise regime where they turn into a semi chad and ruin their faggot hopes and dreams forever



>Why haven't you become a trap yet?
not mentally ill, feel fine behaving like a normal man.

>don't even have to be gay

>What other choice is there?
Not being a degenerate

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>trenbolone is a revolutionary HRT drug recently developed for those wanting to achieve female phenotypes

did you flip your phone off and on and then reply to yourself

Reminder that if you are pro-trap, you are anti-Jow Forums.

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yeah, this but unironically

man i don't give a shit
fuck off

If you don't like Jow Forums, maybe is a better place for you.

The hell do people randomly hate traps now "cuz theyrdf denegerate n shieeeeeet"?
I mean, it's perfectly fine to be a trap, unless you are just an ugly attention whore.
You don't even need to be feminine mentally, it's about looks.

that's dumb and i'm not doing it

because of the recent angry manlet beta's bullying omega's into becoming trannies (not traps, if it was traps it would be fine)

Jow Forums is a gay board though.
Are you dumb or something?
(don't answer that; you are)

>The hell do people randomly hate traps now "cuz theyrdf denegerate n shieeeeeet"?
They don't, people hate traps because shit like this clutters this board every day and night.
The spamming was then revealed to be some psyop to brainwashing people into becoming traps. I would not be surprised if the person behind the wave of fag propaganda gets murdered.

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ive tried but i have like no dedication sadly, i will do it eventually tho

OP, fuck off to I swear to god, you guys ruined my board. If that's not enough, ask the mods for your own board where cocks could be posted 24/7

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is a gay board.

>can't make a serious post about traps anymore, because random people post random shit

sign up for the trap army today, uncle sam wants you

>serious post about traps

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preach, would be cool if traps & trannies were separate terms again.

Likely this is a bait thread but just to be safe:
REMINDER - These faggots black mailed people and likely cause someones suicide because of their faggotry
sage and hide trans/trap/fag posts

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that is also dumb and i'm not doing it

>>serious post about traps
>serious post about traps


is this what you guys all sound like IRL?

Fuck off, pooftah

pic related. it's you in a few years :)

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the problem with Jow Forumsfags is that, in addition to bossing everyone around, they're shitty posters
it's not like some twitter midbrain where he's a cunt but at least he can produce content; these faggots want you to give up your porn and friends for fucking nothing
there was a sort of unique robot culture building itself up but they came in and just rolled it into the Jow Forums thing, which is played out as shit

is this what you sound like irl?

putting cocks up your butt is dumb and you shouldn't do it, pooftah

like this

this guy is faking a fucking australian accent in textmode. that shit is fucking unreadable, it's garbage. and it doesn't end here. that same snippy passive-aggressive snotty bitch tone is gonna be in every other post he makes.

I love this current "Guys let's attack Jow Forums!" meme going around to take pressure off the reiko nigger and his sudden nervousness.

Attached: GOHANCHAN.jpg (583x332, 40K)

My bad guys

You're the crossboarding faggot. You don't belong here. You were not here in the beginning. You are disgusting immigrants who need to be banned from the entire site.

I'd honestly rather have Redditors infest this board than this annoying tranny cabal that seems to be going around.

im already low bmi but i have the exosqueleton of a caveman

it is Jow Forums though, it's obviously their people
but i was

Because I want to be powerlifter-tier and I'm seriously ugly. My body is far more burly and suited to it than becoming a trap and being ugly anyways, and weak on top of that.

and say what you will, but i'm not wrong. their posts all have that same shitty, cunty aggressiveness, like the guy who made it is waiting for everyone to cheer him for owning someone

This, trapfags need to fuck of to /lgbt/

I don't go on Jow Forums but I do appreciate the sentiment of calling this out.

As a neutral response to whoever's inerested in the whole trap aesthetic thingy - First, don't do it because people tell you to. Second, don't do it because you're lonely, and finally, don't do it if your physique clearly can't allow it.

If you force it as a burly man you're gonna end up being just another tranny. If you force it as a skeleton, you're gonna starve to death. If you just consider the idea because it "looks nice", then you can.

You don't need to be gay, or be into guys. Doing that will definitely lower your chances with girls and probably raise the ones of having weirdos smelling your butt. So if you're gonna do it, be prepared to live as a monk.

so ye then again, please don't put us all in the same basket as tryhard trannies. Sometimes people are just born with girly looks, sometimes they just wanna get it. Whoring it doesn't help anybody.

Reminder to sage all trap threads when you comment. We need to get this shite off our board for good.

>another schizo faggot thinking that traps are out there to get him and put him on HRT and cut off his penis

its universal language now. The asutralians are leading the charge against pooftahs on Jow Forums. They encourage everyone to tell a pooftah to fuck off whenever you see one.

Fellas how do we rescue the people trapped in REIKOs blackmail ring?

then why don't you fags confine yourself to 1 thread? Are you happy turning Jow Forums int a steaming pile of shit like /d/ with dickgirls?

>This damage control
You cunts were already exposed now go kys

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it's dumb and you should stop doing it
callouts are retarded and they don't work

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Neutraltrapanon from earlier. I don't think i'm robot enough to understand all this shit. I know about the trap propaganda and i don't give a shit about the shitty psyop they're trying to pull. Just wanted to clarify i wasn't being sarcastic. I'm pretty worried weak-minded people will follow the trend and end up killing themselves out of starvation or complexes.

This is obviously a fucking psyop.
Literally no one said shit about this until two days ago, when it'd been going on (supposedly) for like months, then a bunch of literally who Youtube fags popped up.

This is a distraction from something.

Gay Reiko niggerfags out and back to plebbit

No, it's not. Jow Forums is a robot board and faggots aren't robots. fuck off back to

i meant, i know that already. I'm just not with them, what they do is sickening.

No, I mean I don't think "Reiko" exists. I've never heard of him, I've never seen any sign of him, I've never seen any sign of this shit.

>t. damage control shill
sage all trap threads
hide all trap threads
report all trap threads
take this shit to /lgbt/

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If you guys want to do this that is your business but you at least gotta stop encouraging people on here to do so. I admit I made a thread once out of irony. Though you guys take it to the next level. If people want to take HRT that is their choice and you should not force them or make a thread about it everyday.

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i talked to him two days ago, initially i wanted to shit on him but then he said they were innocent and shit. I'm too gullible so i trusted him. Now the server we had in common is out. I don't think i'll ever know if it was genuine or not. The exchange was pretty fucking worthless - asking if they were the cause of the suicide; he said people are pinning it on his tranny-zombifying group and i gobbled it up. What i mean is that there was definitely somebody talking with the #3333 account, and i'm not sure if it's of any use now..

>I'm too gullible so i trusted him.

Why would you trust a sociopathic spiteful manlet because they say they're innocent?

For the same reason i'm wasting my time trying to throw water in this shitty hellfire so i won't get beat up for wearing a skirt. Obviously i'm naive. I thought "hey it's a website about people hanging out, maybe it's just a big meme". Even now it's unsure. Guy told me he was worried about the witch hunting. Seemed like an overexaggerated joke from my POV. I kind of try to imagine they're not "that" bad. But at the same time this shit just keeps on getting smeared.

What the fuck happened to this board? Why is everyone so obsessed with traps now? Fucking stop spamming stupid ass threads like these

I very fucking much doubt that he had anything to do with Shuaiby. That seems like a grab.

I know it's rude, but for anyone who wants to help me build a picture of what's going on, there is a thread at .

Do you have the convo saved, by the way? Would you be willing to email it to me? I can give you an address.

already half way there
but think, if everyone became a trap we'd all be weak girls and there'd be no dominant people to enjoy the traps

40% suicide rate.