Why are white men SO WEAK

>be me ethnic african
>in high school some le 80% white fat guy starts making racial slurs
>tell wtf is his problem he say its you "black fag"
>i grab a sharp object and simply in a cold voice "do you want me to kill you?" The whole class is shocked
>the fattie says "huhh. Well no it would be illegal haha" awkward laugh
>"should i care its ruining your life right?" He just ok bro your crazy and he sits back down

Never bothers me again all it needed is pure will power

Pic related

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>nigger is violent like a monkey
No surprises here.

>wh*toids only have ht talk
checks out

Weak fucking whitiod monkey the fat monkey BTFOed what a pussy race

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>Racism to fight racism
You're better than this, lad.

these are the next type of posters that need to get out of here. one day an user will discover a discord filled with a cabal of retards that organize this nigger shitposting.

>unarmed man vs. armed monkey

You're so pathetic. Why don't other blacks recognize our place in society.

>Be a weak black like me
>get beaten up by white kids acting like monkeys
>also get bullied by a white kids acting like monkeys in secondary
>go to Jow Forums
>tell me I act like a monkey
How does this work, I'm confused

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>Ethnic African
So you're either an obese 50 y/o cab driver or a skelly manlet

>Retards actually fall for this simple bait made bt a white person over a computer

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>why don't whitey sant to be around me?
>i better threaten to murder him just in case

If no one responded to plausible bait posts that dont have proof. This whole website would be dead

reminds me of this shit in middle school. I was sitting with my head on the table in the library in a study hall or something. Some asshole was across from me and flicking/pinching my arm or something and I told him I'd stab him if he didn't fuck off. He didn't and kept harassing me so I grabbed me pencil and slammed it into his hand like a knife. He stopped bothering me. Violence is the only answer to deal with shit sometimes, good on you

As a white boy, can confirm. The age of the Kara Boga is here

Get out of my way filthy nigger.

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t. sissy black boi. Kill yourself.

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This!!! On average 93% of whites are pussys no guts or anything
You are right it shows how stupid the average white person is to a ethnic zimbabwean

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t sissy black bitch boi
eat a dick

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Why are all the wh*tebois so insecure bros? They keep posting shit about sissy black bois when there's far more sissy wh*teoids out there and even then our black brothers are fit and storing while why*tebois are scrawny and feminine

we need to work together, blacks and whites and fight the finance of our own destruction. we shouldn't be pitting ourselves against each other. We should be men and become comrades and fight the Communists and Illuminati together. You all are retarded, Just pawns. My best friend was black, Like we get along just fine. The people funding the true divide are using a tactic called Divide and Conquer. Its being pushed by liberal faggy agenda to weaken us both. Its how it is man.Together we are strong, individually we are weak

Real power is like that. Also learn Bushido. Then you wont need a sharp object. Maybe even Chinese Kenpo,

Whites are literally the strongest race in the world, I'll give blacks speed which they developed to run away from their white masters instead of standing and fighting.

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>insult a person
>surprised they want to physically assault you

Meanwhile, humans have been challenging and fighting to the death since maybe until a 150 years. And that's just in 1st world countries, some places they still do it.

You guys talk a lot about the alpha/beta dichotomy, but you should all be grateful, because a back then, Chad not only would have embarrassed you, but he would have killed you in front of his friends after he was done.

Imagine being a nigger from Africa, a continent that gives you everything you need to flourish and thrive and you fail so hard you have leave to Europe or America so you can finally get an education.
The most pathetic race hands down

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>It's another "nigger acts like a violent ape" episode

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Nigger fucking chimping out over a word you black faggot! HAHAHAAHAHHA

This post was made by a white person.

If white people are the master race then they would have no problem taking down a guy with a weapon.