How the fuck do people work full time? I started a new job in an office this week and it's killing me. It's an hour drive away too. I leave my house at 7:10 am and get home at 6:30 pm.
I want to die.
How the fuck do people work full time? I started a new job in an office this week and it's killing me. It's an hour drive away too. I leave my house at 7:10 am and get home at 6:30 pm.
I want to die.
they say the same as us how do we not want to work full time
they are normies
tons and tons of coffee probably
lol those hours are week. Used to have to leave home at 6, work till 10 and get home at midnight. Sack up baby
Me too user. I work full time as a Junior developer and my responsibilities are a joke. A bug fix here and a bug fix there but i spend usually about 6 hours on my phone doing nothing. Some days worse than others but overall, it doesnt get any better user. i fantasize about quitting every week. Do you at least get to keep busy at your work place?
you tout your slave hours like its a mark of pride
Most people can't think even 10 minutes in the future they just get used to working for goym not realizing they are wasting their life
Yeah I keep busy. It's been frying my brain by the time I get home. I just want to sleep anymore.
I wonder what the average IQ of neets is. I bet it's far higher than normies.
what do you do exactly at the office
I quit my job and am trying to work up to living off of drawing pornography.
I might have to work part time though.
Slaves don't get paid, I made so much money from doing it I was able to take a year off.
can you give us some samples?
You could have taken neetbux and spent all those hours on your hobbies and you'd be much happier for it
I work in accounting.
I get up at 7 AM. Get to work by 8. Officially I end at 4 PM, but often stay late (yesterday was till 7 PM). Takes one hour to get home. Takes one hour more to get relaxed.
By then the day is pretty much over.
If I didn't have an amazing wife, I'd quit and produce porn with the $100k in my bank, or use all $100k in a gamble in the stock market and retire if I won or kill myself if I lost.
Fucking miserable. Fuck this work.
How'd you land the gig?
>be shift worker on homer simpson job
>first 2 dayshifts wake up at 4am, get to work at 5
>most of time is spent sleeping and watching computer screen
>home at 5 every night
>nightshifts after 2 days
>same schedule
>4 days off afterwards
>make enough money to buy all the autistic shit I could ever want and then some
lol neetbux are pocket change compared to what i was making also lol at you pretending any of you have hobbies or happiness anime porn isn't a hobby user
OP here. I do have a girlfriend and she's extremely supportive of me leaving this full time office job to go back to part time warehouse or some other type of work.
Why're you being such a smug cunt?
"it's my hobby," he said
Probably, but so what? I'd give anything to be an ignorantly blissful normie. They're unaware of their own shit existence, that's how they get through the day and enjoy life
It's awful, I'm debating working part time and just live measly or something. Obviously though if I could live nice and work little to not at all would be the dream but I'm not delusional.
My wife would be fine with my leaving too, but then I don't know how I'd provide for her. Don't want to risk a month's worth of expenses without income to balance it while looking for other work and I'm too beaten up by my schedule to find another job while still employed.
Shit sucks
I worry about that too. Not being able to provide I mean. I took this job so we'd finally have extra money and take bigger steps in our relationship such as moving out to our own place. I'm worried it might make or break us too.
I think part time is okay since it gives you enough time to pursue other interests. This full time shit with a long commute has made my entire life revolve about a job I don't give a fuck about.
Yeah hey join the club. I don't work at all, am on social security and live a section 8 apartment. I'm 35 and have spent the past 10 years doing nothing but jacking off playing video games and posting on the internet. Now I'm anxious and can't concentrate on anything. SS gives me just enough money to survive and that's it.
Just tough it out and pretty soon you'll get a raise, settle into a routine and have a steady job you can tell girls about. You don't want to live in my world. It's not fun. It's soul crushing isolation and regret.
>can you give us some samples?
I get more enjoyment out of my anime and literature than a normie like you could possibly conprehend.
I get up at 5:30 and get home at 7, shut the fuck up you baby
>hour commute
t. retard.
>just had an interview for a full time job today
>interviewed with 3 people at once--the manager and two of the ones who currently hold the position
>they're actually all in their 20s and pretty fun
>they seem to like me
>hearing back monday
>all I want to do is work like 6 months then take a month off to travel and rinse, repeat
>almost certainly won't be allowed because small office
I don't mind full time work but if I think "I have to do this shit for 10 more years" I want to die. I just want to work for a fuckhuge giant company where there are 100 people in your position so you can take unpaid leave whenever you want. Yes, unpaid. No job = no money, all the time. Job = all the money, no time. I just want to work like 9 months a year and have 3 off to travel, in 1 month installments. That would be GOAT. That's all I fucking want. I would be a kipper kitten. But no. You get two fucking weeks off. The fuck am I gonna do with that? The biggest companies allow unpaid leave but I don't have the qualifications to get in yet.
>2 hour commute each way to my govt EE job
>60 hour weeks, no overtime, salaried
it's fucking aids
i should have just gone for the neet life
I want that cause ill earn more than minimum wage and ill be working for vacation
>2 hour commute each way
Well, why the fuck? Move closer to work you big dummy. Worst commute I had was a 45 minute bike ride, and that was okay because it was 2/3 bike trail and total heaven and kept me in really good shape. Current is a 20 minute bike ride. I would never do a commute that was over an hour.
Happiness is inversely correlated to commute time. Longer commutes are scientifically proven to make you miserable.
Someone has to w9rk in order for you lazy cunts to get neet bux
Because the job is in Syracuse, NY. I commute from Buffalo. I get paid 80k/yr and a 4 bedroom 2 bath house in Buffalo is 180k. Do the math. I'll suffer the commute for the dirt cheap real estate and laughably low cost of living.
Also, Syracuse is a fucking shithole.
Yeah, idiot normies who don't belong on our board.
The only people who are idiots are the ones that think neetbux is the only way to enjoy and/or live life.
Get out of your cum stained chair and start thinking about your future you idiots.
I do 2 hours each way as well, am also an EE and also work a government job in NY for approx 80k. What the fuck?
I work in the city though and commute from LI by train. It fucking sucks and I want to die.
I literally just want to do nothing but sit in front of a computer and never leave my house until I die.
>get told advice on why you hate yourself
you're a normie, making yourself miserable. this is all on you and you'll reject anything you're told because you're determined to be a pity-party throwing martyr.
thats some pretty good work dude keep it up
protip go to sleep early and wake up 4 am
that way the best hours of your day are yours instead of spending them on traffic
Well, I should be more specific. I'm working through a government contractor. There aren't that many in Syracuse so you could probably deduce where I work. You?
I'm killing myself at 30 anyway so who cares? Why the fuck would I be uncomfy all day when I can do what I love with no responsibility.
I work for an MTA railroad. I had other choices out of college and I regret not taking them, buy at the same time I'd probably hate them too. At least I don't pay rent since I live at home, but if I could afford a place closer I would move closer. Fuck this state.
Yeah, new york is aids. I just plan on job hopping between defense contractors for salary bumps where possible. hopefully wiggle my way into nasa, which is of course every engineer's/engineer student's stereotype pipe dream
I wish I was still employable as an engineer. Doing stuff a high school student could do for 4 years has rid me of any rights to call myself an engineer and I'd get my resume shredded anywhere respectable. Not that I ever really liked engineering anyway, it just sucks feeling trapped here due to my super niche job. My backup plan is to quit and start an IT career at the bottom and get some certs. Otherwise I'm trapped in NY forever making only okay money.
To be fair, you'll probably be making only okay money in IT as well. If you're at MTA I assume you did a concentration in power EE. That's really wanted in govt shit. Like, real govt shit in DC. Probably worth looking at. Good luck user.
Well it's no wonder you hate yourself
You're not doing what you love. You live a lie and you will die a sad, sad death
Not everyone is a normie who craves attention and interaction. Faggot.
With IT I could get a job outside of NY though. That's the draw. Okay money outside of NY is way better than okay money in NY.
I didn't concentrate in power btw. Just regular EE and I don't remember shit, I barely remember how to add and subtract at this point. I just fix trains.
I considered getting part time work, but realized after doing the math it only pays slightly more than neetbux.
Yeah retard just speed and run red lights
Oh my God. I just moved from Syracuse. You can find a decent place for an equal price there, it's not like Buffalo is significantly better. Might even be worse. What a horrible commute, especially during winter. Jesus Christ you must be depressed. I was. And so is everyone else living there. What a shithole.
He may not be doing what he loves, but at least he's not doing what he hates.
For some of us, work is hell on earth... not because of the work, but because of the social situations we are forced to endure.
During the winter if there's an especially bad noreaster I just grab a dinky hotel and don't even bother going back. My job is also technically in Liverpool so I don't have to deal with the brunt of Syracuse.
teach me how to get neetbux master
Just make an appointment at the Works office and ask for income support.
They would rather you be housed and on neetbux than homeless.
>lol, I worked a job, made money, and am smug about it
What a sad thing to be proud of. A middle class job only requires a pulse and low self-esteem.
Dubs of success
because boomers are not human
>pay attention to the responces
You sound bitter user.
I'd be too if if I got less than 6 hours of sleep and spent the rest wagecucking during the week.
>finish work at 5
>get home at 6
>cook and eat until 7
I remember following this weeb (Danny choo) and he wrote a ton of motivational posts on his blog, one was encouraging middle and high school kids reading him to start doing shit and learning skills now, after school, because nothing leads to nothing but something might lead to something. He made a rhetorical question ("but I don't have any time") and answered it ("you think you're going to have time as an adult lol"?). I remember that quote a lot and it really stuck with me
Why can't work be 3 12 hour shifts a week so you have 4 full days to spend with the kids?
Because Jews. I don't see why the standard work week can't be 4 10's with 3 day weekends. Everyone would probably be way more productive and less miserable.
And 3 12 hour shifts even better because you get more off days than on.
About to apply for a factory job operating machines I guess. Do they talk a lot, should I as well? I need to know so I can prepare if people in a factory are social and if they are can you spoonfeed me some easy responses and conversation topics that won't expose me too much, is it like school or not at all? Thank you.
Die in a warehouse fire for me.
Not the guy you replied to, but because you're a faggot. Faggots are mentally ill, often selfish, slef focused, more likely to be pedophiles, liberal, dumb, leeching, weak, emotional and irrational worthless creatures. And raging hypocrites
at my company most of the staff does 4 10s or rotating 12s.
they are not more productive. they cause problems all the damn time. we just can't let them go to 8's because the operations they work on are a continuous 10-15 hours and hand-offs are a bitch.
even the office staff who does 4 10s is just sitting around for 3-5 hours a day. by the end of every shift they are babbling like idiots or "exhausted" sitting at a computer thinking about how to write a complete sentence.
there is certainly research that says flexible hours work better for some people, and i think most of seattle has adopted a 4 day work week in general because there is almost never traffic on fridays. but working between 9-5 is something that has probably been tested countless times over thousands of years, and you definitely just start shitting after about 2-3pm. people are at least realizing now that you shouldn't schedule random meetings in the mornings.
>raging hypocrite
Look who's speaking.
they have dreams so they work just for that.
we have nothing so we see it pointless
This user gets me.
Can somone that isn't a bitter faggot answer my question?
It's the only way those extreme wagies can live with themselves. If he didn't act prideful about his slave hours he would probably want to die.
only retards with shit education work full time. i work 3 days week and still pull 4k a month
A few years at the gulag should teach you what is hard work.
Fuck up faggot fuckwit
I just think the average person wouldn't stand being at work for 12 hours. Mentally that's kind of draining knowing you are spending literally half of the day at work. Plus giving people so many days off during a week would make it hard to keep any kind of small business operating.
What do? (not /b/)
Fuck danny choo
Don't worry senpai, factory work is 100% robot teir. It's usually too loud to hear anybody so they can't bother you even of they wanted too, and if they persist just pretend you cant hear them over the machine lol. Spend break in the locker room if you don't want to be surrounded by normies teir verbal din during your precious few moments of quiet time at work.
Source: work at a pig slaughtering plant, the only white guy surrounded by fillipinos.
>This full time shit with a long commute has made my entire life revolve about a job I don't give a fuck about.
Welcome to capitalism
>Don't have actual work schedule
>Monday I could be waking up at 5am and coming home at 7am and Tuesday I could wake up at 11am and coming home at 2pm
>Get to meet new people and practice communicating with them
>Get to have nice long drives from time to time (Don't mind them like other people)
>Get to travel to other states when they need someone with experience.
Literally living the life desu. It's fun when I have to go to some doctors office and (((fix))) a computer when really it was just disconnected from the Ethernet port when I'm done I get $140 for my trouble.
I'm autistic and 12 hour shifts is easier for me because I get into the hyper monofocus modes. Once I get into a good productivity mode I don't want to break it. 8 hours means fewer days off and having to constantly break focus. As a sperg my focus is either all there or not there at all
>have worthless ba from half decent state school
>dead end job after dead end job since graduating in 2011
>dont want to teach English overseas and driving record is bad so I can't do Uber or deliver pizzas.
>it is a good year if I break 20k
>might have a job lined up after sending out a bunch of resumes and filling out page after page of those mind numbing work history forms.
>full time and pays 25k-30k a year
>i even confronted the manager, looked him straight in the eye, and gave him a firm handshake
>it's working in a recylcing center crushing glass and operating a compactor 8+ hours a day though.
>actually really worried I might get the job
>Except for the money and casual dress, there is nothing about this job that I really look forward to
>Hoping the black manager guy I talked to acts in a stereotypical manner and screws everything up at the last minute and never calls me back
This is me. I somehow got a job with an insurance company that pays 40k a year. I hate it so much. I think about quitting every day but I need to get fired so I can get unemployment
At least you cant get hurt or lose your hearing. I actually hate loud noises. We get ear plugs, but I wonder how good they are.
Thanks, happy to hear that. Will keep it in mind.
>live 5 minutes away from work
>work 40hrs a week but gladly work overtime because my coworkers are cool and i have more fun at work than i do sitting at home and jacking off
I would stay with the defense contractors unless you are an idealist thinking you are going to change the world. Defense contractors usually pay more than nasa.
Is boasting about your long working hours on r9k a hobby of yours?