Mental Illnesses

What mental illnesses do all you anons have?
I've got a couple myself and I'm curious as to what you guys might have

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Clinic depression
Schizoid personality disorder

Generalized social anxiety, which has led to depression.
Seasonal affective disorder.

Compounded by $0.25million in SL debt.

I've been interviewed like 30 times in the past 2 months and can't convert to a job.

For a while one of my psychiatrists suspected I had SPD

I have that one mental illness where I think I'm already dead and just walking through ghost world

Cotard delusion?

Bordeline Personality Disorder and some other ones that aren't that important (depression, agoraphobia)

I don't know I think so

I heard that one was really rare though and it gets so intense people stop eating and shit and starve themselves

I have it more like uhhhh whatchamacallit that ol depersonalization derealization something or other dang ol

I've had a shitty life. I have moderate PTSD from growing up in a literal middle eastern warzone where I was regularly jumped and beaten due to my race (I'm white), then spending the remainder of my childhood dealing with domestic violence and getting cancer. I also have HPPD from spending ages 18-24 as a drug addict (sober now). Holy shit, I've done a lot of acid over the course of my life. I also have moderate dysthymic disorder.

On the plus side, I have an unfaltering belief that I see things for how they really are. I'm not a nice or friendly person and I have few friends. Yet, I've survived through it all. That counts for something, I suppose.

>Compounded by $0.25million in SL debt.

I know that feel. I graduated with $200,000 of debt from law school, and my wife had $250,000 of debt from medical school.

Due in part to our finances, we've decided to never have children. We're now in our mid-30's. We've paid off our all debt from a life of austerity and hard work, but we don't have much else to show for it.

Mildly autistic (so I have executive dysfunction and general anxiety disorder on top of mild hypersensitivity)

Correctly diagnosed : "superiority complex" ;

also misdiagnosed with : "narcissism" .

Evidently, a "narcissist" is someone who is foolishly infatuated with themselves,

..... but with me, it's definitely the real thing.

i'm in pain constantly, and i want to die.
what do i win?

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Dubs dependency
An inability to not check any dubs I see

lightly autistic

MDD, social phobia and starting tests to determine if there is also assburgers.

Crippling Depression
Gender Dysphoria

> "... Dubs dependency ..." ;

..... Dubs inevitability - due to previously acknowledged "superiority complex".

general/social anxiety
chronic deppression
mild ocd
general retardation

none. sorry for your condition. Find Zen

Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Generalized/Social Anxiety

Self doubt
Schizophrenia induced by loneliness

Work for a company making over 115k salaried and i have bonuses coming soon again...

i could list off all the things i meet the diagnostic criteria for but i don't think it would really matter. rest assured if people knew what i was really thinking i'd already be in a mental institution probably. even if they just saw my images folder, it's full of dead anime girls and guro.

>schizophrenia induced by loneliness

t-that's a t-thing?

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It is for some of us when you have a family with health issues (mental) and somehow you have no health issues for years and years

Than you move out of your parents house. You move to another state thousands of miles away from home. You see your family once a year and you dont even talk to your friends anymore since you moved away

Than after a few years of being alone, something triggers the mental illness in the genes.

>loneliness fucked up my life more than any drug or anything else

my family only has a history of persistent depression, my mother has severe generalized anxiety as well. literally the meme mental illnesses. the worst i have is depersonalization episodes sometimes. i honestly just wish i could get disability and live alone until i can't take it then quietly die or something.

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Anxiety and depression, PTSD due to abuse
Loneliness is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone, I feel bad for people who die alone. If it wasn't for the internet I would lose all my sanity.
>tfw stress and loneliness wrecked my appearance, when I was teen I was considered attractive and had girls like me (but they were all socially awkward like me), now after years of isolation, being apathetic about appearance, and constant stress has led to people calling me ugly, which makes my insecurity so worse.

Nothing diagnosed, but I would like to check it out. Just need to take the first step, somehow.

major depression, ptsd, schizo affective, bpd, and antisocial personality disorder.

Bipolar depression and narcissistic personality disorder

i was addicted to huffing spray paint and spray adhesives for five consecutive years, ive also smoked a lot of prescription pills but i doubt that's damaged me at all. ive never told anyone about my feelings or past and have never seeked help but the difference i notice in just about every aspect of my being from before and after my years of addiction is too substantial to consider all in my head. my senses are very numb, i have difficulty reading clocks, seeing in my peripheral, hearing, focusing, and often see lots of tiny little color dots when i look at something for longer than a few seconds

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Avoidant personality disorder. My self-esteem is so low that sometimes the mere thought of existing gives me panick attacks.

diagnosed bipolar but im pretty sure its not legit
its a meem, i wish a psyc would actually fucking listen to me instead of going its anxiety/depression/bipolar

..... What do you have to show for it, "faggot"?

Originally oregano checked

..... demonstrable superiority.

I've been diagnosed with a lot over the years. ADHD, OCD, ODD, DPD, Major Depression, Panic Disorder, and finally eventually Aspergers. The standing diagnoses is just the tism and depression though, the people I saw later basically seem to think my previous doctors as a kid were quacks who couldn't see the forest for the trees.

Professionally diagnoses Dissociative Identity Disorder.

What do I win?