I never thought the day would come that i would be jealous of my sister over the boyfriend she has. i'm 27, a virgin...

i never thought the day would come that i would be jealous of my sister over the boyfriend she has. i'm 27, a virgin, never had a serious relationship, i focused more on my career and myself and thought love would find me one day. but look at me i'm almost 30yrs old and i have nobody.

most of the men who approach me are either losers(being that they have nothing going on in life) or just want to use me for sex. i literally bought a engagement ring just so men would leave me alone. my sisters boyfriend is fucking hot. he reminds me of vega from street fighter and zarbon from dragon ball. he literally has long hair just like them. my mother LOVES him. how can i get over this feeling? my money, career, car means nothing to me right now. the punch that hurts the most is the one you dont see coming.

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>i focused more on my career and myself and thought love would find me one day. but look at me i'm almost 30yrs old and i have nobody.

That's the power of FEMINISM my friend. Enjoy it, it's what your kind fought for

>most of the men who approach me are either losers(being that they have nothing going on in life) or just want to use me for sex. i literally bought a engagement ring just so men would leave me alone.

you did this to yourself.

How do you not meet successful men through your career or your successful career women acquaintances?

this is the part where we laugh
tick tock

>wasting your prime years on a career you could establish at any time
You should've ridden the cock carousel while you had the chance, roastie

You're just going through a rough patch. Continue to work on yourself. It'll get better each day. Spend more time with friends if you're becoming jealous with your sister. Vent. And try to be productive.

you have it better than me if you have a career but hang in there i guess. maybe this stupid life will get better.

I'm sure this is a b8 thread.

if not, then would you like me to introduce you to my 27 year old friend from UCLA? hes almost done with his phd and has a business, constantly complains to me he cant find a pure qt virgin to marry,

You want this dick bitch

your standards and status is too high, tough shit
t. a robot making less than 15 an hour at some shitty factory

try losing some weight fat ass
fat women are the equivalent of short balding men.

she is not successful, but she only wants prince charming, all she has to offer are her 30% autism eggs


Fuck yes. Justice.

Larp thread you're a robot making up this situation

>i'm 27

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Die alone bitch

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kill yourself. just take the dive.

>my money, career, car means nothing to me right now.
because you fell for the jewish meme now you will die alone or maybe with a cat if you're lucky
I'm loaded but I don't work towards society's fake standards because that's exactly what they are, fake and you're fake so kill yourself bitch

my friend from UCLA, who has a business and is studying for his PHD might be interested in you

Let me know if you want to have a chat with him.


you can't have your cake and eat it too, that's what it means to be "empowered" and "successful". You blew off your chance while you were young, and all the "successful" men are off fucking some dumb younger version of you that hasn't hit the wall yet

Your options are to date down, as anyone else in your position would have to. Or learn to be chill with bodypillows

Also obligatory get the FUCK off my board, roast beef.

lol this, originally lmao

>femanon in her late 20's
>goes to Jow Forums for relationship advice bc "muh career focus"
I'm sorry for the berating you're getting but you should've known where you went to ,to get "advice"

Oh please please please. I'm just so desperate.

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>i'm 27, a virgin, never had a serious relationship

only gets worse because your sexual market value is dropping each year. feminist did a good job of making you unhappy.

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Wasn't the feminists, I honestly believed that I could have a lofty and sustaining career and lifestyle whilst also maintaining a successful relationship. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

>I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

dear that is exactly what feminist teach women and that gender is a social construct. news flash men are attracted to youth and fertility. also freezing your eggs will not work for you.

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>constantly complains to me he cant find a pure qt virgin to marry

I have some bad news for your friend.

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I think his kik was dyotropic,

his name is brian,

you can use me to be your pretend fiance

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The delusional fool who draws these abominable obscenities obviously has a sadomasochistic paraphilia.

Fuck, so are you a serious poster or not?

Anyway, what field are you actually in? There's ummm many successful men out there as you know but they're sitting at home either studying or on Jow Forums in their downtime..

Just settle down with some broke dude and you'll be happier. The successful men are married to their job, clients, and obligations to their company

are you living under a rock? I was just with my chad cousin and he was showing me pictures of his ex. she is now with some ugly bald guy with money. also she rode the cock carousel with all the attractive Chad's before she when full gold digger.

>he literally has long hair

So he jobless faggot, then?


If you think that's a delusion, I have some bad news for you.

I will assume you are joking but truth be told it is impossible to tell. The empty stock-phrases and ideas you employ are exactly shared by many a shallow-pated gull who has had his brain filled by redpill balderdash. There are both bad men and bad women in the world, and it says nothing for the whole sex to take a particular bad species of either.

lol You aren't searching for companionship, your searching for a Dad. Your in a adolescent mindset. Grow up

The world would be a better place if people found love based on personality rather than looks.
Also I wish I had ten million dollars and a girlfriend with huge tits.

how am joking if the evidence was right in front of me? he even pump and dumper because some other jealous gym chad was giving him trouble for fucking her.

The flaw in your thinking is what is called the fallacy of hasty generalization or of the lonely fact. Because one or some members of a group are such-and-such it does not follow that all are.

yeah i generalize because that is how you better predict the behavior of women and you are not fooling anyone. women are gold digging sluts.

It's funny how women think having a career/degree is what attracts good men.

I could provide you with a thousand instances to the contrary, as also of men who evinced the most despicable behaviour towards women.

Here is one, famous in history, as described by one of the greatest writers in the English language.

"Mr. Thomas Inkle of London, aged twenty Years, embarked in the Downs, on the good Ship called the Achilles, bound for the West Indies, on the 16th of June 1647, in order to improve his Fortune by Trade and Merchandize. Our Adventurer was the third Son of an eminent Citizen, who had taken particular Care to instill into his Mind an early Love of Gain, by making him a perfect Master of Numbers, and consequently giving him a quick View of Loss and Advantage, and preventing the natural Impulses of his Passions, by Prepossession towards his Interests. With a Mind thus turned, young Inkle had a Person every way agreeable, a ruddy Vigour in his Countenance, Strength in his limbs, with Ringlets of fair Hair loosely flowing on his Shoulders. It happened, in the Course of the Voyage, that the Achilles, in some Distress, put into a Creek on the Main of America, in search of Provisions : The Youth, who is the Hero of my Story, among others, went ashore on this Occasion. From their first Landing they were observed by a Party of Indians, who hid themselves in the Woods for that Purpose. The English unadvisedly marched a great distance from the Shore into the Country, and were intercepted by the Natives, who slew the greatest Number of them. Our Adventurer escaped among others, by flying into a Forest. Upon his coming into a remote and pathless Part of the Wood, he threw himself [tired and] breathless on a little Hillock, when an Indian Maid rushed from a Thicket behind him After the first Surprize, they appeared mutually agreeable to each other. If the European was highly charmed with the Limbs, Features, and wild Graces of the Naked American; the American was no less taken with the Dress, Complexion, and Shape of an European, covered from Head to Foot.

The Indian grew immediately enamoured of him, and consequently sollicitous for his Preservation : She therefore conveyed him to a Cave, where she gave him a Delicious Repast of Fruits, and led him to a Stream to slake his Thirst. In the midst of these good Offices, she would sometimes play with his Hair, and delight in the Opposition of its Colour to that of her Fingers: Then open his Bosome, then laugh at him for covering it. She was, it seems, a Person of Distinction, for she every day came to him in a different Dress, of the most beautiful Shells, Bugles, and Bredes. She likewise brought him a great many Spoils, which her other Lovers had presented to her; so that his Cave was richly adorned with all the spotted Skins of Beasts, and most Party-coloured Feathers of Fowls, which that World afforded. To make his Confinement more tolerable, she would carry him in the Dusk of the Evening, or by the favour of Moon-light, to unfrequented Groves, and Solitudes, and show him where to lye down in Safety, and sleep amidst the Falls of Waters, and Melody of Nightingales. Her Part was to watch and hurl him in her Arms, for fear of her Country-men, and wake on Occasions to consult his Safety. In this manner did the Lovers pass away their Time, till they had learn'd a Language of their own, in which the Voyager communicated to his Mistress, how happy he should be to have her in his Country, where she should be Cloathed in such Silks as his Wastecoat was made of, and be carried in Houses drawn by Horses, without being exposed to Wind or Weather.

Your sister boyfriend is a poser all chads are posers everyone in this thread beside me is a fucking poser

I am the master of the universe

All this he promised her the Enjoyment of, without such Fears and Alarms as they were there tormented with. In this tender Correspondence these Lovers lived for several Months, when Yarico, instructed by her Lover, discovered a Vessel on the Coast, to which she made Signals, and in the Night, with the utmost Joy and Satisfaction accompanied him to a Ships-Crew of his Country-Men, bound for Barbadoes. When a Vessel from the Main arrives in that Island, it seems the Planters come down to the Shoar,. where there is an immediate Market of the Indians and other Slaves, as with us of Horses and Oxen.

To be short, Mr. Thomas Inkle, now coming into English Territories, began seriously to reflect upon his loss of Time, and to weigh with himself how many Days Interest of his Mony he had lost during his Stay with Yarico. This thought made the Young Man very pensive, and careful what Account he should be able to give his Friends of his Voyage. Upon which Considerations, the prudent and frugal young Man sold Yarico to a Barbadian Merchant ; notwithstanding that the poor Girl, to incline him to commiserate her Condition, told him that she was with Child by him. But he only made use of that Information, to rise in his Demands upon the Purchaser.

Fucking posers

I am the king of the universe

A primary example from the current world would have been great, but you'd rather peacock what a distinguished literary mastermind you are. Take your faggotty syntax and go back.

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>I did not realize that im a ticking bomb and when I reach 30 year old I would have to settle for the shittiest men
>I traded my youth for my career
Hahaha devil is doing gods work

If 800 words of narrative description from the pen of Sir Richard Steele are too troublesome for you to read it is no skin off my nose.

Lose the engagement ring. Start hunting for dick. when flirting, don't be subtle. If a boy seems nice and attractive, shake him by the shoulders and yell "Shut up and fuck me you gorgeous idiot!" Who dares wins.

I guess you'll call me a troglodyte and say I haven't enjoyed the benefits of a classical education but I'll tell you this: nobody thinks you're smart. It's late on a weekday and you're posting on this board.

Hello dumb cunt, just here to tell you, you dont need the approval of other to be smart.

Just because you use canned lines like "skin off my nose" doesn't mean you are smart amigo. Keep jerking yourself off to what a "superior command of the english tongue" you have lmfao

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I will briefly summarize the story for you if you wish. An English merchant called Thomas Inkle, in the 17th century, got attacked by natives in America, and had to go into hiding. A beautiful young Native American woman discovered him, fell in love, and decided to look after him. They formed a romantic partnership; and he got her with child. When a merchant-ship bound for Barbados subsequently came ashore, he took her aboard with him, only to sell her into slavery when it arrived at its destination, even while she was pregnant.

I'm not the guy you were arguing to, but being delusional doesnt help your case.

I mean its what attracts me

>he got her with child
Good lord why would you use such a tactless phrase? At least say "he and her child did copulate on that day" you fucking brainlet. Go back to 6th grade language arts.

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I am going to tell you something really honest. Men don't care about your job. You having a successful career is actually unattractive to men. So you either settle for a man who makes less than you or die alone. Your choice. The longer you wait the less men that will be available and they will be even lower quality than the current ones.

I am sure women riding the cock carousel and settling for money is more common then this. also fuck that guy he was a backstabbing piece of shit.

You've got money. Plastic surgery, fillers, beauty treatments.

>"I'm a shit person. Why only other shit people approach me?"
Work on yourself first.

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That's why you're a virgin
Originally of course

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I spent the last 7 years collecting sheets of paper myself so I understand this feeling quite a bit.

OP is probably larping, but i'll give my honest answer anyway.

The brutal truth is, Men are not attracted to Women with careers. As a man, I don't view a Woman with a career as a Woman, she's more like a Man with a vagina. A really irrational, mentally unstable and physically diminutive Man. A WOMAN is a Woman who acts like a fucking Woman. She wants a family and leaves the career to her Husband. Her world is Children and the home. I don't want to imply that this a worse world, in fact it's actually more agreeable, and more difficult to manage in some aspects. But it's a Woman's world, just like careers are a Man's world.

So from my perspective, and the perspective of most Men, a Woman with a successful career is basically a shitty version of a Man, and thus not really even a consideration for a life partner.

In 30 more years i'm sure you'll be very fulfilled telling your cats how successful your career was.

I'd love to have a girlfriend with a career and just be home doing home stuff.

You like the idea, but I can guaren-fucking-tee you from personal experience that either you will grow to resent her, or she will leave you for some Chad at her work.

Women are hardwired to hate Men who rely on them for support, eventually she will sleep with some Exec behind your back.

She's free to do so as long as I'm able to be home and not work.

Oh, so you're just a cuck then. Carry on my friend and may you find the sugar Momma of your dreams.

Cuck or not if I ever get a girlfriend somehow I want her to take care of these "manly" things as I'm obviously not able to on my own.

>It'll get better each day
But it's literally the opposite. With each day she gets older and exponentially (read that, exponentially) drops in attractiveness until age 35 where the drop is more linear. And since you just old the OP a blatant lie here, we know the rest of your post is blatant narcissistic false hope/false comfort that'd in the end only put OP in a worse situation once the reality sets back in. Fuck yourself slut.

There's nothing wrong with getting a career and having standards, don't listen to these bitter jobless NEETs. In today's economy you're fucking dumb if you rely on another person for your sole income.

Considering you're a woman, it shouldn't be that fucking hard to meet someone who's up to your standards. I know great guys who date ugly women who have nothing going for them. Maybe you're fat or something? Work on yourself if possible. Develop hobbies outside of your day job. And stay away from places like these; they're full of people who've given up and want to drag anyone else down with them. If you don't find anyone, then oh well. Overpopulation is killing us; it wouldn't be a disaster if you didn't have a kid. You'll feel like shit about it until menopause, and after that you'll either stop caring or get really depressed and suicidal, but that's like a 50/50 thing honestly so it's not too bad.

It's also worth noting that men in their 20s are usually just getting started with their careers and have a more difficult time establishing themselves than women, who make up the vast majority of "career" jobs (ie office work) that you value so much. Someone you're interested in who doesn't have much going for them right now will probably have something going on by the time they're 30. That, or try dating older men if you're into that. They tend to be more established, more mature, and generally better people than men in their 20s who're still working towards their dreams. Just don't call him daddy, he might not like that. Or maybe he will. Then you'll know you really hit the premium jackpot.

Where are you going to meet these men?

Fuck you bitch that career spot was supposed to be mine you coulda been my wife instead

Don't deny a guy and a relationship just because you think he's not good enough for you.

>how can i get over this feeling?
by fucking your sister's boyfriend obviously

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Not him and not a cuck but honestly I'd be fine with this if I could just keep NEETing it up. If she wanted the whole lovey-dovey one-person thing tho I can do that too though. But in the end if I can just be a NEET I don't mind being a placeholder husband so people get off her back socially or whatever. But yeah this kind of woman doesn't exist. They want a man still does better than them so eh

Just deal with the fact that no one will have a long term relationship. Embrace isolation, find a hobby you like and then eventually be good at it. It depends if people will hire hags, which is extremely unlikely. Or get a gun license, I think you'll know what to do after that.

Stacy falls in love with foreign Chad because of his appearance. She feeds him, protects him, gives him gifts that her beta orbiters gave her and sleeps with him. She has his child, he then sells her into slavery for his own gain.

Moral of the Story: Don't trust foreigners, don't trust people that you literally can't speak the same language with, don't choose your partner purely based off looks.

Are you dumb? He did not have sex with her child, he impregnated her so that she was pregnant with his child.

This. It's what happens to men too, but don't worry OP, keep trying and don't give up.

I can hear you hitting the wall from over here, you did this to yourself. Have fun with your cats

I know they are. Having a career saves you when fertility and youth are gone.

Dumb femenists, all the propaganda about getting a career. Bitch, women can't have a high requirement job with a family and kids. Plus, you're getting uglier by the minute so good luck

Good read, thanks for posting

Settle for an ugly beta male, they (we) need bussy too.

Otherwise enjoy hitting the wall

It'll end up failing. Relationships where the man is the homemaker are more likely than any other arrangement to end in divorce.