Males are obsolete

Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas females are the real complete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

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>another shitty larp thread
into the trash it goes

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But who is going to dominate you then?

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larper BTFO'd

Is feminism really a movement of predatory lesbians trying to their impressionable young uni students into their fisting slut sex slaves? Hence their logo?

Another shitty trollbait. Try harder next time OP

I love how you have no arguments. It just proves me right.

Master BAIT
If you are a real male feminist make me a sandwich. ;)

all of the women vs all of the men, Idk where to put my money but I figure normal women and men would just defeat the feminists and kinda go back to normal.

Women are literally useless, except for making babies. That is it. Once we have artificial wombs they will be completely useless

I'm a human, not a male.
We'll make a male only virus or something
You say this and think males have a right to live??

>who would maintain the machines?
>who would keep the economy running
>who would protect the society you live in

you're a worthless cumdumpster. YOU'RE the obsolete one. we should keep all females on massive human farms. the attractive ones get raped periodically to conceive more humans, and the ugly ones get a pneumatic stunner to the forehead

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"they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering." Yes. But men only start wars, attack other men, or rape women to get access to vagina. We could just as easily solve these problems by conditioning men to only fuck each other. We don't need to get rid of half the population to build paradise, especially not the half that produces most art and culture. We just need to acclimate to a gay world, a world where women never get dick again.

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>women are the jews of gender
It all makes so much sense now.

Males say this and think they have a right to live...

i know this is bait but,
>Implying the female leaders of the world wouldn't start a war over what outfit the other leader wants to wear to a party

If you look at the reproductive role of women it is entirely based on suckering and wasting resources on herself and her brood from any source she can find be it alphas, betas, orbiters etc. When it comes to parisitism women are second to none. Eventually in the future most normal guys will have gynoids and the godly upper class will have biological women. It'll be like rich people owning horses because they are seen as decadent. I guess in a way women will get chad and we'll get robo-stacy.

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>*cures your virus because we've been responsible for most if not all scientific advancement in human history*
Nothing personal, kid

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If men are inferior, then why are we in charge of everything? We didn't build patriarchy by not being productive.

Who let this retard out of my FUCKING TORTURE BASEMENT

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Women don't run anything properly. They are useless at most roles other than homekeeping/cleaning/cooking etc