How fucked are we boys?
How fucked are we boys?
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Source? plox original
Doomsday prediction have been happening since the begining of time and none of them turned out to be real
Op here it's fox news so there probably just taking the piss but it's still cool
this isn't even the first April 23 doomsday perdition, we have had these since the 1800s
Wasn't the most likely one 12/12/12 or something
It was 21/12/2012
That was when the Aztec calendar ended right? even the Aztecs couldn't get it right.
I hope that the world does fucking end so that your retarded date system is taken along with it you piece of shit yuro
Man when I was young doomsday prophecies used to be fun. I'm not even 22 yet and I've still seen dozens of supposed doomsdays. It's like being told about Christmas and then it getting cancelled every year, eventually you just doubt Christmas will ever come
Literally none of them are more credible than any other, because absolutely none of them are mapping asteroids or anything like that. The Mayan calendar just happened to stop on that date, and because their religion involved the cyclical destruction and recreation of the world people spazzed out and called it a prediction. Personally I think mapping a calendar 2000 years into the future on a rock when your average life expectancy is 30 is pretty reasonable.
I remember when I was young and there was a doomsday prophecy (rapture), and when I woke up and mom wasn't home I was terrified that she was raptured and I wasn't
Our calendar changed too (Julian to Gregorian) so the supposed end date was even earlier
>making an article
>about another article
did he get paid for that shit?
>Mfw my birthday is on April 23.
>Mfw I wished for death this year.
Happy Birthday to me!
After we found out about the Higgs field a couple years ago the possibility that the entire universe will "just cease to be" (kinda) out of the blue became apparent, this isn't new.
How could the universe just cease to be?
I'm not gonna bother typing it out but it has to do with quantum tunneling.
If you don't feel like reading about it you can watch these.
Or you can read
that explains why this one time I went to reach for my door handle and i phased
>tfw every time there's a doomsday prediction I wish with all my strength that it becomes reality
>it never does
>this fucking smug cat in my pic never delivers either
the only prophecy you need to care about is what happens in 3 months
>the Rapture can come at any time
Is there anything scarier? At anytime, ANY SECOND, God can return and start the end. Despite being Christian I don't know if I'll survive.
>God would only torture the sinful normies!
As if Jow Forums isn't full of sinners.
You re trying to get replies with that pic so I'm not going to say anything KILL ME, PETE
I'm still waiting for you to kill me, Pete.
Niribu was supposed to show up like six years ago.
More than likely it ended because they all died and couldn't make more calendars.
As far as I'm concerned nothing will happen this year. 2024 I feel is significant. Oh kek Vishnu, yes he will come, Kalki
>believing fox news
What will happen lad?
i'm making a site. a refuge away from this place.
Tommorow will be a breddy gud day.
Digits conform
>dying over some sandniggers.
what a world.
I feel like I'm on 2008 /x/ again
Dunno but that's my birthday so either one is fine by me.
Sounds like a scam
Most balanced news network on tv.
Okay, then kill yourself in the woods. Don't bring us into this shit.
please kill me, pete.
I'm too much of a coward to do it myself, please give me a quick and deadly aneurysm in my sleep
>fox news
>doomsday bullshit
>believing in the rapture
>having a religion
can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
How many false flag apocalypses have we had so far?
I know of 3, I think.
And I mean, they gotta be right eventually, maybe, probably not.
You're too young to remember Y2K. Now that one was good.
>expecting Mexicans to be accurate about anything
If you're a Christian, you definitely won't survive. Everyone who believes in God will die durin the Rapture. The only ones left alive would be non believers.
I've always thought of this but did they ever try to match up the calendars to when the Spaniards arrived? Because a violent group invading your land might've been a perfectly legitimate reason to hold off on calendar making for a while.
April 23rd is my bday, if they are lying I'm gonna be pissed >:(
27 yr old eurofag here, for some reason we didn't have that one over here, only started anticipating apocalypse after 9/11
My bday is the 23rd, let's party
lol this, anyone who's been through enough of them knows it's bullshit
Besides, even if it WAS the end of the world you couldn't really do anything to stop it so nothing changes either way. Either the world ends or it doesn't, not up to me or you.
>Stephen "I say a lot of things I can't prove, nobody can prove especially right before i die for attention" Hawking
I can't tell you how many doomsdays I survived up until this point. I'm not getting my hopes up.
More like Stephen "greatest scientist since Einstein" Hawking
then you're gonna fucking love april 23rd
hey what's up guys its me Vishnu I just wanted to tell everyone I'm a MASSIVE faggot and love to suck cock!
>Theoretical physicist has theoretical hypotheses
How dare he, right?
>Stephen "The universe will probably explode one day when? shit i don't know maybe in a couple of billion years or something" Hawking
wow amazing stuff, truly a great mind.
Thats like saying we're all gonna doe on december 31 because thats when our calender ends. Mayan calendar resets
lol what? the ameri system is retarded you fat amerifaggot, DAY MONTH YEAR how does that not make 10x more sense than your fucking gay MONTH FIRST shit gtfo
>sand niggers
>literal creators of what it means to be human
>they weren't even niggers
>arabs aren't the people of that land
Get a load of this guy.
The jews haven't rebuilt their dumb little temple the last time I checked. Planet X is our only option.