How does this make you feel?

Mark Zuckerberg is worth 66 BILLION dollars. He founded one of the most successful companies in history, a company so powerful that the government of the USA had to sit him down to figure out exactly how much data he has. Think of a single person in the USA who does not have a Facebook, I will fucking wait.

This man is massively successful and wields incredible power. He could unironically buy the place you work at and fire you. You bump into Zuckerberg on the street and of he really wanted to he could make you fucking disappear. Not even memeing, the man has 66 billion dollars.

And yet the ONLY thing anyone can talk about is how he:

>Is a little weird looking
>Has slightly robot like mannerisms
>Needs a booster seat for Congress

That's it. That is literally 100 percent of the conversation surrounding him. Not his wealth, his intelligence, his involvement in mass data mining, it's soley his looks, mannerisms and height.

What chance do any of you possibly have if you are a tiny bit odd looking or not the physical ideal? It is literally almost impossible to be more successful than Zuckerberg, are you going to work hard or something?

Just face it, normies only care about looks. Even when dealing with a man who could literally pay everyone in the USA 200 bucks to punch you in the nose all they care about are his looks.

Attached: rs_634x1024-180411072340-634-Mark-Zuckerberg-Congress-WDC-LT-0411.jpg (828x1337, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have facebook.

Get rekt

>Think of a single person in the USA who does not have a Facebook
Me. Fuck normiebook.

Attached: 66gi7qa5b5dy.png (1280x1280, 658K)

>Think of a single person in the USA who does not have a Facebook
I don't have a facebook, neither of my roomates have a facebook, my GF doesnt have a facebook, my mother doesn't have a facebook, and my brother no longer has a facebook. Lots of people don't use social media.

>Think of a single person in the USA who does not have a Facebook

I know of dozens

You're posting on social media friendo

nope. Jow Forums is the exact opposite. anti-social media

I didn't know Zuckerberg was that tiny. A booster seat? Jfc.

You're such badass contrarians. Your medals are in the mail.

Wow, it's almost like being wealthy doesn't solve every single problem in your life!!

What a fucking joke. My boss literally has $70 million dollars (he's the 100% shareholder of a mid sized law firm). His life is a mess, he's getting divorced, he literally has zero friends, and he is suspiciously using a decent amount of Vicodin even though he doesn't have any real chronic pain.

OP, your problem is that you think having money makes you better than other people. Mark Zuckerberg is a liberal shithead who admittedly started a successful company, but he was lucky in that it was part of the "social media" zeitgeist and he was in the right place at the right time. I personally do not respect him, however. I don't like his politics, and as a libertarian I think the founding fathers would be disgusted at his efforts to track random Internet users.

>tries to make a retarded point
>starts off with something incorrect
>is retarded
we can't tell what you look like but we know that you'll never even graduate high school lol

I dont have facebook.

But you're right, because this generation has been raised to be narcissistic and image-obsessed.

Websites where people talk to each other are neat, but won't Facebook go belly-up when people realize that being face-to-face is much better?

He's also balding but tries really hard to hide it. That really short haircut is intentional. Every day he carefully fixes his hair to cover the receding part of his hairline. Look at some photos of him. I guarantee you with 100% certainty that he's really self-conscious about it.

>face it normies only care about looks
>they should only care about money, like me
miserable poorfag detected. yes, behavior and personality are far more important. people only make fun of RDJ when he wears heels, besides that he's everyone's hero. if looks mattered, then ugly people would be extinct. go back to plebbit, poorfag

Jow Forums is literally the definition of social media.

Profileless and anonymous image boards are wholly antithetical to the generally held concept of "social media" and differ greatly from even the bbs' from which they emerged. Without consistent identity there is no real social network to speak of. Communication alone does not qualify something as social media.

>OP makes claim
>Others counter that claim
You're retarded.

How do you know my address? I'm not some normie handing my data and info out on faceberg

How do you orginally talk to people?

I don't have Facebook and just use email, texts and phone calls to chat with people. I'm married and my wife uses Facebook to update and gossip about about and that's enough for me.

I have 2 Facebook for straight up disinfo!

So if you wanna contact someone you have to ask for their number (or email address)?

>Mark Zuckerberg is worth 66 BILLION dollars. He founded one of the most successful companies in history, a company so powerful that the government of the USA had to sit him down to figure out exactly how much data he has. Think of a single person in the USA who does not have a Facebook, I will fucking wait.
>This man is massively successful and wields incredible power. He could unironically buy the place you work at and fire you. You bump into Zuckerberg on the street and of he really wanted to he could make you fucking disappear. Not even memeing, the man has 66 billion dollars.
>And yet the ONLY thing anyone can talk about is how he:
>>Is a little weird looking
>>Has slightly robot like mannerisms
>>Needs a booster seat for Congress
>That's it. That is literally 100 percent of the conversation surrounding him. Not his wealth, his intelligence, his involvement in mass data mining, it's soley his looks, mannerisms and height.
>What chance do any of you possibly have if you are a tiny bit odd looking or not the physical ideal? It is literally almost impossible to be more successful than Zuckerberg, are you going to work hard or something?
>Just face it, normies only care about looks. Even when dealing with a man who could literally pay everyone in the USA 200 bucks to punch you in the nose all they care about are his looks.
You are forgetting that he is a rat kike zionist who needs to be put to the sword

Yup. I like texting I guess that's weird now but I'm old so I don't care

I would just find it incredibly inconvenient

I only have a Facebook to stalk people.
But besides that. Mark unironically scares me.
He's the Goku of the world and we're all Krillen.

Hyperbole you autistic retards.
Nobody has to explain this to you.

>robot mannerisms

He's speaking perfectly normal, and dressing adequately and caring himself in a professional manner. It's sad when lesser people try to compare themselves to others who are successful in an attempt to feel empowered through category. I'm sure suit fags are doing the exact same thing knowing some of them share the same brand of clothing as Mr. Zuc wears.

It's pretty pathetic.
You're not a billionaire and you never will be.

Attached: 1520353078865.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

Good post OP


You faggots are clueless

Same way people have for ages, phone and email.
You don't need to be in connact with everyone you've ever met all the time. That shit is exhausting.

Life pro tip: look up definitions of words you pretend to know.

Also you certainly have a profile. Just ask gook moot

it's still social media.

But it doesn't compare to FB or IG or Twitter etc

>TFW i don't have a facebook despite dozens saying user get one
>TFW This is happening and i still don't have one

Attached: worf.jpg (694x530, 173K)

If Zuckerberg was balding and was self conscience about it, there would be a working cure for baldness, purely because of the funding it would get from him.

Hes a lizard person

How does it make you manlets feel that you're short and poor?

In what meaningful sense? Is email social media, the telephone, fucking zines? If you define it based solely on the communication of a group of people and the sharing of content nearly every form of communication whichbthe term was never meant to include retroactively becomes a form of social media.

Didn't his net worth literally go up by millions during that congressional hearing? For a robot, he's fucking made it.
>multi-billionaire who can enable or hamstring elections as he sees fit
>makes millions of dollars an hour
>can scan through any qt's profile he likes, can even message her and then delete the messages after from the server if she decides to try and post them elsewhere
>married his asian waifu
>has zero need or desire to emulate "normal human" mannerisms

Attached: uncuckable zuck.png (500x522, 135K)

Is this supossed to be dr manhattan?

>Your medals are in the mail.
you better not skimp out on the gold, you fucking dirty jew

>>Needs a booster seat for Congress

it's supposed to add comfort to where he's sitting, because he's supposed to be there for a while

>the fact that it adds to his apparent height is purely coincidental

yea but you probably did have it at some point.

>it would add height no matter what

tom was way smarter than him.
>got out of myspace before it went to shit
>sold myspace for $35 million
>no travells the world and takes pictures of stuff
>can do whatever he wants.
>doesnt have to go to congress meetings or be in the spotlight/trouble.
>lives as a background character no ones thinks of and is rich.

Attached: 5128633ef488282b0cf93d881b1f3c41.png (344x392, 308K)

Fair enough. He was there for 10 hours.

He's weird looking and short and that can't be fixed, but he acted pretty intimidating and confident in front of congress. I don't think people would make fun of him if he always acted like that, it really isn't that hard to break robot mannerisms.

Look at the endless memes of his mannerisms. Search:

>Zuckerberg smile slider
>Zuckerberg drinking water
>Zuckerberg the first Android on trial
>Zuckerberg as data (from Star trek)
>Zuckerberg robot facial expressions

I agree, he's well dressed and isn't going fucking REEEEEEEEEEEE while shouting about tendies and shitting on the Senate's floor, but the overwhelming amount of coverage of the man is about his mannerisms.

I was watching on the news. They are concerned with privacy of facebook users. Also they asked him to reveal what hotel he had been staying at and he wouldn't. His voice is much deeper than I expected it to be.

The normies fear a successful robot. They know he can shut down their social lives in an instant and they resent him for it but they know they can't stop him from doing it if he wanted too.

I think it's funny, to be honest.

Attached: 70591361-1884-411a-86f2-ab8cc602da6e-large16x9_AP18099678739035.jpg?1523357117505.jpg (985x554, 36K)

>What chance do any of you possibly have
none, thats why I use my hand

>Just face it, normies only care about looks
do you think anyone here isn't aware of this

someone on Jow Forums described it perfectly

>>politicians who pretend to know how the internet works VS man who knows how the internet works but pretends not to

you can look it up.

telephone is not social media. Jow Forums definitely counts. literally the only feature you're thinking of is having a friend list, or maybe a newsfeed if you have used that. most activity on facebook is the same as on Jow Forums - sharing content and discussing it. the anonymity is functionally irrelevant, it only changes the context.

that can't be right oregano-origami.

Everyone is making fun of him. There is not a single positive article, meme, video, nothing positive about his mannerisms or way he conducted himself. Everything paints him as a crippling autist who can barely pass as a human.

Not really since Zuckerjew is 2000x richer.

Richard D. James? original

I've never had a face book page.

No, it's an Alien: Isolation meme.

Random youtube videos:

>Get mass mainstream media attention
>TESTIFYING to congress for mistake in moderation of Facebook apps
>Expects not to get made fun of

When the news cycle forgets about him he can go back to slaying any poose he wants, doing any drugs he wants, and living whatever autistic fantasy he wants while tens of thousands of people curate his product.

I would get made fun of for a week every 5 years if I got 66 billion dollars.

He asked name 1 person who doesnt have a facebook and he'll wait.

None of my family has 1, we text if we need anything or text each other videos or text each other literally anything that can be texted.
He started off illogically, not that the rest isnt correct but you dont say
>name one person who doesnt
And expect every person in america to have 1. Thats dumb.