Redpill me on Tinder before I invest time on thinking of a bio

Redpill me on Tinder before I invest time on thinking of a bio.

Ive seen posts where people make this look so easy

Attached: tinder.png (1200x1200, 93K)

You may or may not get matches, women rarely talk or will unmatch you if you wait too long, the chances of getting laid are slim to none. all in all it is a pointless waste of time.

Pajeets and hajis have paid for tinder plus. You have to if you are going to compete

Trolled a lady by telling her women's suffrage was a mistake 5 months ago. We rematched 3 weeks ago and have both deleted tinder since we're happy.

The real red pill is that life is a choose your own adventure RPG

You mean non neets who have a pittance of cash to have slightly better odds?

Literally free pussy if you are attractive and can talk to girls.

Where do you think you are sir

Tinder is artificial and unfullfilling.
Though having it and all the other social media is the only way to meet anyone in this day and age, I'd rather just stay alone than be desperate enough to use tinder.

It's full of dumb roasties. Half of them won't have a profile and you will always have to entertain them like some sort of clown because none of them can carry a conversation.

It's a complete lottery based in factors outside of your control

It's a meme, try a church group instead. Seriously, the people that go to them treat it like a glorified tinder and if you put some effort into not being ugly and whatnot you'll probably get more ass than you would waving your dick around on Tinder.

All the girls on tinder are dumb thots who complain that they're single, meanwhile the man that they desire is basically an impossible standard (rich + 10/10 Chad)

>Getting ass

Won't have a conversation with you because you don't know how to have fun.


If you are a vile sensualist then I suppose it might appeal to you, but you are passing unlikely to find a woman of any kind of decency or morals on there. Whether or not you choose to use it depends on how much you respect yourself I suppose.

>Church group
Every girl there is going to be a "NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE" type, which is fine if you want a partner who shares your religion, but this thread is about casually fucking dumb thots

No its true. A lot of girls in church have strict parents and are homeschooled. If they see a semi decent looking guy its instantly exotic to them.

>He thinks that they actually believe that bullshit
Lol, there's totally girls in those groups that really think they'll go to hell for sex but most are Christians of convenience. Some just go for the social experience.
This guy knows whats up.

I think you kind of left some info out. I take it you two are happily dating now?

Yeah thanks. She has slept over 2 nights in a row and we text in paragraphs.

People in this thread my consider her a thot, but I'm sex positive too so her previous boyfriends and the few randoms she has hooked up with don't bother me. Why should I be upset when both of our cumulative actions have led us together?

Tinder allows two people who are open to dating to chat. A lot of people aren't exclusively looking to hook up with someone random. So the majority of posts are disingenuous

Ah fair point. We're talking from two experiences though. I've dated a Christian who was all over me like i was something exotic but she had a severe hang up on sex. YMMV

This. I had tinder for about a week and deleted it cuz I felt like there were no connection going on. Also cuz I had no matches.

Lol what? Ever held a hand before?

if u are decently physically attractive (at least 7/10), your odds of getting laid are about 1 in 20 matches

if u arent then dont use tinder desu