Why haven't you guys started exercising?
It's eaay and there are plenty of ways to do it so why don't you?
The hardest part is eating healthier but if you're strong enough mentally then you can get over it.
Why haven't you guys started exercising?
It's eaay and there are plenty of ways to do it so why don't you?
The hardest part is eating healthier but if you're strong enough mentally then you can get over it.
it's easy
Why isn't it easy for you? Maybe we can find a way to overcome your hurdle.
Because I can't out train my shitty diet and I'm too autistic to change what I've been eating for the past 25 years.
its easy for mebut then the deppression hits and then i have no motovation
its painful, time consuming, and doesn't satisfy my need for instant gratification
same. depression is literally killing me
I get panic attacks when I sweat or breath hard.
for people who arent used to it/have never worked out before it can be daunting to get into a good workout routine with so many contrasting opinions on every single on. there's also the shock of muscle fatigue and not knowing their limits properly so they dont get pushed hard enough and fail to see any progress and end up quitting. it's best if someone who knows what theyre doing helps you into it. my bro taught me how to lift and gave me a routine ages ago but i havent worked out in years. bought a chinup/dip tower and have some barbells at home im planning on working out with starting tonight though
>Shitty excuses for tendies getting flushed
OP pic is oddly satisfying
I already have.
>come home on edge
>want to slam my head against the wall
>exercise instead
>desire gone
Great stress reliever
The best thing to do is push through even when you have no reason to. It's the hardest thing in the world and I know almost all of you are think "he doesn't understand" but I do.
I don't know what you can do about this other than ask a doctor for help, sorry I can't help
That's good user and I agree it is a lot easier to have someone to help. My mate helped me get into it sophomore year and it really helped.
>But (greentext to get your attention)
If you use the internet to research some work out routines for yourself and make a schedule and stick to it then it becomes a lot easier to not give up on yourself. Also if people don't want to lift they don't have to. Lately I've been jogging
I have. I'm down from 215 lbs. to 191.2 lbs.
Nice job user!
What kind of exercises have you been doing?
yeah having someone who knows their way around the gym is a huge help at first, esp if they know how to set up sets and weights so theyll challenge you properly. sounds like you and me had some good bros. yeah i'm just using a routine i found online for home exercises using barbells and plan on jump roping now that the weathers getting warmer but i can definitely understand why people wouldnt want to work out. i remember the first time i got my first workout high and couldnt believe it was real
give me a workout I can do in my room
I used to put weights in a wagon and haul them around my yard for several laps but now I just walk for miles at a time. I've also stopped eating like a pig. I quit smoking cigarettes a long time ago but food cravings feel much more powerful.
Delete that image right fucking now.
Reformed overweight fuck turned fit here. Having a routine strengthens your will and makes you use your time more effectivly, but it won't magicaly give you confidence or social skills which is what I need...
Easy. You can do push-ups, sit-ups, planks, 6 inches, wall sits, and squats. Those are only a couple but I'm sure you can find more by googleing exactly what you just asked
That's great to hear! And as long as you're burning off what you eat I'm sure you can give into a couple of those cravings but don't go crazy
I know what you mean. I feel like my social skills have gotten better but that was only after years of embarrassment. Personally I think you should just keep trying no matter how hard or embarrassing it is. Not that doesn't mean be annoying. I think I got more confidence when I stopped thinking before I spoke but at the same time I did think about what I said. It's hard to explain but after saying risky things lile complimenting a girl or something and it actually goes well then that really gives you confidence, but if she just calls you a creep don't get downed just brush it off
Joints warm-up
. 5min cardio : jumping jacks ou air boxing or running
. 4 sets of x push-ups ; 1min rest between sets
. 4 sets of abs workout :
1 sets =
- x nb of scissors set ups
- x nb of leg raises-
- 1min plank
35 sec (minmum 25) rest between sets
. 3 sets de 1min of Lateral dumbell raise; 1 set =
- right arm 1 min
- left arm 1 min
- 1 min rest between each set
4x10 curl, xkg one dumbell in each arm
4x 10 hammer curl, xkg
4x10 Kneeling One Arm Row ; 1 = both arms
4x Palms-In Alternated Shoulder Press xkg
35 sec rest between each set, 1-2 mins vetween exercise
Cladding or Legs
Plank 1-2min min x2
side planks 1-2 min x2
Dont forger to run atleast 2 times a week, and eat well, and sleep well.
56 chicken nuggets
This comment was unoriginal
Progress isn't motivating though.
think you should just keep trying no matter how hard or embarrassing it is
yeah, I'll honestly give it my best, I kind of give up sometimes
But motivating through make progress
Don't worry we all do. I have before to multiple times but the most important thing is to get back up
will doing this make me juicy and get girls?
Honestly lifting weights feels better than drugs and alcohol. It's a really nice buzz
I'm on keto and I started lifting and swimming again, dropping weight like a stone. It's the only thing that's going right in my life rn as a 25 year old NEET
holy shit yes this. when i talk about why i fail at getting fit people say 'oh just get into the routine' but what's the motivation coming from? how do i move through my depression and find something to actually latch onto when nothing gives me motivation? it's a catch-22, any point where i try to enter the cycle there's already some prerequirement before hand that i can't complete. it sucks. i want to get better but know i'll just keep failing. maybe i need someone to help train me but even then that requires asking and bothering someone else
Then you deserve early death
could you please turn that into an English sentence?
lifting weights does not feel good in any sense of the term. It feels tiring and painful. I guess if you're masochistic you might like it, but I don't understand that either.
yes can someone explain how to feel 'good' going to the gym? when i go it's just utter pain, everything hurts, i can't breathe and there's no reason to even go back. what about it is fun?
Okay well I did deadlifts a few hours ago and felt great. Still feel good from it. You don't know what you're talking about.
ripe and fit yes, juicy no. This is a full body beginner or mid routine I kinda put together.
If you can't handle any pain at all then you won't be able to do it. Actually, you won't be able to do anything cuz pretty much everything is somewhat painful.
I'm too fat.
I get out of breath and tired after a minute of running. I can only curl 10lbs and get tired after a set.
I know any exercise is better than no exercise, but it's like I'm trying to save a sinking boat with a dixie cup
I have. The hardest part for me has been how fucking boring it is. I'm sick of spending half an hour of my day doing repetitive tasks just to make me die slower. I wish I could just download my consciousness onto something less shitty than a human body.
Even if you can handle it, why would you seek it out?
>it's easy
kek, no
>not knowing the difference between nugs and tendies
Because it feels good in the moment, I imagine similar to a runner's high. It also makes you physically stronger and healthier, which also makes you feel good.
Even the struggle of the physical act of lifting weights feels good. Like punching or hitting something but actually good for your body
If you sticl with it for a month it becomes enjoyable, relaxing when low intensity, cathartic when exhausting
i used to be pretty fit, but ive gone downhill in the past few years, I just need to diet and stop comfort eating and I'll stay alright
>enjoyable, relaxing when low intensity, cathartic when exhausting
not true but thanks for trying
I am not mentally strong.
I lose motivation after a week.
I am very impulsive in everything.
I have dermatitis
I never felt runner's high either. muh endorphins are a meme.
after three months I still hated every minute of working out