Looks like they all an hero'd

looks like they all an hero'd

a very sad day

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i mean they didn't an hero. he just decided to murder them

I'm sure I've seen this article last year.
What the fuck is going on guys? I've seen those mugshots.

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>TFW no qt happa incest daughter

they were posted a lot here after being arrested for incest a few months ago. both were out on bail. this just happened a day ago.

is that the chick from that facial abuse video?

yeah that exact photo was used by dailymail and some other news sites, the story was some adopted insane hapa girl ran away from her adopted family, found her biological dad, and fucked him. There were a few threads on it

That's what society wanted for them. If they're two consenting people they should just fuck off. Goverment is always ruining lives

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Her dad, in addition to murdering his/her child murdered his daughter (the one he was caught fucking) and her step-father. They were supposed to go to court in 11 days. This whole thing is so fucked up

i live 10 minutes away from where this happened

>i live 10 minutes away from where this happened
should have asked to keep the daughter alive so you could have a girlfriend

no that's a different half-asian slut

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It make me so fucking happy desu. A wonderful love story.

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>Steven, 42
>Katie, 20


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What a fuckin rollercoaster. Fucks his biological daughter he just met when she found him when she turned 8, had a baby with her, got in trouble, got out on bail, was living with her raising the incest baby. Kills the baby when she is gone, then goes hundreds of miles away and kills his daughter/baby's mom and her adoptive father, drives away and then kills himself

What the fuck was going through that dude's head

he probably felt it was the best way to clean up the mess he made

Fucking roast BTFO
>females would rather fuck their psychopathic father than date you

>her adoptive father

what did he do to deserve that?

Love is the only force that matters in this world.

R.I.P Steve and Katie

May you know peace in the after world.

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goddamnit why did this have to happen in my state

He was probably there.
I don't think he intended to die, but the reality got to him.

I think this is the most probable answer.
He knew he set that kid up for hell, and he didn't want it to suffer, so he killed it and took his entire family with him.

dude looks pretty good for 42

girl looks kinda qt but also kind of fucked in the head

white people whiting up

Nothing, whether he held some sort of grudge against him for some reason, or it was just because he was with her at the time, who knows.

I know why he killed her. She gave him a baby boy. He wasn't gay, so he was not going to fuck a son. This is a fear of mine, what if I get girlfriend and get her pregnant and instead of her giving me a daughter to enjoy, she gives me a boy? What the fuck I am supposed to do with him?

Well it'd be kind of hard to fuck your kids when you've never met them jamal =^)

The fucking government wouldn't leave them alone and bullied them into committing suicide.

Don't even think about falling in love in Trump's Amerikka!

I don't think you'd think like this if you actually had a daughter.

Only 1 in 20 fathers actually molest their daughter, and most of those are in households that are mixed-raced.

Damn you're really having a field day today

am no black, amerilard but glad you showed your racist ways

Crazy to think that if they'd been born in another century, or maybe even a different country, this entire situation would've been nothing to scoff at. Sure, incestuous children can have deformities and such, but that's usually after multiple multi-generational births if I recall correctly. Arbitrary laws of a "civilized" society leading men to desperate and tragic ends yet again.

Anyone know how much hard time they were looking at doing?

You are telling you wouldn't sniff and jerk off with kiddie underwear if you had a daughter? Stop lying, we are among strangers.

Wow, who did the killing?
Anyway, both lives ruined so nothing gained nothing lost

I dont know people like this and it doesn't affect me..

I wouldn't do it if I loved her.

Seems like it's true.
Sad, sad day. But at least they had it their way.
I'll always remember and cherish this sweet lovestory.

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>his daughter is a hapa
kek the state of yellow fever fags

The world is pretty fucked. At least no one suffered.

I do not comprehend. If you loved her, why would you not show her something more than parental love? Starting by kissing her lips. I hear that is taboo in America.

>adopt daughter and raise her as your own
>she turns 18 and tells you to fuck off you're not her real parents and goes to find them
>starts fucking her real dad and gets pregnant
>real dad decided to murder suicide her and you end up dead too

And that's why you should never adopt.

Stories like this make me believe Jow Forumshapas more and more

All hapa males are psychotic
All hapa females have daddy issues. Mostly expressed through being sluts.