Who are you subscribed to R9K?

Who are you subscribed to R9K?

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Callums Corner and thats it

do you actually watch those channels

Just truediltom and Varg

Thats about it boys

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that's too personal r9k

stepp back

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part 2 rate me

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leave and NEVER return. fucking hell

way too many to show them all
>I have a problem

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Raptor Jesus is the one and only true messiah. Subscribe to him.

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So... are you 12 or 14?

These are some of the best english ones I'm subbed to

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I'm gay


>leave and NEVER return. fucking hell
make me

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just sub to everyone moron. no point in even owning a youtube account if thats what youre gonna do

True, I clean my subscriptions every 1-2 months and unsub from everyone I do not watch anymore, though that leaves me with very little content to watch so I just play vidya all the time, unlike that moron

Additionally: Voxis Productions, Killian Experience, Late Night with Cry and Russ V2.1, various ASMR artists, and more.

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Ah I see you are a fellow Vargskeletor fan.
Glad so see Jow Forums has good taste in streamers.

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