Post your scores lads

post your scores lads

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>tfw 5

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2 points
1 if I wasn't Canadian

Would be five if it wasn't a fag friend randomly commenting memes

>Steam level less than 10
>Less than 150 games
>Less than 30 hours played in last 2 weeks
>Primarily plays FTP games

Can we get bonus points if we've spent more time cumulatively going out / drinking / having sex than playing vidya?

1 = Less than 150 games

>Steam level less than 10
>Less than 150 games
>Less than 30 hours played in the last two weeks

There, I fixed it.
Green means its perfectly fine.
Yellow means its bad, but not really a problem if theres only a few of them.
Red means its very bad.

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1 for getting VNs off steam. I'm not going to try and justify it

2 and a half.

Less than 30 hours, 1k+ hours in dota 2, art showcase has dancing anime grills

>More than 75 friends
Mostly people that are cool
>Less than 30 hours played in 2 weeks
>Less than 150 games
I can milk a game to the point where mods can't help him so... shit

Got one red and two yellow, how shit am I?

4, visual novels and anime. 2 points for never using steam, I haven't been on in like a month


What did we ever do to you, asshole?

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Oh, and an extra point for owning so few games.

I have more than 1000 hrs on dota 2 and less than 150 games kill me right now im degenerate

You're probably alright, as long as you don't have a furfag avatar

>1 and a half
I'll take it.

This takes me to a flawless profile
Thanks for the tiny self esteem boost user


What do I win in an original way?

id say dont add the guy who took the time to make this

1 point. That's all honestly.

Not enough dubs in this thread
Pick up the pace lady's

explain on the account is less than three years old and /or lower than level 10

2 points.
I'm not a Canadian, just don't have 150 games and haven't played that much recently

Spongebob Avatar luckily

Trading and playing valve games aren't red flags. personal experience

3 points. I think I'm ok

I would say that as long as the account is at least a year old, and above level 5, its perfectly fine

Half a point because I haven't had time to play vidya recently, and my account is only 3 years old because I leached off my step brother for a while on his.

Less than 150 games and 30 hrs in 2 weeks is a flag? So having a life is a red flag.

OP is autistic faggot confirmed.

I want to make some steam friends online but whenever I used to see profiles posted here there would be all kinds of meme shit and that stuff is just repulsive man. Why the fuck you even have to join meme groups like "tyrones bbc support group" or someshit. Don't get me started on those micronation RP'ers; though they have largely declined but I've still got requests to join their groups from years back (total war days). These blokes always tend to hve heterodox political views and thousands of hours on some grand strat shit.

Don't trust anyone who uses greentext arrows too

Scored a 3 not that any of this matters

the coolest guys on steam are the ones that play L4D2 24/7

what's wrong with having less than 150 games? If anything having more than that is a red-flag due to card-farming and shit.

>At least 1 VAC ban
Only ban I ever got was when I was crushing some normalfags in TF2 and they kicked me for "Hacking"

Does that count for a point?

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>not knowing what a vac ban is

Dunno, it showed up as A VAC ban on my profile. I was fucking around on Engineer if that helps.

Oh cool, only one point

>having a steam account
>not a normalfag

People who have more than 150 games tend to be Redditors who buy indie game bundles.

anyone with more than 500 hours on valve games, grand-strat games, and lots of VN playthroughs are all red-flags to me. Also a red-flag are those with fairly new $40+ games that are unplayed or have less than $5 hours. Shows lack of control.

You can only vibe VACd if you modify .dll and .exe. you're either a liar or a cheater

lolwut, you don't get a vac ban for fucking around playing games, you get a vac ban for using external programs that interfere with the game, aka hacks

>anyone with more than 500 hours on valve games
judging someone over a number of hours is also a red flag. would you say the same about someone who has the same amount on hours on, i don't know, football manager? fuck you

Maybe I'm misremembering, it was a few years ago. Had me laffin at the butthurt though

1 and it's because my profile is private

What the fuck are you on about? I have about ~2000 hrs on gmod, 700 hrs on DotA 2, 400 hrs on CS:GO and countless more. This was before I started medschool. If I had no control I wouldn't be in a medschool, no?

fucking nerd LOL

medschool normie

only 1 for play tf2

>-has less than 150 games
Grammarlets should be gassed
Also why would you necessarily want someone who is an obvious loser virgin soyboy quadruple faggot as a friend over a normie with just CS:GO and league?

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>less than 150 games
>exactly level 10

>play TF2 mostly
1 point

later nerds

.5. not too bad. I hate Canada so I don't identify as a Canadian .

>Anime avatar
no excuse
>Primarily plays f2p
Warframe and MobiusFF are the only things i can truly enjoy regurarly because they are not competitive.
>less than 150 games
I don't even play the 30+ games i bought

Am i a good scores now?

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not bad
where my prize

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4 points because of Nekopara. Jesus, why does that rack you up so much points? I just wanted to show support after pirating, fuck you, OP.

Shit, I can't count. It's only 3.5.

One for Canadian, one for less than 150 games, and one for not playing recently.
I don't use my steam and only have 3 games

>less than 30 hours in past 2 weeks
I've been playing pirated shit fuck off

Go die, OP. I hope your friends keep getting cancer so you're left with nothing.

Pretty sure I'm at 0, but I don't remember exactly how many games I have. I want to say it's like 140. Either way, that level metric is off. If they have a steam level of anything above 10 it's an auto red flag, that means they spend enough time fucking around with that fucking trading card shit just to get imaginary levels instead of actually playing games.

>owns less than 150 games

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