
Holy hell page 9 edition

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is formatting a PC an easy thing to do? want to start fresh with this one but im not that good with computers and dont fancy taking it to a shop

More like holy fucking based edition

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Op our dark knight

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Here's the meme dm

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yeah not that tricky lad, making a restore USB is probably the trickiest part, once you've done that its prtty much automatic

It finally all makes sense

What you lids upto?

comfy as fuck.

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>just had a wank
>watching Rome
all good here lad

Like roman pottery fren

Yes dm
>Listening to this i.4cdn.org/wsg/1523578774856.webm
>About to wath the rest of the terror

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/comfy/ here as well, been bumping this album a lot over the past 2 days, too fucking good youtu.be/89UEYbkHKvg?t=66

Very odd and trippy in a comfy way

seems nice lad, downloading.

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>Night Owls At Higher Risk For Premature Death


Well I'm certainly fucked lads

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If you're on Windows 10, it's really easy.
Settings -> Update & Security -> Recovery -> Reset

>staying up late added to the huge list of things that will kill you

ill take my chances

>only freiend that considers spending time with me has severe anger issues and is very aggressive
>also very, very negative about everything I do
Now I must find a way to distance myself from him and avoid confrontation. Fucking always stuck with this issue; someone who wants to hang out with me but has a major issue that makes me feel terrible around them. He's a nice enough guy and all but it is too much for me. I evidently want to be alone for the rest of my life now. I don't want to make friends anymore, it causes me too much stress and discomfort.

Playing vidya is 100% impossible. I can't do this anymore, need to make my moves very soon. Monday is my deadline; the process must begin then. Social interaction is so overrated.

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is 2d straight shota illegal

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Being a bit selfish making a microwave meal at this time because it might wake my family up but I'm so hungry

It depends on the country you're in. Canada has a pretty hard line on it while many Euro countries has a grey zone on it.

These laws are subject to change every time a normie soccer mom sneezes.

balls to them lad, smash a few plates while youre down there, fucking cunts need waking up

Wash your feet in cold water before bed lads.

Feels amazing.

>washing anything

Norman Q Chaddington over here eh lads?

in uk (scotland)


Is Corbyn the true robot britfeel candidate?

no. robothood is below politics

no he's the true candidate for middle class kids


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they'll get really mad at me and not let me sleep tomorrow

establish dominance lad, chuck a load of batteries and screws in their precious microwave and set it going

Yeah go stab your younger sister.

Go fucking smack your mum with a skillet user

According to Wikipedia (so take it with a grain of salt), such images were made illegal in England, Wales and N Ireland in 2009. Scotland never passed the 2009 law so it technically remains legal in Scotland.
But don't be surprised when the bobbies break down your door 5 seconds after Scotland approves the law.

night shift /britfeel/ is truly dying, are we all un-neeting or just not coming here anymore?

>tfw not even a neet but been here every night for a month

that sounds good but i'll have to do some more looking, don't want to be v& for best fetish

I been posting less at this time recently. Get lazy so mostly lurk while doing other stuff

I'm busy with trivial things

im having a cheeky wank lad

im bidding on things on e-bay lads, im playing chicken with myself, putting in bids i cant afford for stuff i dont even want, should probably stop drinking des

What to lod

like what? link it

sasha grey assfucking compilation led

classic shitpushing

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just a bit bored of Jow Forums I think

prefer being in solitude
hate people honestly

Remember, lads, GCHQ never sleep.

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GCHQ sounds like NEETs

Same, I dont want friends or anything maybe just one friend who is a girl who I can get the train to go see sometimes. For some reason I've never liked other guys but girls are cool.

Tbf, most of 'em are probably on the spectrum. Ergo, only one HR sanctioning away from perma-NEETdom.

I support this post and use /britfeel/ to get the social interaction so I don't go insane.

Very few girls are respectable and even fewer are potential friends for me. Women are like niggers to me; like another species. Too emotional about silly things, they need to cool it.

ulitimate force was better

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>Women are like niggers to me;
no wonder you're alone man, there is some really good black people out there

Watched the odd episode back in the day. Was actually alright to be honest, very gritty and low budget so was bearable unlike all the other crap on TV.

Got a lump behind my left nipple that hurts when I push it and have lots of moles, don't know if they're new or I've just never noticed them before.

Bit worried

i had something exactly like that ages though, genuinely though i had some kind of cancer but it cleared up on its own after a few months, never had any sign of it since and that was 4 or 5 years ago

map your moles lad

My best mate in primary school was black. But he was very similar to me and had smart parents. Nigs in general have low IQ and high testosterone so think awfully differently to other races. With the impact society has on blacks too, makes every single one bar my mate at primary school(last I heard of him he was one of the autistic kids playing yu gi oh or whatever in the library every lunch) too irrational and self entitled. My experiences are almost all bad with them yet I'm expected to think of them on the same level? Anti-racists are not only illogical and irrational, but plain wrong. To deny the differences in races and say "We're all the same" is wrong. What we do with the information is different, but some races are superior in different ways to other races.


Seen sharpe?

even if they're not cancerous they look so ugly


This is relatable, hadn't seen bruiser before. It was alright.

dont make man back out the rambo and bore you up you neeky grey don

Would posting this on /tv/ get me banned?

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Nearly killed a big spider I found mincing round my room, lads. But I remembered the old spiderbro green texts and caught the git and placed him in the garden.

a man who is bored of Jow Forums is bored of NEETdom

Fucking hell lads, nearly 5am and my 'mate' is sending me fucking negative messages and is adamant my success are all 'hollow'. How can someones thought process go "I'll be a cunt to someone and undermine their life but they won't stop liking me"? Beyond belief now, getting very pissed off with this now too. Every step I take in life, every move or accomplishment is undermined to either me taking shortcuts, my background, the situational factors and so on. Nothing is just hard work or ability; I'm always lucky or doing something wrong. Even suggestions of things I want to achieve are instantly "Well you know that is SUPER hard" and "Only this sort of person can do that". Reminds me heavily of my dad, the sort of "Well I'm not negative, I'm a realist" with that smug look on his face.

Fucking poison these people are, put you down at all costs because you are far more successful and better off than them. I encourage and praise him all the time and then this is how he treats me. Shocking, totally shocking.

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Haven't made cummies for 15 days now lads.

Three more days and I equal my all time record. Balls feel heavy and tight though.

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are you speaking metaphorically
balls don't change shape unless there's something wrong with them

They just feel heavier than usual due to being filled with two weeks worth of cummies.

that's not how testes work
your demeanor suggests you're retarded
have a nice day

then stop talking to him you fucking doormat

u a mean boy

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don't have a nice day

is there a meaning to life lads?

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>win another game of fortnite
Ahhh, that is the feel. Tactical dominance to eliminate 3 playters in a finite amount of time. Ruined a game for them; they were hoping for the victory. But no, I was playing.

People criticise me for my evasive tactics which include steering clear of combat until I need to. But end of the day, I play to win don't I? Why risk death early on when it'll inhibit my resources and even my life? Impulsive brainlets lack the willpower to avoid killing which is why they die so fast. Me however, I have the skill to beat the best players so I do! Why risk death by brainlet if you can tactically outwit an opponent on a 1vs1? I play to beat the best, and you don't get to the end by being an aggressive brainlet. Why take easy pickings when you can go for the treasure? One could take both the easy picking and the treasure, though why risk the treasure for a incomparable bit of hedonistic pleasure along the way? I want and will always get the treasure, the euphoria gained here is a galaxy beyond the momentary pleasure gained from eliminating a mere brainlet.

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Pathetic people try to make excuses for others achievements to make themselves feel better about achieving little

Morning lads just finished Nightshift at maccas

Plans for tonight ? I've got days off.

PB in LBA or DIE

nice gif lad

feel any better for going nofap?

I've reread and am shocked at my level of fedora larpness. Though I do believe what I wrote, I exceeded the level of cringe I had initially planned.

Another show of outstanding intelligence from this Mensa member...

I'm not in Mensa and have no clue what my IQ is, don't even care either.

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so glad the normies at work are bored of fortnite and PUBG now

Yeah I gathered. Some lads in my past I thought "gee, I'd like to have that" or "I'd like to achieve that" but I never took anything from them for getting where they were. They earned it or had circumstances which permitted it, but I'd certainly never sacrifice my friendship for jealousy.

Is jealousy the true sign of a /brainlet/?

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You have those spazmoids, ehh lad? I love a good bit of tactical warfare with internet people and it's a great bit of recreational fun. Uni cunts however, may god help them. Around 50% of their jokes are revolved around fagnite, they talk about it about 75% of the time too. Unbearable too. It is fun sure, but I don't really care about it. I love the idea that I'm ending normies games as I play and come out dominant amongst 100 normies. It's a quick fun game but isn't even comparable to most other strategic games out there.

>it's mid-april
>the spoders are coming out

I think it mostly bothers me because theres just a smugness to the "chicken dinner" boasting even though none of them do it solo and some of them play on an iphone of all things

Off to morrisons to buy frozen pizza, cola and sweeties. Only go now so very few people around. Love it.

>not relying purely on their own tactical sense
>multiple brainlet normies shitty tactics conflicting

Well, I've again left it to the point where I'm forced to pump out two essays in a few days
Was definitely worth neglecting my studies this time around though
When I go back to uni I'm also going to speak to someone about my social issues

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fucking knackered lads, I can't seem to get to sleep though. Very frustrating, not comfy at all.

that's on you Gaylord, no one else

get off /britfeel/ would be a start

none here lad. at home shitposting and sipping on some hot chocolate like a fag

only just came on, I've been laying in bed with my eyes closed for about 5 hours now. It's just not happening.

idk lad. ASMR works fucking wonders for me. some atmospheric shit, makes me sleep like a baby. try it lad.

Back from Morrisons. Check this; I bought bitcoin(for research of course) about 2 weeks ago right. STILL my bank balance hasn't gone down. Getting pissed because I want to know how much I have left but don't remember about small transactions. Anyway, super peacful and we have a new greggs in the area. Every greggs reminds me of tranny tilde so I can't respect the workers; I look in to see if they're trannies. Bought what I wanted in the end, got 2 pizzas for today and tomorrow. Couple of lovely sweets too and will go to Tesco soon to buy loads of quavers and freshly baked bread. Sister said she bought me some yesterday so maybe I'll have a lot more. Very tasty those are, cheesy flavour is basically tangy salt.

Off to probably play arma until 10 when I'll sleep. Good life this, though a job would be nice to get out and do stuff. Extra bong for more lovely mind altering molecules would be nice, money to buy more pets like a bearded dragon, rat, snake(though I want to feed it mix and not frozen dead rats) and maybe anther assorted creature. Love meself a good pet.

your blog post reminds me of a certain tranny

>dreamed I could suck my own cock
How can I make my dreams a reality?

practice for tomorrow worked
i'm up. and dancing
choo chooon

Dreamt about this a lot when I was 16 or 17. Even made a stretching plan for my back but it never worked. Too inflexible. Imagine being able to have a blowy literally whenever you want... bliss.

try get a weekend wagie job. much better than a weekday wagie
t. lad that's done both and is happier on weekends
I wouldn't suck my own dick if I could

amputate it