>eugenics is a perfectly sound idea, at the very least all violent criminals should be sterilized.
>chads aren't inherently bad, they are only doing what comes naturally and what most others would do if they could, that's all.
>eugenics is a perfectly sound idea, at the very least all violent criminals should be sterilized.
>chads aren't inherently bad, they are only doing what comes naturally and what most others would do if they could, that's all.
Other urls found in this thread:
>fags should be chemically castrated
>rape on private property should be legal
>slavs aren't white
>valve is a EA tier company that makes shit games
>tarantula innies are just as gross as roasties, small external lips are patrician
>We should all work to improve ourselves
>God exists in some form
The irony of ops post and his picture choice is hilarious.
I appreciate the response, but I fail to see the irony.
Here's another rad imagie
>the 80-20 rule is bullshit, robots are just trying to justify their own abnormal social life
>slavs aren't white
why though.
What's that rule?
They act like niggers. Every war in Europe since WW2 has involved Slavs and every Slav country is a shithole.
many robots try to beleves they are typical rather than the bottom 0.5% of males and makes up fantisies that most men don't get sex on a reguler basis.
>eugenics is a perfectly sound idea, at the very least all violent criminals should be sterilized.
I'll bite. What about the influence of nature and upbringing?
Fuck Humbolt and any moron who pretends to care about some junior team from assfuck nowhere Saskatchewan.
That's not really a good argument as to why you'd consider slavs nonwhite. You just consider them nonwhite because you don't like them.
White to me means being a part of the superior race more than just coming from Europe. Slavs are clearly genetically inferior to Western Europeans.
Chad's aren't doing anything wrong by being consumerist simpleton faggots who enable psychopaths as long as it's "good pussy". No, retarded fucks are still retarded fucks. "Maybe this bad person is good because they just want to be bad." No. Ignorant fucking normie fucks are dangerous morons. Do you see Chad out there battling censorship, gun control, corruption, world war 3, animal testing, Jewish tech CEO human experiments, world hunger, celebrities, mafias, drug war, taxes used to pay fbi losers who need to create crimes to pay their pensions? No, throughout all human history, the only reason evil was allowed to prosper is because stupid fucks helped out evil fucks. By demoralizing and eventually dethroning Chad and Stacy , still gross, but better people who actually understand what leadership is and would rather evolve than watch Karadashians Asshole Livestream can take over. There is no getting around this and this is the future. Get out of my fucking safe space with your status quo shilling.
>animal testing
>the drug war
you're the simpleton
>white people and their way of life is not in any danger whatsoever
>reading fiction is a poor form of entertainment
>the only thing that matters in life for a healthy person is good looks
>all forms of happiness is built upon the suffering of others
>feminism is the next stage of human evolution
>it's okay for a woman to be stupid
>religious people in the 21st century are cancer
>skyrim is a good game
>no person can fulfill an ideal, everyone is genetically flawed
>if the jews can be fought back, then the illuminati isn't real
>drugs R bad mmmkaaay
this is literally the justification for the "war on drugs"
They ARE bad you brainlet. They turn good people into violent degenerate criminals. Stop reading so much jewish propaganda.
why should you decide what is good and what is bad. morality is subjective, and drugs aren't necessarily bad, and even if they are, who is it for you to say what someone can and can't put into their own body.
I agree. I think eugenics should be applied relative to a persons IQ and appearance, not their behavior (which may be solely caused by their upbringing).
Because degenerates get hopped up on crack and rob, kill, and rape.
what you do not realize is that you are just asleep
as asleep
The age of consent will be lowered/eliminated by 2035
Found the fear mongering faggot.
This is an original test meesscc
Take into account health or you gonna get the most beautiful and intelligent suffering people
Found the sheltered suburban soyboy.
This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just denying reality.
>why should you decide what is good and what is bad
Why not? Is that bad? How can you tell? Who are you to say how I make judgements?
>Every Slav country is a shithole
Poland is very nice.
It's third world compared to the US or Gemany
>It's third world compared to the United States
Most countries are.
Why would you pick a country with as much territory as China and complain that a smaller one isn't up to par with a world-super power?
Singapore is arguably better and is one fucking city
I mean, even Germany has double the labor force of Poland.
It's no wonder they're not as grand as the United States or Germany.
>It has long lasting effects in your mind
>Its addictive
>Its unregulated making the shit even more dangerous
People that take them are extremely retarded anyway, nothing of value is lost.
>A tightly controlled and perfectly planned small city that doubles as a world economic trade hub is better than Poland
That's not surprising.
I was in Houston, and I met a man going to Singapore for Hewlett Packard.
It's a big fat shit.
>chads aren't inherently bad, they are only doing what comes naturally and what most others would do if they could, that's all.
I hold this opinion as well, but beware as it will easily lead into
>roasties aren't inherently bad, they are only doing what comes naturally and what most others would do if they could, that's all,
that will certainly anger many robots. It still is an opinion I also hold, women can't help their nature and shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves.
Nordic countries have a fraction of the workforce Poland has each, and every one of them is a considerably better place to live in than the US (except maybe Sweden).
that reminds me
>alcohol should be illegal
I think you just need to concede that you've got an irrational perspective that is rooted in racial hatred toward Slavs.
Polish people have contributed greatly to mathematics, science, and literature, and they've got a high IQ average of 99 like Germany.
There is literally nothing wrong with Eastern European DNA. You only don't like it because it's not like yours.
>It's better to live here
Please define better.
Last time I checked, single Nordic countries were never a world super power.
doesn't anger us at all silly. many of us would do what chad does if we had his body.
Better for an individual to live in there. Russia and China are a lot more powerful than most or all of northern Europe, but nobody in their right mind would want to live there if they could choose a nordic country instead.
In addition, during the last few years Finland and Norway have been quite consistently found on the top of the "best country to live in" lists compiled by american studies, with Denmark and Iceland usually very close to them.
I'd rather live in China fuck Nord countries
I'm an American, and I would love to live in Finland or Norway, but we're too productive and hellbent on hurting our citizens through forced labor.
I don't mind though.
Financial freedom would fix all your problems and make you a happy person but the average robot is too lazy and stupid to achieve it
Disagree with eugenics, never really saw anyone as having 'bad blood.' Just victims of their circumstances mostly.
Chads aren't bad people, they just usually have an advantage in life that they use. We'd all do that if we could
>animal testing
>world hunger
>drug war
>muh taxes
this is your mind on lolbertarianism
>I take responsibility for my negative feelings and I am not a victim.
Most robots would be sterilized/euthanized
>race realism
>deport all minorities and jews to africa
>Homosexuality illegal
>Trangenderism illegal
>(((International Banking))) banned forever ever
>Israel forced to be multicural
Gen X are worse than baby boomers
(At least where I'm from)
>Unpopular opinion thread
>Better post most popular opinion on the planet
That Slavs are the last bastion of unapologetic white identity. They don't give a fuck how anyone feels they're proud of their culture. I wish we in the West still had that. Carry on Slavs, never let them take it from you.
All pride in race and culture is a hindrance to human progress.
Appearance can be influenced by prenatal factors though.
Being a straight white male in the west/western Europe is life on tutorial level easy mode.
>all religions need to die
>democratic socialism is the best
>white chocolate > black chocolate > milk chocolate
>kebab can stay, I like it (religion still needs to die)
It's unpopular here.
you are a sign of the end times
white is objectively the worst kind of chocolate
Someone explain exactly what is wrong with sterilizing criminals and welfare leeches, or executing violent criminals by hanging? I don't understand what's bad about it. Under the current system decent people have to pick up the slack for retards and scum which just seems idiotic and counterproductive.
>>all religions need to die
>democratic socialism is the best
>kebab can stay, I like it (religion still needs to die)
You're just a typical hypocritical young leftist retard. Just admit it's yourself and other white people you hate, not religion. Your morals are completely skewed.
the rule exists on the casual hook ups scene
hitler was essentially right. he tried to stop the world from becoming a degenerate cess pool
the holocaust wasnt an extermination plan
i like plain potato chips best
>the western world should retain it's ethnic heritage through force if necessary
>race mixing should see the mutt aborted or sterilized if born
That's it. Aside from that I'm a pretty run of the mill moderate lefty.
You don't have to force Israel to be multicultural. Literally just stop US support and the Arabs would flood over them in a matter of course.
here why the percentage is not accurate, but realistic
>losing weight won't get you a girlfriend
Hitler did well during the early years but then he began fucking up by invading and fucked up more and more until it did him in. Which destroyed Europe and with it white hegemony over the planet. And created a power vacuum which was filled by Soviet commies. So in the end he shouldn't be celebrated. We'd all be so much better off right now if Nazi Germany never happened, or at least if they hadn't started aggression.