Depression and Shit

How do you robos deal with the constant suffering that comes with each waking hour?
I really only listen to music and isolate myself in my room and yet it feels like everyday I'm burning alive.

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I listen to this and pretend I'm somewhere else.

Like, flying a combat saucer over a city or some shit.

the mods are being really salty at the moment, this thread probably isn't going to last that long.
>tfw r9k content isn't valued on r9k

that intro track sounds like a mix of Orion (Metallica), Boston, and Queen

I Sit in discord with likeminded individuals and talk about philosophy, religion, reality as a concept, the absolute state of the world, feels, etc.
Listen to music
Microdose to keep some kick in my step

It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. I love you user. Please post some cool music and I will listen to it.

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damn what happened to this board

yea isolation really sucks ass. when i get high and introspect on the fact that i've been relatively isolated for the past two years, i have an extremely mild panic attack.

I can "feel" the walls of my psychological stability starting to form cracks in them because i haven't interacted with alot of people. furthermore, i can visibly see people get weirded out at my lack of affect and facial expressiveness when i interact with them. they'll say something and expect some kind of bright eyed bushy tailed banter back but i just stare at them stone faced until they say something else

here's some of my recent jams

Attached: Another day spent burning alive.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Me too. I kind of feel like just a shell of what I used to be. I just feel empty you know

Debussy is so good. Thank you for sharing this; I'm gonna listen to them all. Please stay positive even if it's only the slightest glimmer.

I don't deal with it. It just stews in my head all day long, in and outside of work. I don't even dabble in drugs or alcohol to numb or forget anything, or have any stress relievers. I'm basically already dead. It's not a matter of IF, but of when i off myself.

same, I just want to turn my brain off, stagnate and rot into my bed

Please don't off yourself man. We'll miss you. Do you have any hobbies besides working?

You have so much untapped potential in that brain. You can create things, you can experience things, you can even break things if that's your jam. Life is so short and ephemeral user. Even if the ride sucks dickballs, atleast try and get your admission out of it.

pharmaceuticals and LSD when I can find it.

I've been losing interest in so many things, all I do is just research and talk to people on discord about politics, religion, philosophy
Isolation is the worst feeling any person could ever endure
So mods let the "become a trap already" threads stay up but this doesn't?

I'm an only child, never been social. My mom is an ass, my dad is cool but he's always at work (my mom stays at home). The one thing that keeps me going are the trips to my grandparents house on Friday where I feel I actually matter and am loved. All it takes is one good thing.

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I just accept it do as much drugs as I can and wait for my final hour

>been in isolation for past year
>suffer from severe depression
>decide to use alcohol as a coping mechanism
>tfw when alcohol is a depressant which makes you over time become even more depressed

I want off this train being in seclusion sucks so much but at least the next time I visit my doctor I can get on Antidepressants, hopefully that will help me more than the booze does

I have no hobbies, and i've always struggled to find or maintain any. I don't know, my brain just doesn't seem to work right. I know the most typical response is to just go find stuff that interests me, but i don't even know what interests me and i feel uncomfortable all the time, even in my own skin. My entire being has basically boiled down being indecisive and doubt towards myself. I don't know what the right answer is, nor can i bring myself to actually try to seek it. I've been depressed for like 10 years now. Maybe i just genuinely want to fall down low enough that i'll finally just do it.

I'm glad your old folks are well for you user, cherish them and tell them you love them back the next time you see them!
Please don't get jewed user, lots of people get given ADs just to have them fuck off for the next patient to enter. Alcohol isn't the answer but blasting your brain with pharma might not be either. Whatever you do please do it safely and don't get too dependent.
Change can come from within user. We all have our breaking points and maybe yours is yet to be found - but please know that it is possible to get out of there, even if your entire brain and being is telling you that's way too bothersome and exhausting to even consider doing; let alone do.

Please be well!

have pretty much nothing left that really interests me. I just sit in my room mindlessly consuming old content and isolating myself while also neglecting all of my uni work. I have pretty much no friends at this point and just distract myself with music.